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Realistic or Modern A Mythical Creature Roleplay


the Silent
I have found that I, Elionza Drakensong, are half-human half-myth. Drawing blood from myself to check on my health, I found small animal cells; in finding this, I was thrilled, yet frightened. With adrenaline coursing through my veins at the thought, I attempting to test this out, to make sure I was right.

After many days of practice, I have learned to control this.

I had set up a camera, then took a picture of me, then my myth form; I formed them together and this came out:


I am willing to gather all half-human/half-myth's together and form a group, or tribe if you will. If you wish to join me, dear myths, please do not feel pressured or feel that you have to do this. I will notify you, the Myth base is NOT easy to find, you must really be ready to see me in order to find it; keen senses of everything will be needed to find it, Hearing, Sight, Smell, Touch, Taste, anything relatively. But basically saying, only Myth's are allowed to find it, due to their excellent sense that were keened upon this "mutation".


Ready to fight alongside their commander against the "evil" Humans who want to rid of their very existence through experiments. Your job is to prepare yourself, group up, and rid the world of Humans.


You are to gather up armed forces, stay together and prepare for a long and hard war ahead. If a scientist, please keep into a lab all together, ready to take samples and try to figure this half-human half-myth creation out.

Waterfall: Inside


Waterfall: Outside


Mansion: Entrance


Sea: West-Side of Waterfall


1)No cussing/swearing/cursing allowed

2)No unnecessary actions(Over-the-top "love")

3)Have Fun!
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Elionza groaned, lifting her head slightly yet just as quickly it fell back down with a yelp from her. She winced then rubbed her neck slowly, once more trying to rise up, 'Success!' she proclaimed in her thoughts. 'Another morning... Any other Myths? I'd love to say "Hi!"' She quickly dressed herself and awaited for arrival of Myths, if any were to pass by her little lair. The lair was draped with moss on the outside, hidden behind a waterfall; therefore difficult to find unless you had keen eyes or a keen sense of smell, furthermore, you had to be a Myth to find it.
Aideen soared throughout the sky, circling the area the lair was located in. "I can sense the lair nearby, but... where?" She thought, continuing to fly about the grassy mountain is search of the building. There wasn't much there, a waterfall, some moss... her reasons behind even coming here were unknown. She wasn't forced to come, so why had she? Maybe in search of some adventure of some sort."Why am I even doing this? I don't even care about the war... it's completely pointless." she thought silently to herself, continuing to circle the mossy walls and examining the waterfall. There was a forest surrounding them, a small one, but it was still there. Aideen was about to give up on the search and head home, when she caught sight of something small shining in the moss.

Aideen flew up closer towards the object, spying a small window pane. The plants had grown almost entirely over it, leaving only a very small area of the window exposed and shining in the sunlight. "Is that a window?..." she thought, continuously flying around the area in search of other signs of the lair.
Eli shifted her position, turning towards the plant/mossed-over window until she saw an eye before it vanished. 'A Myth! No one else has ever found this but Myths! I can sense the "mutation" on her; of course!' She thought before stepped outside, rummaging the moss a little to help the woman. She then quickly ran back inside, the moss/vines swinging violently to give away the lair. 'I haven't had company in a long time.'


Roger had been away with the Armed Forces for about a year now, searching for Myths. Cece was in her research lab with a few other scientists.
It was night, Cera sat on her bed inside her room, sketchbook on her lap and pencil into her hand. She was totally lost into her drawing, it took her mind of things and relaxed her. About an hour earlier she got into a big fight with her mother, and she just wanted to forget. Cera let out a sigh as she gazed at her drawing on her lap, but as she stared at it a sadness filled her body. She put dawn the sketchbook before she raised to her feet, maybe some music would cheer her up. Cera was halfway her room as she heard a voice call out to her.

“Cera! Come down!” Cera heard her mother call, Cera let out a unwilling sound as she walked to her door, what did she want? Couldn’t she just leave her alone as she normally did. Cera opened her door as she walked down the stairs, and into the living room. Her parents were sitting on the big couch as they looked at her, they had placed a chair in front of them.

“Sit down.” Her father told her as he signed at the chair in front of them. “We need to talk.” Cera unwillingly walked over to the chair as she sat down on it, she wasn’t in the mood to talk, but they seemed to have this serious expression on their faces, so it must be important. A silence followed as no word was said, it was her father that eventually broke the silence.

“You see…” He began as he looked up at her, deep into her eyes. “There is something we need to tell you, and we think you are old enough to know.” He then said as yet again a silence followed. Uninterested Cera let out a deep breath as the silence took way to long for her feeling, she raised to her feet and began to walk away.

“If you two aren’t going to say anything then I’m going to my room, call me when you two can talk again.” Cera said curt as she was about to walk away again.

“Your adopted.” Cera heard her mother suddenly say, the words came to her like an arrow was shot through her heart. It was silence again as Cera tried to progress the words that had just been said, she then let out a deep breath. “Was that all? Then I will be going back to my room.” Without waiting for another word from her parents Cera walked to her room as she closed the door behind her. As the door was closed she sagged in as tears began to roll over her cheeks. So what she though all this years was right after all, she never belonged here in the first place. Cera felt her body become empty as her emotion dulled, why was she even alive? She didn’t know anymore. She gazed up at her open window as she felt the breeze invite her over, she raised on her feet as she slowly walked over to the window. She looked outside as she grabbed hold of the window frame, her body moved on its own as she climbed outside the window, she didn’t care anymore, not about anything. two black wings grow out of her back as she let herself fall down, out of the window, the wind blew under her wings as she was send flying into the sky, she had hidden them long enough! She would let them take her away, even if they took her to the end of the world. And so Cera flew further and further away, the scenery changed and changed until her wings couldn’t carry her anymore, she dropped down to the ground as she fell to the ground. The last thing she saw around her where moss, high grass and a large waterfall further ahead, that was lighted by the very first lights of dawn. Cera lost her consciousness with the sound of the water falling from the waterfall, with the last thoughts that lingered through her mind: “So this is the end of the line…”
Aideen saw a woman appear on the ground, then quickly retreating into the grassy mountain, the moss swaying behind her. "Hey!" Aideen yelled, though it came out as more of a loud squawk. She drifted to the ground and transformed back to her humanoid self, a teen with long, curly, orange hair. Quickly, she followed behind the woman and into the cave-like entrance. "Who is this lady? And why is she living in the mountains?!... Maybe she's the scientist?... meh, it's more likely she's just another homeless person. I've already ran into, what, four now?"
Elionza giggled softly, calling back shyly, "A-Are you a fellow M-M-Myth?" Her voice sounded like that of a 14 year old girl, which she was. She had everything organized in the Myth Lair, books on the bookshelf, silverware in cabinets in the kitchen, ETC. She had everything she needed down in the cave, it was like being in a house, only underground, she even had cable, power, and video games. She had a bathroom with working water, a stove, and anything else for survival. Truth-be-told, this was her old mansion before the outbreak, her house was bombed and fell into an underground cavern, hidden behind a waterfall and overgrown moss/plants.
"Hmm...? Oh, uh, yeah..." Aideen replied, examining the rooms. It was almost the opposite of what she had imagined, as she followed the girl thinking she'd find a dusty, muddy cave. Instead, the entire place looked almost homey and completely up-to-date, as she spied some modern appliances in the other room. "So... so what is this?"
"Th-This was m-y old mansion." Eli was quick to respond, though she had a stammering problem in this human state. She took notice of the girl looking around at her modern house. "W-We had a bombing... Hou-se fell under--ground b-b-but nothing broke. W-W-We have power, water, a-and working video games." She pointed out the television with an Xbox 360 hooked up and 4 game controllers, then 2 Nintendo DSXL 3D gameboys,a PlayStation 3, and 4 gaming computers. Game cartridges were neatly in their own cases placed on a large shelf, ordered out by game station. Xbox on top, DS middle, Playstation second middle, and Computer bottom.
"Oh..." She replied, following Eli down the hall. "...Are you the scientist?" Aideen asked, more concerned about who she was rather than where. The house was all fine and dandy, but what if this girl was a psycho killer? What then?!
Eli growled at the thought of being a Scientist, let alone a Human. "I am a dragon Myth." She was surprised she hadn't stammered in that sentence, but she was a little angered by the remark of the girl. "I despise Humans."
"Oh... alright then." Aideen groaned, unsure of what to do.

(I promise you, this is my first one-liner in weeks. So sorry)
She calmed herself, then welcomed the girl into the living room. "Have a seat if you want, watch T.V or play video games. I don't m-mind!" The stuttering was back, she mentally growled. "I-If another Myth c-omes by, l-l-let them in. I mean, if I-I'm not he-re to do it."
"Mm Hm." Aideen said, seating herself on the couch. "I hope its stays quiet..." She thought, easing herself into the seat.
"It does, t-trust me. I-I won't bother you too mu-ch either." Eli gave a weak smile and walked off to take a shower.
The clouds loomed in the sky, large puffy gray ones, giving the assumption that a storm would be coming shortly. It blocked out the sun, setting the area under it in a gloomy shadow. This was Val's favorite way to travel, in the dark, where she couldn't be seen. Athena squad had been scouting the city ruins for half an hour, never spotting the myth that was reported being seen. Lion trudged up to a cracked brick wall, covered in long vines. She sighed heavily, disappointed in not finding any action today. "This was the 5th bloody time that we've been sent out to find nothin'." She whispered, obviously agitated. Val kept quiet but silently sighed herself, still using the binoculars to try and spot something...anything from afar. CB had already given up search, sitting on a nearby fallen pillar, doing maintenance on her favorite rifle. The ruined city was now more or less a haven for wildlife now, as plants have overgrown anything man made. Large buildings have crumbled to the ground as they continue to rot in never ending time. Lion leaned against the brick wall, pulling her hair back slightly. "Friggin' myth's. Why won't they just come out an let me kill 'em?
Trudging through the darkened swamp, through water, mud, dirt and other such things, Damien went along slowly, not paying attention so his surroundings. "Hmm.. I hope I find some sort of shelter, maybe some food... Something better than.. Than.. This place..." Says to himself quietly. He continues walking along, searching slowly, for anything that would be of use to him.
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Cayms large paws pounded through the forest as he made his escape. He was in his animal form, the fastest way to get away from his captors. His fir was white except for a few spots of blood from injuries he received when the scientists attacked him, trying to get him back into the institution. He just had to keep running, running until he knew they had given up. For a few hours he felt like he ran for days, even when there weren't any sounds behind him and it felt like he was the only one in the deep brush of the forest. He had to stop, he had to slow down or he would drop dead. His chest rose and fell as he breathed deep and quickly, hot breath retreating his muzzle. His ears twitched and moved around trying to hear cars, tanks planes, anything they would use to track him down but he heard nothing. Finally. He was free. Turning his attention back forward he was a water fall and a lake, water... Selfishly he lapped his tongue over it drinking as much as he could before collapsing out of exhaustion and closing his eyes, he could now sleep a little in peace and hopefully by morning he will have enough energy to change back into his human form
The girl had gotten dressed after her shower, a large coat hanging just below her shins. Elionza yawned, walking outside of her cavern-mansion, the moss swinging as she passed through it. She moved around the waterfall carefully, a secret passage way around; she spotted at myth. Eli mentally squealed with delight while she walked to large man-creature. "H-Hello," her voice was soft and welcoming.
(He's like a giant white wolf. Not too big but bigger than the normal wolves)

Caym slowly opened his yellow eyes and lifted his head his ears perking up, he was still exhausted and his injuries still apparent to his white fur. Still jot enough energy to change back. When he looked at who greeted him the fur stood up on his back and he growled a little bit. Probably another one of those damn scientists
The half-dragon half-human girl stood still at the growl, smiling warmly; to prove she wasn't a scientist, she let her dragon tail appear. With that, she waved it slightly to the side so he could see she wasn't of any harm to him. "I-I am Elionza, a fellow Myth, sir." She peered at the kitsune teen, letting her tail disappear once more as she waited for either a response and/or his human form to show.
His eyes looked at the tail and he calmed down. He struggled a little bit before coming up on his four paws and bending forward to bow to her as a hello. He would have to save the introduction for later though seeing he couldn't quite talk right now. He started to look around quizzically to figure out where she had came from, it's almost as if she appeared out of no where.
She noticed his sudden behavior and giggled softly. "L-Let me show you the hide....out. F-F-Follow me!" She started walking towards the waterfall, looking behind her before sneaking around it. 'Damn stuttering, why can't it go away when I'm human?' She mentally was fighting herself over her stuttering while leading the kitsune man towards her mansion. She pointed to the moss, "I-It's in there."
He followed behind her and walked through the waterfall seeing her go behind it. The water felt good on his fur as he walked through. He followed her until the moss shaking the water off his fur accidentally getting her wet as well. He ducked his head and slowly walked through the moss
She flinched slightly as the water hit her, giggling before following behind him. The large mansion was still intact, the girl she had shown in earlier was still on the couch, as she left her. Elionza smiled and leaped onto a love seat in the living room, turning on her DS and playing L.o.Z. "Make y-yourself a-a-at home, mister." She still didn't know his name, so she felt awkward saying 'mister' and 'sir'.

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