A Lovely Cage (Akeira and Fluorescent) [Inactive]


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A Lovely Cage (Akeira and Fluorescent) - 1x1, two characters who believe they've lost everything find each other.

Isaac and Natalie have never had easy lives, growing up amongst sadness and anger. Once sent to a boarding school designed to help kids such as themselves, they consider themselves stranded, alone. However, unexpectedly, they find each other in this place.
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"So, Isaac, tell me why you’re angry.”

Mrs. Ganderson was a lumpy woman, her arms sticking from her sides like bloated chicken wings, full of creases and obtuse angles. The glasses perched on her nose were think, relating to a older era of style, only encouraged by the graying hair mucked full of more hair wax than could ever be necessary. She lived off campus with her husband, probably drowning in cats and air fresheners while she devoured souls of the living.

“I’m not angry,” Isaac muttered indignantly, looking from her glassy eyes to the window outside, praying the glimpse of another place would keep himself from snapping and drawing out the session. Clearing her throat, she continued on, giving him a glare of contempt.

“You flipped Mack’s food tray in the kitchen, set Patricia’s homework on fire, and were caught trying to hitchhike to town.” Sighing, she set aside his files and leaned over the table, her fleshy hands clasped in a mixture of pity and false honesty. “You can talk to me hun, that’s what I’m here for.” No way, I thought therapists were class A pokemon trainers. She sat back in her swiveling chair, probably bought from the nearest office max. “We can take all the time you need, we have until my shift is over,” she smiled, resembling a crocodile, eyes lazy and wide. Feeling his thumb slide inside his hand, curling into an instinctual fist, Isaac was ready to speak his mind when a knock on the door saved them both.

“I brought you tea,” a shaky voice stammered. Isaac stared at the newcomer, not entirely sure whether to be mad that he barged in, or grateful that he’d broken the spell of aggravation circling the room.

“Oh, Maxy, what a dear,” Mrs. Ganderson sang, her pitch rising at least three octaves. “Just put it here, I was about to go fetch you. Mr. Rendal told me about what you made in pottery today!” She lugged her weight from the chair, patting her pet on the shoulder affectionately.

“Ah, thank you!” Max beamed, placing the cup on her desk. “I was reading about Traditional African pottery in history today, guess I got inspired,” he laughed awkwardly. At this point, the two bantered about breakfast, cats (Isaac was right about that), and the weather over the weekend. Counting himself as excused at this point, Isaac made for the door.

“I- just a minute,” Mrs. Ganderson held a finger to Max and turned to Isaac. “We’ll continue our lovely chat tomorrow,” she promised, sounding more like a threat than anything. Feeling entirely pissed at everything about the situation, Isaac paused in the doorway. “Use protection,” he smiled, continuing down the hallway past a horrified looking secretary.
Natalie sauntered down the main corridor of her dormitory hall, shuffling through her bag for a free cigarette that had to be lying in there somewhere. After finding it, she smirked and pulled it out, beginning the extravagant search for her lighter next. She fished out her lighter a few moments later, carefully lighting up and dumping the lighter into the depth of her bag once again. Natalie stood against the wall and took a few drags of it lightly, closing her eyes and trying to relax as memories of Marcus resurfaced in her head. She shook her head in doubt and tried to push the feelings away, biting her lip before bringing the cigarette back up to her lips and taking a few more puffs to try and concentrate on happier things.

"Excuse me, young lady, but you shouldn't be smoking that in the hallway." A voice said with irritation followed by the awful tapping of someone's heel. She mentally rolled her eyes before opening them slowly and taking in the appearance of Ms. Trenchwell, her dormitory advisor. The woman looked like she could crack open a nut with her abnormally large and pointy nose that strangely resembled that of a toucan's. Natalie eyed her up for a minute, mentally scrutinizing her chosen apparel for the day before snorting and going back to her relaxation time. She pointedly continued to smoke, blowing puffs in the woman's face just to spite her.

"Ms. Livingston, put that cigarette out now! Where did you even get that from?" The woman shouted, knowing that it was against school policy to have alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs of any kind.

"Pipe down, Petunia. You're going to disturb the other girls on the floor with all that yelling." Natalie said with a sickeningly sweet smile, looking at the woman and and then giving her a wink. "I'm sure that we can just let this little incident slip by, don't you?" She asked, continuing the hallway without waiting for an answer and ignoring the shouts of protest following behind her.

"Those blasted things are shortening your lifespan!" The toucan squeaked, leaving Natalie chuckling as she reached the steps and began to walk downstairs. "Anything to make it seem like I'm not at this h*llhole, Ms. Trenchwell!" She called back over her shoulder, finishing her cigarette and holding the remainder of it in debate on how she should get rid of it this time. Natalie shrugged before dropping it on the ground and putting it out with her foot, finding it in her heart to pick up the stub up afterwards and throw it away in the garbage. Well, there's my community service deed for the day. She thought with a playful smirk, picking up the pace to avoid the woman.

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Isaac knew he'd be given some form of punishment for his remark, but what could they do? Give him more therapy? The hallways of the building housing the classrooms were empty with the exception of a few student who either had sessions, or liked to stay and help after hours. Likely yearning to get out of this place early by playing the good kid. But everyone knew you stayed until you finished your senior year here, that's what the parents paid for. Exiting out the front door, he released some of his tension into the crisp late-afternoon air, acknowledging that it's what he needed in this moment.

Aiming to slip out for a walk and be back before they took dinner attendance, he made for the dormitory, the chill meaning he'd have to retrieve a jacket from his room. Technically, they weren't supposed to wander the nearby forest unattended, but plenty of people did it anyhow. Entering the main hall, it only took a second to pick up on the scent of cigarettes, a distinctive odor that reminded him of the years previous. Isaac didn't care for the smell, but the pleasant memories it brought almost made him miss the things.

The boys half of the dormitory was facing North, and the girls opposite, proving enough segregation that the staff felt the kids couldn't get up to anything. They were ignorant to how that worked. He didn't plan on talking to the girl sharing the hallway with him, but dimly recognized her to be the owner of the cigarette. She was pale, with dark hair and captivating features. She wasn't afraid to break the rules, he respected that. Yet, he wasn't about to start making friends with people he didn't know, so he settled with small talk.

"You trying to get caught?" He remarked as he pulled himself up the stairs, leaning lazily on the rail. "Next time, go outside." Despite his fake disapproval, Isaac couldn't help but let a small smile escape. Weird.
Unfortunately, Natalie knew her advisor would corner her later and make sure she did not have any more cigarettes. She snorted, knowing the toucan's efforts would be in vain as she never found the entire stash. The young girl stopped in her motion to throw out the cigarette, as she heard a voice address her. She did not recognized it as a teacher's, a realization she was glad to make because she did not want to get scolded once again for her actions. It happened to her on a daily basis, as Natalie always went her own path instead of following the rules like a good student. What's the point? She always thought to herself, never connecting with the philosophy behind rules and order anymore.

"Funny you should say that because I've been caught once already." Natalie replied with a snarky tone to her voice, turning away from the trash bin and looking up at the boy who addressed her. She was surprised when she saw it was the one she shared the hallway with. She looked at him curiously as if she had never seen him before, taking in his tousled brown hair, somewhat tan complexion, and tall frame. "And here I was thinking you were mute or something." She remarked afterwards with a small chuckle, shaking her head and quickly ditching the cigarette bud in the garbage can.

"The real question, however, is whether or not you're serious with that statement." She said, standing in front of him and crossing her arms over her chest. If he was serious in his request, There was no way she was going to let him tell her to smoke outside. As a free spirit, Natalie did whatever she wanted to despite the chirps of the others to settle down. Looking at him a bit closer, she saw that a small smile on his face suggested otherwise. Another surprise of the day, she smiled back lightly, releasing go of her defense stance and letting her arms fall down by her sides.
Isaac eyed Natalie, amused and surprised by her response but feeling a spark of irritation at her tone. In all fairness, he was snarky first, but that barely crossed his mind. "What, you think whoever doesn't chat with you is a mute?" he said flatly. "I dunno, if that was the case, sign language would be far more popular, don't you think?" Rudeness had become a defense mechanism here, so it activated on instinct for him, stronger than this stranger deserved however. Give it up, she won't care anyways, just walk away, he told himself, replying again before he knew he'd opened his mouth.

"Do you want to test that theory?" He questioned, tilting his head in mock concentration. "Hmm, no, I can't seem to care. If you want teachers on your ass all day, be my guest." Isaac continued up the stairs, yelling the last part over his shoulder. Without knowing her story, he made shallow assumptions that she'd been smoking in the hallways to look cool, for attention, unaware of the fire and passion she truly possessed. After the first month, he'd given up on trying to make friends, as everyone seemed so boring and submissive. Too dull to be worth his time.
Natalie chuckled darkly and shook her head at his sign language comment, crossing her arms again and wondering why she was even wasting her time with this conversation. "I think you've mistaken me for a self-centered brat, which would be someone like you who thinks they're better than the rest of us. I can see why they avoid you." She replied ignorantly, rolling her eyes as her insistent and snarky tone came out even more. What is this boy's problem? She thought to herself, seeing an almost identical form of sarcasm and anger in his face that she had within her. She was used to dealing out that type of treatment, not receiving it in return.

She glared at him as he tilted his head, not appreciating mocking tone that he giving her and automatically saw it an insult. Despite this discontent, Natalie remained silent and took the harsh blow, standing there for a few more seconds as he walked away. Just let it go, Nat. Let. Go. She tried to convince herself, having a mental battle between the fact that this conversation was getting her angry for nothing and the opposite end that he was oblivious to her entire life, knowing absolutely nothing. In the end, the latter won and she spun around to face him, following his figure up the stairs for a few moments with fury.

"I didn't realize they admit both bast*rds and screw-ups into this school." She said, assuming he fell under both categories for his rude statements. "I would also check that tone if I were you. People around here seem to hate that type of thing." She said pointedly, knowing that she should probably stop right there, but she was not about to allow some kid to talk to her like that.
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Really now? Much to Isaac's surprise, the girl didn't even back down, but followed him up the stairs, and insulting him on top of that. Well, I did just tell her off, but I didn't insult her personally. If she wants a fight, she's got a fight. "I'm a screw up huh?" He turned back, seething, one eyebrow raised dramatically. "I don't suppose you've actually looked around this place? The reason I even use this tone is because this place runs on screw ups, and since you're standing here with me," he looked her up and down sarcastically, "I'd venture to guess you're not your mommy's favorite darling either." It felt good to rage, vent at this girl who actually fought back, made it more interesting.

"Also, to make myself clear, I'm the one who does the avoiding. Half these little sheep have tried to hold hands and sing happy songs with me, but I'd rather not," he turned back to where he was heading, "waste my time with people like you." Part of him hoped he hadn't just got the last word in, things were getting interesting. But he didn't feel done yet. "Just leave me alone now, yeah? I get that you're trying to prove something, but I guarantee you're going to crack first, you-"

At this point, Isaac became aware of the faint clicking of heels, glaring in disappointment as Ms. Trenchwell strutted in, a piece of paper clutched protectively in her hand. "Ms. Livingston, I made a short stop by the principle's office, got myself this," she held the paper up to Natalie. "Three days of detention, with me. Of course." She smiled, her upper lip rising up towards her formidable nose. "Ah, Mr. Hayati, I heard about your, outbreak earlier. Why don't you come too?" Oh god why. Why.
Insulting my intelligence now? That's it. Natalie growled internally at him comment, which insinuated that she was an idiot. She held her bag tightly, almost breaking the strap from how tightly she was now holding it in fury. Brilliant, now he wants to fight back? She thought to herself with sarcasm, glaring at him and crossing her arms defensively. "You act like you're so clever, don't you?" She retorted, not liking the feeling she got in the pit of her stomach when he looked her up and down. "I don't see you winning son of the year either." She spat out, strangely feeling somewhat better by having someone to argue with who actually fought back for once.

"You say you're the one doing the avoiding, yet if I recall, you're the one who came up to me first, right?" She reminded him with a smirk, though he did have a point that a lot of the students there just as irritating as the teachers. "If you don't want to be wasting your time then why are you still standing here?" She challenged, her eyebrow raising skeptically, as he began to continue walking his way. She almost screamed in frustration, knowing there was no way she would let him get the last word in.

Just as she was about blow up and interrupt his statement, she flinched at the clicking heels of Ms. Trenchwell. And the devil approaches. She thought to herself with a snort, glancing at the woman with a lack of interest, as she held up the piece of paper. "And I'm sure he was happy to know that I was so graciously exercising my freedom." She said sarcastically with a sweet smile, staring at the woman in annoyance once she mentioned detention. "Are you sure you want to do that Petunia? I'm not sure if you want to spend three days of time with me." She whispered to her devilishly, winking and then frowning once the toucan mentioned Isaac.

"You've got to be kidding me?" She voiced out loud, scrunching up her nose and looking between Isaac and Ms. Trenchwell. "Can't he just serve detention with another teacher instead?" She asked, knowing she rather eat sh*t than spend three days with both Trenchwell and her unfriendly hall mate. "I mean Ms. Trenchwell, this is definitely not going to work out."
Now she's making sense, Isaac agreed hesitantly. "She's right," he let out in frustration. "I mean, it'd would be better if we got some one on one time, I think we both could use that." A pained, and very fake, smile was plastered forcefully across his features. I'd bet I look ridiculous right now, my teeth hurt. Ms. Trenchwell gave him a pinched, slightly confused look, her eyes wide with concern.

"But Mr. Hayati," she said with an attempt at a sweet tone, her voice cracking halfway through. "I just saw you in the most wonderful conversation with Mr. Livingston here," she continued, moving closer in mock secrecy. "Heaven knows you could use more of those, last time you made a friend here, he tried to hang himself out his window. Thank god the curtain hangers needed to be replaced, popped right out of the wall. Landed on the bushes, but his leg was still in a cast for a month, such a shame." Mr. Trenchwell, sucked of her teeth, setting his nerved on end. Stepping back, not a moment too early, she addressed both teenagers again, fixing her hair vainly.

"The order stands. After school, in my office," she flipped through her foul pages with steady hand. "And let's say an hour instead of a half, I'll be nice and give you kids some extra time together. Wonderful." Her smile returned flippantly, and she turned quickly and clicked down the hall, looking for more punishment to dish out. Isaac just stared at Natalie, not sure of a comeback for once.
As Isaac agreed with her, Natalie looked up at him with a stunned expression. She tried to mask this surprise a bit by looking back at Ms. Trenchwell and attempting to give the woman a smile that looked almost genuine. "He's right, Ms. Trenchwell." She said, her words almost tasting like acid on her tongue. "I believe that would help us individually make a proper recovery if we spend time in seclusion to meditate on our actions." She remarked, thinking that everything she was saying probably was scaring the old woman even more.

She almost grimaced when the elder woman mentioned Isaac's friend, snorting slightly and shaking her head. "Why am I not surprised?" She murmured out loud, placing her hand on her hip and standing defensively, as she felt her time was severely being wasted. How typical of this place. She thought to herself, silently agreeing with Isaac's earlier comment about the boarding school being filled with screw ups as well as bast*rds. She zoned back into Ms. Trenchwell's lecture when she heard her mention a cast, finding herself stepping away from Isaac, as she did not want to be next.

Natalie frowned when the subject turned to their detention, looking at Ms. Trenchwell furiously. "Unbelievable." She scoffed, running a hand through her dark hair and giving the woman a mocking smile when she walked away. As the click of her heels disappeared down the hallway, Natalie looked up at Isaac again and rolled her eyes. "Well, I guess we'll be stuck together in detention now, won't we?" She uttered with a slightly cynical tone, breathing a sigh and knowing that she would be expecting another concerned email from her parents. "Maybe if we play nice, she'll ease up a bit on us." She said strategically , knowing that it would be difficult.
Isaac met Natalie's gaze, letting out all the terrible fakery with a sigh. "Seems that way," he said, kicking the carpet absentmindedly. His eyes snapped back to hers when she suggested they just get along, did she realize how impractical that was? "I don't know, I'm halfway between hating you and never wanting to see your face again," he muttered, "but seeing as we have no choice, I'll try. But no promises, and don't even start to think for a moment that I'm ever going to be friends with you, okay?" Ouch, that was a bit harsh.

"See you tomorrow," he sang, flicking his fingers in a mock wave. Once out of view, he clenched his fists over his head, screaming silently, letting all the anger rush into his muscles and make his body spasm tightly. He was so angry, that conversation was the worst, partially because he was stuck with Natalie, and partially because he'd been such an ass to her. A poisonous combination. Just then, an unfortunate underclassman, of whom had probably seen his unsightly freakout, grabbed his arm, eyes wide with worry.

"You okay buddy?" The guy asked, perfectly at the wrong time. "I'm-" Isaac scowled, this kid was being so irritating, couldn't he see that he could take care of himself just fine? Sympathy made him sick, they were both here in this place, how dare this kid pity him? "Why don't you just SHOVE OFF?" Isaac shouted, making the kid glare at him and slouch off, rolling his eyes. Quickly, Isaac retreated to his room, clutching his windowsill and breathing until he was once again calm.
Natalie nodded awkwardly and looked out the nearby window at the sprawling forest just outside the school's boundary. She glared at Isaac's comment about hating her, tapping her foot impatiently and almost snarling. "Trust me, I don't want to look at you ever again either. It would just make life a little easier if I wasn't trying to bang my head until I'm unconscious because I'm stuck with two nuts in the same room for an hour." She hissed, rolling her eyes as he insinuated that she was offering him a friendship. "Please, I'd rather stick pins in my eyes." She murmured, wondering why she was even offended by his comment.

"I'll be counting down the moments until we met again." She replied sarcastically with a mock salute in return to his goodbye, rolling her eyes and storming in the other direction toward the grounds. I should have just stayed in my room. She thought to herself with frustration as the conversations with both Ms. Trenchwell and Isaac would not have occurred if she decided not to be adventurous for the day. Isaac's harsh words made her even more angry, her fingers curling into fists at her side. She stepped out of the dormitory and leaned against one of the posts holding the building up, staring out at the forest once again and wondering how far it was to town.

Natalie remained there for a few more minutes, trying to clear her head of angry thoughts she felt toward that boy. Giving up eventually, Natalie stormed back inside and up toward her dormitory. She was so shaken in her thoughts that she didn't even notice herself bump into a girl in her year. When the girl went to apologize, Nat cut her off instantly. "Just save your breath." She whispered harshly, storming past the stunned student to reach her hall. Natalie reached her door quickly and fumbled with the key for a moment, finally getting it open and walking inside. Before she closed the door, her eyes caught that of Isaac's closed door across the way. She rolled her eyes and then slammed the door, sliding down against the back of it until she reached the ground. At that point, she pulled out yet another cigarette, wanting to erase her anger by enjoying a good smoke instead.
Outside his window, students had forged their own little soccer match, the distant echoes of laughs and screams of enthusiasm lost on Isaac as he indulged in thought. He thought of Nora. The way she smiled like the smallest things were the best joke she'd witnessed, or the way they'd converse only through glances over the dinner table, that light and fire beneath her eyes was something he hadn't seen since-. . . since. He backed hastily from the dark place in his mind, flooded with the type of pain that wasn't sharp or dull, it was just there. It throbbed like a burn and stung like a slice. It lurked like sickness in the pit of his stomach, sticking at the back of his throat and making him want to hurl it out. But he never could.

Isaac blinked back any moisture in his eyes, he hadn't cried since Nora's death, and he wasn't about to now. In the yard, the other kids turned towards the dark silhouette of a teacher before scampering back outside. Only one way you'd make teenagers so eager to stop slacking off. Diner. Straightening out his hair with his fingers, he strode down the hallway past Natalie's room, flinching in anticipation until he'd made it safely down the hall before she could respond to the dinner call now ringing across the building. Why am I avoiding her, it's not like I owe her an apology. She started it too, right? He convinced himself with a small nod.

The dining hall was already packed, the shriek of forks against places clashing with the soft mummer of diner conversation. There was a line for the buffet staff resorted to instead of an alternative serving method. According to them 'they weren't a restaurant', and students should serve themselves. This, however, posed a problem, as the majority of fights took place over the span of time it took to load your plate and find a seat (an equally as difficult task). Snatching a plate, he shifted his weight impatiently as the line moved at brain-melting speed. Is it really that difficult to choose what you want? Is the decision between soup or salad so world-shattering that you have to stare at them for half a flipping hour?
Natalie continued to sit by the door until she got the cigarette lit, smoking a few drags before sighing and figuring she should probably open the window. There's no way I'm suffocating on my own smoke. She thought to herself ironically, knowing every time she smoked that it was terrible for her health. She rolled her eyes at the thought of actually caring about that, moving toward the window and swinging it upon. Staring out at the forest on the South side of the dormitory, Natalie leaned out the window a bit and breathed, continuing this basic routine to help calm herself down.

They never believed her when she said it, but smoking helped take away the betrayal she felt when Marcus died. How could anyone so pure, so loving decide be driven to such desperate measures? She thought, the memory of her brother suddenly flooding her mind. She shook her head in fear, knowing that would lead her to a dark place she would not be able to handle. Natalie gripped the windowsill tightly, almost gasping in pain from the memories before attempting to blink away tears that were beginning to form in her eyes. She bit her lip, running a hand through her hair with anxiety before taking the cigarette out of her mouth and stomping on the stub. She stared at it for a moment picking it up and throwing the remainder out the window.

Natalie looked at it with a vacuous stare, blinking her eyes occasionally out of necessity. She finally turned away from the window, closing it before heading over to the mirror. Puffy eyes. Got to go. She thought incoherently, staring at her worn appearance and sighing, as she placed her forehead against the mirror. Just then, the dinner bell sounded and she picked her head up, beginning to dab at her eyes, so it did not look as though she was just crying. She applied more mascara to her eyes to detract from the slightly red hue they currently held, giving herself a watery smirk as she tried to push her vulnerabilities away.

After seeing her eyes begin to dry up a bit, Natalie exited the room with her bag swung across her body. She glared at Isaac's door for a moment, snarling at the fact that she had to serve detention with him beginning the next day. She hoped not to see him at dinner, as another argument similar to their first would probably arise. Natalie headed down the stairs into the dining hall and sighed in frustration at the already large line to get food. Unbelievable. She thought with irritation, grabbing a tray and plate while tapping her foot impatiently.
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