A Mail and Steel question

The Scorp

Senior Member
Im running a DBed game, and one of my players is a militant leader in the making DB, following in the footsteps of Cathak Cainain.   So I know mass combat is gonna happen somewhere down the line.  Question is:  What do would you compose a legion out of? Mainly mortal? Alot of DBed?  What would that be in Mail and Steel terms for an Imperial Talon?  So far, all I get would be a Magnitude of 5.  What have you guys used in your games with Mail and Steel?  Like what kind of troops and such.

Also, would a legion have a drill of 5?  

Much advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
I would want some more details as to the exact details of your troops.  Questions like: what is their level of training?  How are they equipped?  Do they have any artifacts or items that will help?  Even if you have just mortals in the group, there are a variety of weapons that are Essence powered that they can use.  Do you plan to have any sorcerers as fire support?  Any moblile artillery or siege weapons?  What kind of medical/first aid support to keep your troops healthy?
yeah well, thats what Im talking about.  What should I give as a template for my players?  Or should I just leave that up to my player to think of what they need in an army and then go from there?
since someone raised the question of mail and steel what level of Might on average would you give an imbued amalgram.

just curious

since building units of them IS tempting for solars with aspirations as conquerers.
since someone raised the question of mail and steel what level of Might on average would you give an imbued amalgram.
just curious

since building units of them IS tempting for solars with aspirations as conquerers.
Same might as units of godblooded I'd say...
uh... considering the HIDEOUS Power many amalgrams have... quite a few of them are scarcely less powerful then their masters.

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