A new world beginning. (open to all)

((Hello to all! i'm new here and wish to start this little role play if any are interested. please join and entertain =) warning a bit of violence and gore~ apologies ))

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Name: Mina


Description: This is a girl that sticks to herself. Her straight flowing hair is red and she has blue clear eyes. She about 5'4 with nice curves. at one glance people may think she nothing but a sweet girl for the taken in reality, she can be their worse enemy.



Growing up to see nothing more then clear open skies and the greenery nature has to offer appealed to a young girl once until before her eyes everything burned down the moment the war started. it was the first strike, they who did nothing but were outside of the cities defense got the worse of what the war wanted to bring. She sat in carriage, chained with three others. bars at the windows as she looked outside to see the open skies no longer blue like she remembered. she could remember it all. it was nothing more then the trigon(Try-gon) clan, a mixture between trolls crossed with werewolf or capricorn appearance, had set foot into their city. the sky turned blood red, she ran to her house and there was her parents dead with a slit at their throats. she whimper and heard the sound of horse shoes clopping against the dirty and stones. She hid herself but before she could close the door stood a trigon about 6'7 with a sword at hand. he growled at her and continued his stare. She fell to the floor and stared at him putting her hands to her face to protect herself.

"Hmph! Little human...." he said straightening his back.

He took to steps forward and she pushed her body back until she hit the wall. He laughed in delight of her fear. the trigon walked up to her and grabbed her by the neck and examined her.

"hmmm... Little human... you shall be nothing more then a slave now." he said with a grin before dragging her away from her home.

Yes, she could remember it all. Years have passed now she wasn't that little girl anymore, in fact, The trigon has sent her away from field work to the palace which once was the city. She was to be a servant to the heir of the throne. She knew in the city she once called home was changed. any human that was placed in these walls gotta better care but were like mere pets to these creatures for their entertainment, even breeding and selling purposes. In the cart with her were two males and one young girl, it seem they too were hand chosen for the heir also. she knew she would probably be more like a toy for the royals since she was of age and the other two males as well. She kept her mind away and into the woods of the wilds she was once told not to go into. whatever is in there can be ten times better then this hell she was living in... she stood in silence.
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Name: Nivex Aldorf, goes by Vex


Description: Nevix Aldorf is the oldest of three kids. He takes his role as older brother very seriously as his two younger siblings are sisters. He is very laid back but was taught at a young age to work hard and fight for what he wants. He got his nickname from his youngest sister, Abigail because she couldn't quite say his name right.


Nivex stood silent next to the other three people in the cart. He did his best to keep his breathing calm and his mind in the right state. He was angry, yes, but at this point in the war there was nothing he could do about the situation.

He thought about his home and his family. Well, he had hoped he still had a family. He knew for a fact that his father had died in the fight to save his children and wife. Nivex remembered it well. He remembered being shoved under the table roughly by his father who was picked up by his collar and dragged outside by members of the Trigon clan. Nivex used this time to grab his youngest sister who was in a fit of uncontrollable tears and shoved her out the back window. He then raced to go find Sarah, the middle girl and barely made it in time to convince her to leave her treasured collection of tiger-eye rocks. Nivex grabbed their hands and they ran together out into the thick of the woods. He watched in horror as his house went up in flames and as they threw their mother into the back of a carriage to take her somewhere. He looked down at his siblings and met their hopeful scared eyes. He was in charge. But...he was only 13, he couldn't have possibly learned everything he needed to from his dad.

The day he got separated from his sisters he will never forget. The Trygon eventually found them living in an abandoned house. Nivex and his sisters had lived there for awhile living in somewhat peace knowing that the clan had already searched and scoured this area, but they came back. The screams of his sisters vibrate in his ears as they were placed in a different box. Nivex kicked and fought hard but was eventually over taken by the enormous Trygon. With defeat he knelt and was picked up and thrown in the back of a wagon. Silent prayers were sent up to whoever would listen to protect his sisters. "VEX!!!" Abail screamed. "VEX! WE LOVE YOU!" she said and then screamed as a clan member struck her to silent her.

Nivex took a deep breath and coughed back tears that were beginning to well up in his eyes as he remembered those days. But now here he was. He was selected to live in the palace to continue his life as a servant of the heir. He and these other 3 people. His heart sank a bit for the youngest person with them. She looked to be about the same age that Abigail was when he last saw her. As for the other two, well he'd never seen them before. He had no idea who they were or if they knew why they had been chosen. He continued his silent stares and slowly scratched an itch on his wrist that was being scratched by the rope that held his hands together from behind. What ever was to come next, he would never stop fighting. One day he was going to see his sisters again and with any luck, his mother as well.

::I hope that was good enough! Sorry if it was a little long winded.
:) ::
(np i like it =). )

It seemed hours since they've been on the road traveling with only the sounds of chains and horses hooves against stone to comfort them. The area near the wilds were her home was once close by to was long since passed as mist filled the air.

"We're heading through the swamps?" she thought to herself as she glance around outside the window.

Hours passed by, it seem like forever. The night began to grow silent and heavily cold. Mina gazed outside at the stars and soon began to rattle the chains on her foot and the bars of the window. She sighed to herself feeling the carriage stop slowly. No footsteps were heard just the sound of neighing horses that pulled the carriage filled the air before the sound of hard hooves hitting the floor broke the area into silence. The sound grew closer and closer with the clopping sound of hooves. before anyone could say a word the trigon drop a dusty huge rag into the carriage.

"Sweet dreams, pets" The trigon female said with a snort and laugh.

She made her way back to the front and cracked the reins. The horses then took off in high speed with the wind blowing hard into the carriage making the air more freezing then it should be.

"That swine of creature" Mina angrily whispered almost to herself.

She then heard someone clear their throat and quickly glanced at the other passengers. The young girl was shaking uncontrollably while hugging her knees to her body tightly. Mina swore she saw a tear slip from the young girl's face. Pity, she thought, such a young girl heading to the palace of such beasts. Anyone would of thought the same way she did about the young girl, poor girl. Her gaze went to one of the two men who has seemed to clear his voice.

"wh-where are y-you all f-from?" he said shuttering a bit from fear or probably nerves.

"I came from the working fields." Mina stated calmly

"Oh.. then y-you know mo-more of these.."Be-beast"" he replied nervously before he turned to the man sitting next to him.

"and y-you s-sir... wh-where do y-you hail fr-from?" he asked softly but nervously

Mina fixed her gaze on the young man and studied him closely.
He hated the way the Trigon treated them. Who were they anyway? Where did they come from? How could they be stopped? His thoughts of hatred were interupted by the stammering of the other guy.

Nivex looked up and gave a small sigh. He was kind of sad looking and definitely a nervous wreck. He glanced at the girl for a second before responding. "Vex, Nivex Adldof and I'm from over those-" he said pointing towards a rocky ridge. "I...I don't know why I'm here. All I want to do is find what is left of my family," he said sliding down the side to sit. "Hey, you can lean on me and try to get some rest," he said to the younger girl. She slowly made her way towards him and hesitantly laid her head on his shoulder. Nivex sighed.

"What are your names?" he asked. He wasn't sure why he was being so open to these people. For all he knew they would probably be taken from him too.
"o-oh... Hello vex... They call me V-Valance.. Val f-for short" Said the man in trying to cover himself in the giant rag sheets.

He glanced at the red headed girl as she just stared outside absent-minded of the conversation at hand.

"Mina... That was the name given to me by my dead parents." she spoke coldly.

Mina was trying to keep to herself rather then trying to make friends knowing that they might disappear like the others. She's seen what the trigon does to the humans they have no use for anymore. Her best friend was one. Such a small injure to the leg that could've heal up about a week with right care but the trigon master did not even give it a chance. he had her diced up as food for other creatures. They made their busy with far off places which include orces, elves and other races that felt the need to make an alliance with the fearsome tyrants. She let out a sigh. Valance shuffled a bit before relaxing his nervous a bit.

"Soo... Does anyone know why we were hand picked to go into the main city of the trigons?" he said finally calming his nervous.

"hmph.. we're being sent to the palace to server as dogs for the king, queen and their "heir". It seems they lack variety for pets in the today's world." Mina said sarcastically with a hint of anger.

The trigon spoke out in her language. mina looked outside and saw the gates to the city. The giant black iron gates has symbols written in their language with art work of trigons killing what seems like humans. Giant gems decorated the seal on the gates in four colors, ruby red, sapphire, emerald, and cat-eyes. The trigon guard snorted holding his pike up and stomping it to the floor.

"Pass through, malanaya" he said in english.

"I guess we're in the city now.." mina said while narrowing her eyes.
Nivex kept his gaze steady as he listened to Val speak. He wondered what he had seen in his life that had made him so sciddish and nervous? Was this really his personality? And then there was Mina. She definitely had been though some pretty rough stuff to have her attitude. We all had. The younger girl hadn't spoken much, but at least she had stopped shivering. Nivex laid his head on top of the young girls.

"I have no idea why we're here. I wish they would have just left me in the mines. It wasn't perfect, but it's probably better than whatever we have to do. I heard the same thing, Mina. I hear that those who come in here, rarely come back. And if they do, they're not the same. They're their puppets, slave puppets. This guy I worked along side said that they would make them do things that are...normally kept private...in front of them. It's awful." Nivex's eyes looked to his surroundings again and noticed that they were slowing down. We must be getting close,he thought.

The creaking sounds of a giant gate opening confirmed Nivex's assumption. There was some words exchanged and the carriage continued forward. Nivex gently nudged the young girl to wake her. He didn't want her to be off her guard. It was always best to be ready for anything. "I think we're in the city now," he said.

She slowly opened her eyes that were red and swollen from crying. "Thanks." she whispered. "I'm Grace, by the way," she quietly said scooting over.

"Vex," he said nodding in her direction. He would normally shake her hand or something, but he was tied.

:Hope it's okay I spoke for her. If you don't like the name you can change it. ::
"Ah, those mine stories are always the main interest. You never come back because you stay on the palace.. my co-workers speak of the fancy food offered to pets of the royals.... I had a friend go there... a year ago..she sent letters through birds that would wonder about and with a bit of control on her part we began to use them. you see she's the grand seer of the trigon. She would help those in the palace or the "palace pets" with food and other matters." mina said catching vex's and Val's eyes.

"i recall those night were I use to sneak outside of the camp yards and walk around the fields in search of things of use. sadly to say trigons clean the area of all human existence. its almost as if humans just landed here with them as slaves but of course none of the new generation would know what free is by now." She continued while looking down at her hands.

"What of you two? you seem of age as the trigon say." Mina shifted her body to face all of them.

"W-well... I'm 25 year of age and i can still taste c-cool spring water in my mouth." Val said a bit strongly.

"The waters are now filled with dirt of the trigons own doing." mina said coldly.

The carriage pulls to a rough halt and the stomping or hooves come from outside. The trigons exchanged words with one another before the door to the carriage was unlocked and the knob began to twist slowly. Val hid under the blankets afraid of what would come through the doors. Mina narrowed her eyebrows to the door that shook and shift trying to open.

(that's good lol i don't mind. just fit it the best you can so far you're an interesting writer =) pleased to meet you~)
"I'm 24," Nivex responded trying his best to stand up without using his hands. "I remember very well our life before all this. This is not the life I once loved. This is a nightmare. People should have not have this as their norm. But then again...maybe it's better so that they don't miss the 'once was' feeling as they look around their beloved land. I have some of the fondest memories just laying in the grass as my sisters would run and giggle around me. My favorite time was when Lucky, our dog, would chase after Sarah. She would laugh and laugh! Er, but enough about that..." Nivex quickly said as he felt the pain in his chest tighten. Though, he was also glad at the same time that the conversation led him to remember the good times. It helped fuel his fire of desire to put all this misery to an end.

"This is...almost normal for me," Grace said so quietly it was almost a whisper. "Though, I also knew deep down that this could not possibly be the way it was supposed to be. We're not meant to suffer so much," she whimpered and closed her eyes tight squeezing out tears. She then gave a big sigh and continued. "But...this is life now, isn't it?" she said looking up at Nivex and the others. She was looking for something that she very much lacked; strength.

Nivex shook his head. "This is not it. I'm going to the palace for a reason. I don't know what yet, but I have an idea it's to get the bringing down of the Trigon started and with any luck...finished." Nivex boldly said staring Grace right in the eye. It was his promise to her and his sisters.

As the carriage stopped quickly Nivex bumped roughly into Mina. "I'm sorry, I uh--" Nivex grumbled as he awkwardly leaned away. He held his breath as the door was about to be opened.

::Haha, thanks. You too. I enjoy how consistent and quick you are. It makes it more interesting and fun::
Mina shrugged the contact vex made to her and looked at him before sighing.

"It's alright" she said and at that moment the door flew open.

Stand outside the iron door that shut the carriage was what looked like a capricorn. he stood about 5'10 with snow white hair and wore a rather unusual overcoat. His clear blue eyes pierced through all their eyes to their very minds. He chuckled and put his walking stick down in front of him.

"Why welcome to the royals humble home, new-lings" he said in a soothing voice.

"Please, step this way." He grinned as he moved aside, pointing his stick to the area behind him.

"I'll go ahead..." Mina whispered to vex before getting up and gently pulling grace behind her protectively so that she might not wonder first into the unknown light.

Mina took the first steps off and felt the grass and dirt on her feet. she almost missed how grass felt when it once grew naturally around her house. she looked up to see a giant lawn illuminated by lit by street lamp candles in, what almost seemed to be, different colors. her eyes wondered off into the distance and spotted an enormous castle that almost seem to glow with the lighting of the candles. it seem almost... human at first glance. The capricorn pointed his stick at mina and moved her hair from her eyes with a grin.

"Well! My My My.. such a young girl but of age.. i wonder what the prince has in store for his first pet." He chuckled lightly and examined her closely.

"Indeed! The eyes are a must have for any future pet.. the face is slim but still rather Pretty." he said in a ruff accented voice as he smirked.

Mina narrowed her eyebrows at the capricorn who just chuckled again to her reaction. He tapped her shackle once and its vanished into thin air but before she could even think twice of attacking he snapped his fingers and a collar formed around her neck almost robbing her of air. She coughed trying to breathe and pulled at the collar.

"And that, my dear, is so you learn your place rather quickly. You shall lose air or even receive a heavier punishment" He said with another light chuckle.

She fell to her knees trying to catch her breath before the pain just stopped all in one shot. her breath was back to normal as she quickly tried to gain the air she had lose a few minutes ago.

"What in the world is going on?" she thought to herself.

"Come, come, who's next?" The capricorn said in a good humor.

((Jejeje, well that's good. How was your day today? if you don't mind me asking. (= ))
It took everything in him to not jump out on the evil monster. He watched in silence as the clasp went around her neck. His pulse raced and he felt his face getting hot. He placed a hand on the shoulder of Grace. She was next. He pushed her behind him in a split second decision.

"No, no, no! No cuts! You! Back in line!" the Capricorn said gruffly and reached behind Nevix and grabbed Grace by the hand.

"Let me go!" she whined and stomped her foot on his. He laughed loudly and threw her to the ground.

"Look at her! She will be entertaining indeed! Too bad she's premature meat."

Grace cringed and stood up slowly and straightened her back. She stared in square in the eye.

"How cute. She's so brave. NEXT!" he shouted and shoved Grace into Mina.

Nivex formed his hands into fists and walked out further to meet the Capricorn. He stared back at him trying to show no emotion, unless it was that he was not scared of him.

"Yes...you. Well we have plans for you, don't you worry. Such a strong and handsome young thing... You would definitely be a prize. You and that one," he said moving his head towards Mina and giving a nasty toothy smile.

Nivex's eyes narrowed and he let out a small sigh. He needed to remain calm. He was not afraid of these creatures.

:: I don't mind at all! It has been pretty good. I am glad for this site and awesome roleplays to help me get through the last weeks of this semester! How are you?::

:: Oh, sorry. Just realized that you said it was a Capricorn. My bad. I kept calling it a Trigon. I fixed it though. :) ::
(( oh, no no, you're correct they are called trigons but they have some allies with capricorns in this war that are only seen in the city. i guess you can say their rather mixed in a way, hehe.))

Mina glanced at vex then at grace and giving a displeased look once her gaze reached the capricorn. She knew what the capricorn meant but surely she would be gone before they even decide to do such things. she stared at the carriage knowing the last one was the nervous wreck valance. Val popped his head out almost terrified.

"Y-You know Wh-what i think i t-took the wrong carriage.. i'll be closing the d-door now.." he said nervously

but as the door almost closed the capricorn's walking stick slamed into it. He grinned wider and opened the door again.

"Tsk. Tsk. None sense , this is your last stop dear sir" he cooed softly.

"You're a welcome guest and i am your humble host. please step outside and walk around your new home!" he said with a fake humble smile.

Mina stood up with shaky legs. she felt herself almost fall again from the new decoration around her neck. She only hated the trigon and capricorns even more with a passion. She stubbornly stood straight up. Her blue eyes stared at the castle knowing there they will meet their new "master". it has to end, and fast. With time growing short they needed to escape before things got worse. Val was frighten by the grinning capricorn and noticing this the capricorn used his stick to pull out val onto the outside floor. Val grunted as he hit the floor roughly and rushed to his feet to hid behind vex.

"I-if you say s-so" he said nervously, afraid of what might happen.

(( My day was good today, finally got my tablet to draw a few characters. Pulling through my few last weeks to start my next semester with media classes. hopefully stress won't come along with them. hehe.))
Nivex kept his hands on Grace's shoulders as they walked further into the city.

"What else do you know about this place?" Nivex whispered to Mina. "I mean, you're the one with the inside to here. You have a friend here, right?" Nivex could feel Grace's shoulders shaking and he knew she had begun to cry again. He squeezed them gently trying to reassure her. What is this place? All around him big buildings rose. There were bright lights and lots of commotion. He wasn't sure what he was looking at. It was so different from where he was from. "Do you know if we get to stay together? Who goes where? What will be some of our duties? I kind of have to go to the bathroom. I wish I knew more about this place..." Nivex was beginning his nervous ramblings. He did it when he was nervous and when he didn't know what else to do.

::Sorry for the short post. I am having a bit of a block. Plus, I'm not quite sure what you had in mind for the surroundings and I don't want to completely change it. Lol. I am good with following other's ideas and I don't normally like to take over in something such as a setting. :)

That's so cool that you can create your own characters. Looks like you're talented in a variety of ways. ::
((The idea i had in mind was the characters would be apart of the prince's pet line. They realize there is a way out and try to escape. upon being successful the trigon gets alerted and goes out looking for them and placing wanted adds for the four missing humans. They, in turn, try to set up rather an army with alliances that could help them, but as for the ending i'm not sure what twist and turns i can use to make it seem different. I don't mind you using some inside to form areas around, since i pretty much use the surrounding and create from them too. but if you have any ideas, just let me know =). Thank you. i wish there was some way of posting them on here but sadly it seems i can't.))

Mina glanced at vex and nodded.

"My friend does live here among these beast. She's quite the "prize" they say and because of it they never lost a single war. as for the other questions.. it would seem we shall stay close together, until the deciding takes place. The prince shall pick from us who he desire for what purpose but that's all i know for now. my friend didn't exactly write a book on their behaviors." she whispered back carefully avoiding the capricorn's ears.

The mischievous Capricorn pranced around in delight down the lighted streets. He whistled and almost out of nowhere guards came at the sides around the group together to walk towards the steps of the castle. The capricorn chuckled and turned around.

"This is the rich distracted, only the rich resides here." he said with a joyful smile.

"Even for our own kind we must have restrictions to where one can live and shop." He said and continued to walk forward.

The lights were everywhere, almost bright enough to blind the sight of any faces, stores and even buildings. Eyes from the shadows were watching them in curiosity as the guards ex-courted them towards their destination. Mina shrugged the feeling off and continued looking forward. "Damn these lights!" she thought to herself as she almost stumbled on the cobble street. The sound of large clopping hooves were heard along with unfamiliar stomping of what seemed like dog feet from the crowds of trigons staring. At that moment she witnessed another kind of trigon. Its head was held high and almost upright. his body contained blue-ish sliver hair and as mina stared carefully she noticed it was a rather werewolf appearance. She twitched a bit back as the large teeth of the trigon became noticeable as he held his lance straight up.

"Why have you dare bring humans to this part of town?" He questioned the capricorn.

"Why, my good sir, these are the prince's gift. See, for today is his birthday." cooed the Capricorn.

The rather large trigon grunted and moved aside.

"Very well." He said before slamming his lance to the floor, opening the gate that was now, noticeable from the darkness the light have caused.

By this point Val would have probably fainted if it wasn't for the guard right behind him pushing him forward every five seconds.

"Wh-Wh-what is th-this place?? He asked nervously and frightened.

"Why. its your new home, dear pet" the capricorn said patting val's head before moving forward into the gates to the large steps.

They walked up the steps and as they made it up to the top mina noticed large blue door for the entrance. the design on the door were two trigons holding what seemed like a crown as it shined with light made out of actual gold.

"This is the beginning of a new life for you all" the capricorn said with a jester smile.

"come come" he said as he pushed them all through the door and sealed it behind them.

There they were standing in front of a giant hall with blue carpets. The walls were marble and on them were paintings of what seemed like previous rulers. The decorated halls were then blocked from their sight by a giant werewolf-ed trigon.

"Greetings, pets." he said in a monotone voice.

Mina nodded and kept to herself while val hid behind her.
Grace surprisingly began to relax some as they continued their walk. Nivex on the other hand, started to get more worried. He concentrated on his feet making sure not to stumble on the uneven cobblestone. He listened close to what Mina was saying trying to sort it all out in his head and make some sense. He still didn't understand. Maybe it made some sense that they would call for people himself, Val and Mina...but to have Grace be here. She was so young. What could they possibly want with her? The lights got brighter and the stares more intense the more they walked. It was almost like they had never seen a stranger before. How rare was it to be brought into the kingdom? Suddenly they were confronted with a different creature. How many possible versions of them were there?! Nivex held his breath as the creature questioned their presence. They're peppy guide talked his way through it and they were permitted to pass.

Walking up some steps Nivex began to notice that their surroundings were changing. It got a little fancier and if you could even think it...a bit homey. They approached a large blue door. Nivex stopped in his place for a moment. It was the exact blue of his mother's eyes, which matched his. A calm warmth flooded through him and Nivex probably for the first time since he was thrown in the back of the carriage...felt alright.

It it weren't for the uncertainty of it all, this place was rather attractive. He was quietly admiring the art work and the marble.

"Vex, I'm still scared," Grace whispered and tugged on his shirt. Nivex turned to her and grabbed her hand. He squeezed it gently and looked her in the eyes.

"We'll get through this." He stated with a sincere look. Grace nodded and leaned into him.

At the sound of the voice Nivex looked up. I'm no one's pet, he thought.

::Thanks for the info! Hope your weekend is going well!::
((Sorry for the late reply. had somethings to do during the weekend and how was yours?))

The giant Trigon turned his back towards the group and started moving ahead into the hall.

"Follow me, please" he said in a polite monotone voice as he walked further down the halls.

Mina kept her distances as she looked around, if her life was in danger or in a worse scene then she would said how she admired the artworks itself. She could almost feel at home in the comfort the castle seemed to offer but she shook the thoughts of her head. "i won't be just another pet to these creatures." she thought to herself. Val just moved slowly behind mina still nervous and afraid of everything that was happening. his eyes moved left to right looking at all the corners of the hall and its walls, he felt himself relax almost insistently.

"how odd" he thought to himself as his body felt very relaxed and at home.

"This isn't so bad" he though to himself almost smiling at the feeling.

Mina continued to move forward until they reached yet another blue door. She glanced over at val and noticed the smile on his face and though how odd it was before glancing over at vex and grace. She gave them a questioning look to see if they felt anything or would response to it. The trigon pushed the door open and moved to the side.

"They a-await your P-presences in the room." He said almost as if he couldn't speak properly anymore.

Mina looked inside the white room. The room was huge with a color pattern of blue and gold on the flags that hung from the handles attached to the walls. she stared off to the windows that had bits of lights coming through them. The glass had stained colors splattered on them and right in front of the glass were two trigons and their huge golden thrones. The male trigon stood up on his hooves and stared at the humans while picking up his staff.

"Ah, these must be my son's pets... Come come here and let me take a look at you all." he said.

The queen stood up curious to see the new "pets". Mina grunted and walked forward with val who seemed to be smiling happily until he was face to face with the king and queen. The queen smiled at them and bowed her head.

"what are your name?" She asked as she glanced at each of them then the king.

"mina" she said smoothly

"V-valance" Val said nervously as he almost tripped on his own to feet.
::Hey! Sorry it's been forever since I last posted. It's finals week on campus and everything is so stressful. But I wanted to quickly post to let you know I am still here! I hope that your week has been good so far. :) ::

Nivex glanced at Mina and gave a small smile. If he had to be in a place like this, at least there was someone who was nice to look at. He quickly shook that thought from his mind and silently cursed himself for letting his emotions begin to take over. He needed to be in a clear state of mind in order to figure out a way out of here. As they approached another door he noticed that their guide began to tense up. He found this odd. Suddenly they were in a large white room and in the presence of another Trigon. This one appeared different though, seemed more like it was near the top of this food chain. Suddenly we were introducing ourselves.

"Oh, uhm, I would have thought you knew who we are since you're the once that summoned us...but sure. I'm Nivex Aldorf." he said staring the creature straight in the eyes. He was not going to show fear if he could help it.

"Grace," she squeaked out. Nivex reached for Grace's hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

::Block D: Sorry! My brain is so fried. Heh::
(( Its ok, same has been happening with me, hehehe. So don't worry about it. My week has been alright a bit needy though. I need a vacation soon. Hopefully yours goes smoothly. It might take me a bit to reply if that's ok with you. =) ))

The Queen stared at vex and tilted her head slightly in a questioning way.

"Ah, human we don't know you by name only your previous owners know them. They simply put you up to for sell.. if that's a more simple word to say. She said in fluent english.

It was unusually that trigons would even learn english to communicate with humans but no surprise it came from the royals. Mina kept her head held high as you stared at the king and queen. Val's eyes kept moving avoiding the royals as he looked for a place to hide. The king stared at all of them carefully almost studying their appearance and behaviors in glance. He move his staff and pointed it at mina while looking to his queen.

"This human seems quite pretty.... mina? that's the name, right?" He asked looking at mina.

She's nodded and curiously stared at them both.

"She would be perfect for another pet, if we decide to breed her later on." The queen said to the king and he nodded in agreement.

Mina felt chills on her back from the simple thought of being bred for fun. Her expression was showing clearly across her face, how much she was shocked and disgusted with the idea. Val noticed and gave a nervous grin before moving himself behind vex.

"I'm such a coward...." he said in a whisper to almost no one.

Mina couldn't move or even think of anything, her eye twitched a bit before she recollected herself and narrowed her eyes. She stared as the queen stepped down to stand in front of vex almost towering above him. She smiled in delight, and nodded to the king. Mina Stared at them both and question herself if she missed something during shock.

"Indeed these humans are quite interesting." The queen said to her king.

"Razu, take them to the servant chambers and make sure to put they young girl in the schooling one." The king said looking at them then notices val.

"AH! this one.. put him in the training area.. He needs to shake those nerves. its not good for breeding until he's proper and to the best. Make sure Maya has him shaped up." He said as he dismissed them all.

The large Trigon glared at them all and snapped his finger, before you know it two wolf like guards came in and began to separate the group. Mina was being pushed into another hall along side of vex. while the other two were being walked elsewhere.

((sorry again for late reply))
((Hi, wondered If I might be okay to join but didn't want to just jump straight in or anything, heres my character.

Name: Flo


Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Species: Naiads; A Greek type of water spirit that lives in small lakes, etc. Whilst in water they are completly soluble and can reshape themselves, add water to their mass, etc, but outside of water they appear human but with a waterfall of hair. Generally live in peace without bothering other species, but (if it's alright) there considered a rare prize for Trigons to keep as pets etc. Outside of water they can turn into a puddle to avoid harm, but if any water is lost when they reform they will have much less mass unless they can find a new source of natural fresh water.

Appearance: Wears simple clothes, has a faint blue tinge to skin and has flowing water for hair which matches the colour of their source water (In this case; the sort of colour a fresh water spring is.)

Thought I could join either as a pre existing Trigon slave you two meet while there, or a sort of semi slave the trigons keep whos supposed to be a freindly face to make the slaves more accepting of their fate, tell them its not so bad etc, but is really just as much of a slave as they are, could be a bit of inside help, but If thats not how your trigons operate, thats cool.))

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