cheers for spring; for life; for a growing soul
Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
As a people, witches have two abilities that separate them from normal humans: 1. They have the ability to learn and practice various types of magic. 2. They are born with one or two abilities, allowing them to do things no normal human can. Because of this, witches have been feared and prosecuted throughout almost all of histoy. During the Salem witch trials, the real witches were smart enough not to get caught. They continued to move further and further South, eventually making their way to New Orleans. The wiccan witches there met with the priestesses of voodoo, and some of their practices began to overlap. As more people began to become suspicious of the practitioners, some of the witches (mostly wiccan descendants from Salem) split off to form a coven based on repressing powers.Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg and howlet's wing,
A council was created, laws put in place, and an academy created to help young witches control their powers. As time went on, some witches created separate academies that focus on honing these powers, creating a society of their own that mostly lives in secret.Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg and howlet's wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
Double, double toil and trouble;
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
Double, double toil and trouble;
However, another group became dissatisfied with the council's ruling, abandoning the laws all together and moving to the bayou, creating a coven of their own in the dark swamps. The witches that didn't join the original societies, mostly practitioners of voodoo, continued to live among society and use their magic.
Cool it with a baboon's blood,
Then the charm is firm and good.
As the generations go by, things stay the same. Witches are born into covens, or their powers are discovered by a coven, and the witch is recruited. As tensions between these covens rise and fall, the balance of power in this supernatural world continues to shift. One determining factor is the Supreme: a witch who possesses multiple talents and, with proper training, can manifest a near-infinite number. With the rising generation, it's uncertain where this supreme will appear, and how her presence will change the covens.Cool it with a baboon's blood,
Then the charm is firm and good.
Welcome to our roleplay! For anyone confused: this is a modern-fantasy roleplay about witches and witch covens, inspired mainly by the third season of American Horror Story (i't's totally fine if you haven't seen it!). In this roleplay, you can create a character from any coven, as a part of any generation. Please feel free to also create a character who's not a witch! Just as a note: this roleplay will be dark. It will likely have mature themes (such as swearing, violence, themes of dark magic, etc.)
A few things to know:
Covens: You can join any coven you like! Just try to keep the numbers balanced, please.
Talents: Each witch will have one individual talent. Please don't have the same as someone else's. If you want to be the supreme, PM me!
Familiars: A familiar doesn't necessarily have to be an animal! It can be a prized possession, a piece of clothing, or even a loved one.
Ideal Fuel:
+ Pyrokinesis
+ Levitation
+ Telekinesis
+ Resurgence (raising the dead)
+ Astral Projection
+ Levitation
+ Telekinesis
+ Resurgence (raising the dead)
+ Astral Projection
+ Tarot Card Reading
+ Seances
+ Potion Brewing
+ Alchemy
+ Seances
+ Potion Brewing
+ Alchemy
Character Sheet:
width:calc(100% - 35% - 33px);
border-right:20px SOLID #bec5d1;
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border:1px SOLID #142740;
border-top:1px SOLID #142740;
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[B]Talent[/B]: [i](One talent that the character has had from birth: Pyrokinesis, Levitation, Clairvoyancy, etc.)[/i]
[B]Magics[/B]: [i](The other learnable magics your character practices: Palm reading, Seances, Potion making)[/i]
[B]Role[/B]: [i](In the coven)[/i]
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[div=float:left;][SIZE=1][FONT=courier new][COLOR=rgb(225, 225, 225)]Code by[/COLOR] [USER=44533]@AgWordSmith[/USER][/FONT][/SIZE][/div]
All credit goes to @immutableMirror. This roleplay was originally her idea and with her permission i'm bringing it back!
Cody by apolla
[Class=Wrap] Height:450px; width:70%; margin:0px Auto; overflow:hidden; transition: height 0.5s ease-in 0s; //This is the Height of the Accordions in Full View PLUS a closed accordion showwing at the bottom // //This will hided anything out side the Height Specified// [/class] [Class=AccHeading] border:2px SOLID white; border-radius:5px; color:white; padding:3px; margin:0px auto; text-align:center; background:url(; //The Accordion Title and the neato box it's in// [/class] [Class=Accordion] position:relative; background-color:#6587bc; padding: 10px; Height:40px; margin:0px auto; z-index: 3; overflow:hidden; text-align:center; transition: height 0.5s ease-in 0s; //If you want to add more accordions just copy and paste this code and put a number behind the name// //just remember to adjust the Margin-top on hover, by adding -60px to it. // //The Container right now can Hold 5 accordion slides with out adjusting a single thing// //This is only if you want a 360px height for your full slide// [/class] [class name=Accordion state=hover] position:relative; Height:370px; z-index: 3; background-color: #74a0f2; transition: height 0.5s ease-in 0s; //This makes the Accordion do its accordion thing when a cursor hovers over the title// [/class] [Class=Accordion2] position:relative; background-color:#6587bc; padding: 10px; Height:40px; margin:0px auto; overflow:hidden; z-index: 5; text-align:center; transition: margin-top 0.5s ease 0s, height 0.5s ease 0.0s; //the Second Accordion// [/class] [class name=Accordion2 state=hover] position:relative; Height:370px; Margin-top:-60px; z-index: 5; background-color: #74a0f2; transition: Margin-top 0.5s ease 0.0s, height 0.5s ease 0.5s, [/class] [Class=Accordion3] position:relative; background-color:#6587bc; padding: 10px; Height:40px; margin:0px auto; overflow:hidden; z-index: 7; text-align:center; transition: Margin-top 0.5s ease 0s,height 0.5s ease 0.0s; //the Third Accordion// [/class] [class name=Accordion3 state=hover] position:relative; Height:370px; Margin-top:-120px; z-index: 7; background-color: #74a0f2; transition:Margin-top 0.5s ease 0.0s, height 0.5s ease 0.5s, [/class] [Class=Accordion4] position:relative; background-color:#6587bc; padding: 10px; Height:40px; margin:0px auto; overflow:hidden; z-index: 9; text-align:center; transition: Margin-top 0.5s ease 0s,height 0.5s ease 0.0s; //the Fourth Accordion// [/class] [class name=Accordion4 state=hover] position:relative; Height:370px; Margin-top:-180px; z-index: 9; background-color: #74a0f2; transition:Margin-top 0.5s ease 0.0s, height 0.5s ease 0.5s, [/class] [div class=Wrap][div class=Accordion][div class=AccHeading]The Council[/div]
Witches (mostly wiccan) who suppress their magic, keep strict laws and rules in place, and use a limited amount of their magic to live in normal society. They have academies disguised as boarding schools to help teach young witches to help suppress their powers.
Council Ranks:
The Council (0/3)
Headmistresses (0/4)
Primaries [Ages 14-18] (0/∞)
Secondaries [Ages 10-13] (0/∞)
Elementaries [Ages 5-9] (0/∞)
Council Ranks:
The Council (0/3)
Headmistresses (0/4)
Primaries [Ages 14-18] (0/∞)
Secondaries [Ages 10-13] (0/∞)
Elementaries [Ages 5-9] (0/∞)
Witches who were originally part of the council/academies. They still abide by the laws and work with the council, but they practice magic freely. They have no contact with society.
Isolationist Ranks:
High Mistress (0/1)
Mistresses (0/8)
Witches (0/∞)
Neophytes (0/6)
Isolationist Ranks:
High Mistress (0/1)
Mistresses (0/8)
Witches (0/∞)
Neophytes (0/6)
The witches (mostly voodoo) who didn't join the councils to begin with. Tension exists between them and the council/isolationists. They practice magic freely, and live among society. Oftentimes their covens are disguised as businesses. Sometimes the witches will hide in plain sight, as fortune tellers or potion makers.
Assimilator Ranks:
High Priestess (0/1)
Junior Priestess (1/3)
Flies (Peacekeepers; Overseers) (0/6)
Witch (0/∞)
Assimilator Ranks:
High Priestess (0/1)
Junior Priestess (1/3)
Flies (Peacekeepers; Overseers) (0/6)
Witch (0/∞)
[div class=Accordion4][div class=AccHeading]The Exiles[/div]
Witches who were originally part of the council/academies who have split entirely with it. A small group of witches originally rebuked the laws and fled to make their own coven, practicing magic (Even dark magic) as they saw fit. They live in the bayou, and while no one is certain, there are rumors that their numbers are growing.
Exile Ranks:
Witches (0/10)
Apprentices (0/5)
Exile Ranks:
Witches (0/10)
Apprentices (0/5)
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