[The Realms] The Grand Tower of Babylon


That Guy with the Face

The Grand Tower of babylon is a massive structure, much taller then any other so that its king may look over his lands and observe the events that plague it. From his throne room in the grand tower the King of babylon may overlook the entire city, further more it also acts as a heavily fortified fortress for witch to protect its great king.

General Information

Name: Samual Ab Dal Ahd

Gender: Male

Race: Deus

Age: 32


Visual Appearance:

Physical Appearance:

Samual stands 6'1, with an athletic build, but still very skinny, he has a powerful jaw, long white hair and Bright Shining white star like Eyes.

Personality Information

Likes: Things to be boring, Boring is good, boring means that his people are safe. Flowers, beutiful plant life, exotic animals, fruit, sweet things. Walking threw the City and observing its beauty.

Dislikes: Bandits, witches, beasts, criminals, people who upset his nations peace.

General Personality: Samuel Is quick to temper, and often acts without thinking, he is however compassionate and will take pity on the weak.


Stuff: Miscellaneous jewelry, gold crown.

Equipment: Royal Robes (Arabic design) gold cepter with a wooden haft, and bronze bands.

Money: He the freaking king, hes got all the money in the nation...


Racial Powers:

Can Sense magic:

Magical Infusion:

Natural Atunment to Spirit Magic:

Unique Powers:

Minor Spirit Magic: Samual was a Witch Hunter before he took over as king from his father and so Is capable of preforming Minor Spirit magics as all Witch Hunter can.

Infusion Mastery: Part of Witch Hunter training is Mastering Ifusion, and so he is very well adept at infusing his magics into weapons and items as traps and what not.


Spirit Bolt Minor:

Spirit Bolt is basically a direct attack on ones Spirit, the minor version that the Witch Hunters Use is little more then a short range pain enduser, to a full grown man it will only occupy them for a few seconds giving the wielder enough time to preform a more Debilitating move. However to small animals, children and sick and lame it can be more Debilitating.

Spirit Drain: This attack is primarily used against mages, the attack is used to drain a mages magical strength from them making it difficult for them to cast spells:

Sap Strength:

By Touching their opponent the user can temporarily sap the persons strength the person would effectively feel as if they were sick and all their strength had been sucked from them. It generally act as a way to subdue an apponent so they can be brought in alive.

Damaging Ward:

Using his Infusions he can create a Ward that Damages people who cross it,

Passivisation Ward:

Using his Infusions He can create a ward that will temporarily parylise any one who crosses it.

Healing ward:

As actual healing magic is a little more complex and would require a More disciplined mind, the minor healing wards that proxy for healing magic that the Witch hunter are taught generally act well enough to help keep themselves alive.

Call forth Spirit: Witch hunters can call forth the Spirits of the dead for a short period of time to help aid them in traking down those they hunt. This however is a more consuming power and is usually only used as a last resort as it Does Incure the hunger.

Excelent Melle Combatant, Samual Has had many years of training with the melle weapons and so is incredibly effective in melle combat.

Archery training: All Witch hunters spend time learning archery and samual is no exception, he is proficient with the use of bows and arrows.


Class: Witch Hunter

Job: King Of Babylon

Legend: As you roleplay you will achieve a number of accomplishments, whether you fail or succeed. List them here.

Rank: 1

Character's History

History: Samual was born into the role of king, the title being passed down threw his families lineage. His early Days were spent with private tutors learning to read and right as well as his duties required to take over as king from his father one day, his free time was spent learning the ways of swordsman ship as well as archery. When he turned 16 his father sent him to join the witch hunters, He protested this of coarse, but his father told him that in order for one to properlly learn to lead he must first learn to follow. His days in training were spent being abused by his superiors believing him little more then a spoiled rich kid, and for the most part he was. His early years as a witch hunter were spent in spite of his Superior officer who constantly were chastising him, witch he resented because he felt that low blood sutch as them had no right to order a Prince around. It wasnt until one of his missions to hunt down a group of witch had gotten a pregnant woman killed that he realized what his officer were trying to tell him. He'd seen dead civilians in his line of work, but something about her dying in front of him that made him realize this. If hed listened to his Superiors that woman would have survived, and that was about the point he realized what his father told him about learning to follow. After that he spend another 4 years in service to the Witch hunters before his father fell ill, and so he took over as King.

Leader Bonuses

Insight- Reduces the time it takes to research new techs.

Organization- Allows the research of multiple techs, or reforms without a time penalty.
The town of Karbala has seen a shot of violence recently; stores and homes are being damaged as a result. The Town Guard have been unable to contain the violence on their own, but a handful of adepts-in-training, as well as a number of resident adepts and experienced (if over-the-hill) magic users have chipped in to give the guard a break in this regard. Some critics of magic users are skeptical of the magic users' contributions, while advocates are stating that this shows that Babylon has an inordinate suspicion of magic users.
We will Deploy A group of 40 Witch hunters to the area to help Quell the Violence.

The King will make the following statement as a reminder to his people.

The Council of Magis purpose is not to oppress magic users, but merely to insure those who practice its art receive proper training and discipline in its use, as well as a healthy respect for its power. It is merely a safety measure to insure that the atrocities of the past do not repeat themselves. I do not condone the mistreatment or oppression of Magic users within the Empires Borders.
This event has shown the upper echelons how the lower classes have misinterpreted Empire policy and perceptions. Babylon has little literacy and few writings of its own. Babylon does not have its own writing system, and its language is only known as being spoken. Everything is through word of mouth, and 'Register magic users' has translated into a suspicion and fear of them for the citizens.
hmm, well for the time being Put some of my most learned Adepts from the circle of Magi to work Developing a written language, at the very least it will allow them a more efficient way of storing information and passing knowledge down threw the generations. From their Ill do more work later.

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