A Message from the Goddess, Final Fantasy ~Character Sheets~


Cupcake Fairy
info: http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/3739-A-Message-from-the-Goddess-Final-Fantasy-info-and-questions?p=129792#post129792


You are going on adventure, as such we need to know who and what you are.

Character classes:

Warrior: a fighting character, using weapons and sheilds, after find the third crystal will be renamed a knight.

Monk: a master of hand to hand combat, Renamed: Master(like a sensei)

Red Mage: a master of a variety of spells with a knack for weapons. a balanced character who doesnt really specialize in anything. renamed: Red Wizard

Theif: good in stealth, no shields but daggers and bows. renamed:Ninja

White mage: a master of the healing arts, their only offensive spells are things light Holy that only really work against the undead. defensive spell are tthere as well, Renamed: white Wizard

Black mage: a master in offensive and dark spells, cant use Holy or healing spells. Renamed:black wizard.






Character class:


Other items: (stuff you can keep on your person/bag):




NOTE: its important that we travel as a group, so if you jump in late we will discuss how you are found/met along the way. thanky!
Looks before traininghttp://images.wikia.com/codelyoko/fr/images/a/a5/Williamxana.jpg

Looks after training

Name: Kaze Satari

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Character class: Warrior

Weapons: *Shown in Looks*

Other items (stuff you can keep on your person/bag): Healing Potions and Phoenix Downs

personality: Caring in battle but usually isn't much of a talker

Backround: Kaze learned to wield his father's sword after he turned 5 due to his father's intense training ever since Kaze was born. When Kaze was 15 years old his father sent Kaze and his sword into the Omega Ruins for the final training. He told Kaze that he was not allowed to leave the Ruins until he turned 18 or he died. Kaze held true to his promise and lived his days in the Ruins until his 18th Birthday. Upon reaching the outside world again Kaze expected to see his father there waiting for him, this was not the case. Kaze's once white outfit (see before training) was black due to the three years he spent in the ruins. As he looked back at the Ruins he was confronted by a Tonberry (a FFX monster) and was badly wounded and left on the ground dying. As Kaze drifted between life and death, he saw his father staring over him, his father said something but Kaze could hear what his father said. Within moments of the words being said Kaze was renewed with life, but once he awoke it was pitch black out so he could not see the true changes that had happened to him (see after training)... Kaze now seeks to find his father while having a side quest of finding and killing the Tonberry that left him for dead.

Other: so just for clarification, he is dressed like Look after Training not Before Training

Looks: (minus the huge gloves)View attachment 6921

Name:Faith Ernst

Age(16-24): 18


Character class: White Mage

Weapons:Moon staff.

Other items: (stuff you can keep on your person/bag):Atome of healing which she keeps in her bag, her mothers moon pendant.

personality:Faith is a docile girl who normally wouldnt be one to fight. she is warm and motherly.

Backround: her mother was a famous white wizard, so she dreams of following in her footsteps. she receives a message from the Goddess and waits at a nearby inn for an unsuspecting person who is to be the first of her many traveling companions.

Other: she has a pet cat that travels with her. it pure white, named Dia.
Name: Kiki (Most people don't know her last name)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Character class: Thief

Weapons: Daggers and grenades

Other items: (stuff you can keep on your person/bag): Lots of candy, which she's practically addicted to.

personality: She starts off pretty shy around new people, but when she opens up to someone she is very cute and bubbly. She'll always stand up for her friends and is incredibly intelligent.

Background: She left home at a young age (10), telling her parents she was going on an adventure. Of course they thought it to be some childish game, but then she never came back. She's been fending for herself all these years which is why she's so good in her class skills. She was amazed when she got the message from the Goddess but accepted the fact that she was needed and is looking for her supposed companions.


I'll be willing to be the one not at the inn meeting up with faith right away.
accepted @KaitWink

Alright then, KaitWink meets up with Faith at(for lack of a better name) the Sleepy Sheep Inn in the town of Cornelia. Kaze what type of situation do you want when we meet so i can choose a location?
Looks: View attachment 6937

Name: Yaya Yuki

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Character class: Theif

Weapons: Duel blades and throwing daggers

Other items: (stuff you can keep on your person/bag): Throwing daggers, potions, Compass, treasure bag, Wonder Map (map of region), Food items, blade sharpeners.

personality: She is a mischievous, stubborn, hotheaded prankster who is always teasing other people. Despite her constant fooling around, she displays remarkable skill. You can't bring her down easily, because she is so confident and carefree.

Backround: Yaya has always loved fighting, she joined in on it every chance she got. She had a reputation of being a rebel for years, being known to back up her words with fists, even if it wasn't for her own well-being. At 13, she left her home being able to take care of herself and traveled the world alone, training and helping out people that she met. Though she has such a good concience, she often has to steal things in order to live, trying her best not to harm others in the process.

Other: She does not work well in groups, and often stays independent in her own ways.
accepted :)

Change of plan everyone! Yaya will meet Faith at the in, then meet Kiki and Kaze according to what you to want. so if you want to make some grnad entrance be my guest.
I was thinking of me fighting some big baddy that everyone helps defeat.

Also, i love how i'm the only Male in this group right now (it's turning into a harem xD )
Looks: Tallish, long hair, pink eyes, white, frekles, pink cloth armor that fits nicly around her body, metalic boots

Name: Aryah

Age 17

Gender: Female

Character class: Thief

Weapons: Tomahawk

Other items: (stuff you can keep on your person/bag): tons of gold, broken dagers

personality: shy, quiet, esily frustrated, defensive, keeps to herself, sensitive

Backround: abandond at young age, she didnt know her parents vary well, after she was abandond she was kidnaped and forced to work in a band of thieves she resently escaped from and she is being tracked by them

Name:Jonah (Last name had become unimportant to him over time)

Looks: (His ears are normal though not pointed)



Character class:Red Mage

Weapons: Uses his Magic as if he was a magician for show and is currently starting in the process of learning Wind and Ice though only knows low level ones for each. Has mastered a one handed sword on the side and can harness power into it for attacks.

Other items: (stuff you can keep on your person/bag): Different books of spells he keeps other then what he is not strong enough to learn yet.

Personality: Open and Happy with anybody who meets at first but can suddenly gain a cold look if he is in the middle of a battle. Loves to have fun where ever he is and is not known to be a downer.

Background: Jonah grew up with a Carnival that found him after his parents were killed by a thief on their walk home. He was still a young boy and had no idea what to do when he was found on the side of the road by the performers. As he grew up never really finding himself open to anybody but the Magician who was the only one to find a way to make him smile no matter what happened. When he was 12 the Magician noticed that he had a natural talent of magic and revealed himself as a mage. After attempting to train on the circus group unsuccessfully the man requested a few years off and took him o his house to start homing his ability. When he was 16 he had finally learned all the basics and was now learning the elementals which he was warned would take a long time. Him and the man finally returned in the circus where he performed regularly with his mentor in front of crowds of up to 1000 people. When he was 17, Jonah decided it was time to go his own way as he was provided clothes, food, and a mysterious book which was slipped in by his mentor as he left for the road. Since then he has been doing sound performances and practicing his skill but hasn't gotten any better due to lack of obtaining experience.

Other: Knows bird calls and the knows the fastest ways to befriend different types of riding animals (Ex. Chocobos). Has a weakness for smaller children and is famous for being the main star in the magic performances.
ok, we need to find a way to meet with jonah, we decided that we stumble upon Kaze midbattle after we leave town.

ideas people.
interesting idea.

Rundown so far: The party at the Inn is preparing to leave town, where we will find Kaze fighting a beast (whatever you feel like fighting kaze). Wings chara can stumble across the group during the fight. aaaannnndddd ACTION
lets stick to the plan i just laid out. we can throw in crazy plot twists once the quest is underway.
I lurve final fantasy :D im really ******* interested now especially since its a little more based off the originals rather than the annoying new once -.- but sadly i wont be able to join but please keep a spot open for me :3
so since we've kinda made this into a OOC thread... is anyone going to help my character out?
Looks:View attachment 7096

Name: Korin James

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Character class: Monk

Weapons: His fists

Other items: (stuff you can keep on your person/bag): A few gold pieces for necessary purchases, a flask of water, and a small pouch filled with sand

personality: A mostly serious person, Korin only cares for the safety of those around him. Although much more jovial after a few drinks, he mostly remains quiet and well tempered. In the middle of combat, however, he will do everything in his power to protect those around him, no matter the cost.

Background: Born and raised in a small academy, Korin learned from a few of the cities best tutors and monks. Specializing in hand to hand combat, Korin primarily uses his brute size and stamina to win the day rather than speed or dexterity.

Other: If there is someone in the group that he does not find to be completely trust worthy, he will not hesitate to question their intent.
Looks: He is very tall and has a thin but strong frame. He has short sandy hair and golden colored eyes. He wears a golden this jacket hat goes just bellow his ribs and has long sleeves with long pants. He has three gold colored rings along both of his lower arms and five on his calves that all stay in place. Around his abs he had a large ring that has a scorpion emblem on the front.

Name: Midas Iodiné

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Character class: Monk

Weapons: His body and the rings.

Other items: (stuff you can keep on your person/bag): Fruits,Nuts and guards for his shins and lower arms.

personality: When in battle he has a strict mind set and can't be missled,howeve, out of fights he enjoys to have an occasional good laugh.

Backround:He has been at a temple for all of his child life. Recently he just left the temple as he tells people,but he was actually banished for being to violent.


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