We're All Mad Here!
There were constant black clouds swirling around hogwarts, it was as though the sky was upset. For those inside, it was a gloomy place, the teachers that they loved had been forced to flee because of a New Dark Power that had risen over the past summer. What replaced their cheerful teachers was a line of men and women dressed in varying shades of grey and a woman stood in the middle, her bright blue robes making her stand out as she spoke to the student body.
"This year you will be taught dark magic, those of you who resist will be punished and those of you that excel may join my ranks." She said, her voice higher pitched and almost squeaky, "For Now though enjoy the feast."
"This year you will be taught dark magic, those of you who resist will be punished and those of you that excel may join my ranks." She said, her voice higher pitched and almost squeaky, "For Now though enjoy the feast."