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Fantasy A New King (On hold)


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The worldOld scriptures tells us the tale of all this land, while no one knows exactly when or who wrote it, the story of men was divided in ages, each given a name based on what had happen at that time...

The age of gods: Is the time of creation of the world, when there was nothing but the primordial entities. (Billions of years ago)

The age of horror: The gods created all the lands and it´s creatures, but together with those, elder gods with twisted desires created terrible beings, the wrecked destruction across the land and the humans that were created by a merciful goddess suffered. (Millions of years ago)

The age of heroes: Seeing the humans, such fragile and innocent creatures at that time, angered the gods, they showed humans how to kill the horrors, use their blood to fill the land with magic and give them power to fight back, heroes rose up among humanity to fight back and free the lands of this fate. It´s said that this is what corrupted the soul of men, as they were perfect in the past, while the blood of the beasts gave them power to shape their own destiny, it also brought upon them the seven sins of humanity, creating war and cruelty in those who were weak minded. (Millenia's ago)

The age of men: The age of men came after the heroes pushed the beasts out of the world, forever trapped among the stars, humans were now free to roam the lands and build a civilization. The heroes themselves, tainted by the blood of creatures eventually gave birth to other races that were direct reflection of the gods, such as Elves, Dwarfs, Halflings and the many others. (Centuries ago)

The age of kings: The current age. After men roamed the lands, they started settlements with those like minded to themselves, the settlements became villages, the villages cities, the cities kingdoms, civilization advanced in many aspects but in many ways it´s started to look at the past as if it was just a tale, some questioning if it had even happened at all, forgetting the sacrifice of the heroes before them. (Current age)

Current date: 156° Year of kings, The last day of autumn.

The fight for the throneAfter an era of stagnation and quiet a new soul raises up to bend the destiny of the world forever.
Our tale takes place at the kingdom of Hullen, surrounded by a chain of mountains known as The Dragon´s Jaw, the kingdom itself is built inside the valley at foot of those mountains, has a advantage point when considering defense and natural resources. There a madman known as Leo Dinos rose to power too young, made a general by his father, he fell into the hands of the nobles, the gave him luxury to become friends and use his power, as the previous king died, Leo took his place, with a twisted mind he ruled as a tyrant over the kingdom for years to come, until his eventual death.

Now, a bastard soon rose up to take his place...

  • Here´s a quick view in the characteristics of the kingdoms and the land:
    • The far North realms are in a desert, well known for the trading caravans and their wealth, as well as their knowledge in medicine and alchemy;
    • Dertrestan is a realm of warriors, currently ran by a queen since her husband the king has become ill and remains in bed;
    • Mirtrent is the realm of wisdom, the ones who value knowledge above all else, although magic is a complicated and a rare phenomena, citizens of this realm are quite familiar with it´s practice, it´s said that the place is ran by a powerful "wizard";
    • Mondsey is a costal city, were you´d find a very traditional culture, they value sailing and tradition above all else and are the largest sea power in the continent as well as the most diverse in race;
    • Liryi is a sacred land, said to be the place of final rest to the hero's that freed humanity in the past, no one dares to set foot there;
    That´s Iland, the main continent, a few days of travel get´s you to Landba, a twin continent where it´s said that magic run in it´s wildest form, beasts roam free and your nightmares become reality.Extra.png

    The day of your name​

    (This is an extra just to increment the RP experience, if feels too confusing you don´t need to use it)
    Many here say that the day of your name, also know as the day of your birth, can dictate much about one´s personality and tastes. Specially based on the season, the change of seasons is said to happen when the the land moves across the infinity dark among the stars, eventually it will stand too close to a god they change the behavior of the world itself, that way creating the seasons.
    While the personality of one person is very dependent of the world around them, the seasons do have a meaningful impact on it.

    Winter > Logical, calculist
    Spring > Emotional, kind
    Summer > Emotional, strong willed
    Autumn > Logical, dreamer

    With that we have also the subdivisions on each of the seasons.
    And then the sub divisions are:

    Early: The main traits of the previous season are very clear, mixed with those of the current season in a mild manner.
    Mid: The traits of the current season are usually totally apparent with very little changes in behavior.
    Late: The main line of traits is from the current season, and the traits of the next season is mixed in a mild manner.

    For example:
    • A late winter kid would value logical thinking the most but still be somewhat kind.
    • A mid summer child would be emotional and strong willed, stubborn, with their personality not going to far from this to any other side.
    • An early autumn kid would be more emotional and strong willed and would be also a bit of a dreamer.


    Magic does exist in this land, although it´s not anything fantastic and easy to make.
    Enchantments come in the form of glyphs, rare magical materials and the channeling of mystic energy into one's body, while scholars, priests and some races like Elves can channel magic more easily, it´s still not something really common that takes years of study and dedication to achieve.

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