• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy a long & lost road (cs apps)




a long & lost road.


credit to @xayah. bc what's written from this point on is pretty much what came copy and pasted with this code <3 but no, they don't have any idea this rp exists lol.

Thanks for your interest in applying! If you guys have any questions, please let me know. Here's what you need to know to make your sheet, and remember that these premade character slots are only suggestions!!

1. You can create/apply for one character.
2. Real faceclaims only! If you want to include clothing/pet/weapon/etc inspo, I'll accept DnD-inspired art.
3. Quality over quantity! While I love a good code, I don't require one for your application.
4. There is currently no deadline; one will be created if there is enough interest.

Sheet Necessities;

Alias (if applicable):
Age (18+):
Occupation (if applicable):

Appearance (no need to fill out if you have a faceclaim):
Faceclaim: (optional)
Pets (if applicable, please make this reasonable - I'd like to keep it a max of two pets in the group):
Preferred Weapons:

Personality: a paragraph or more

Origin Story:
Why are they with the party?: (once accepted, we will have to create a reason for the party to be travelling together, so please feel free to start crafting your ideas here!)

Plus anything else that seems relevant! Make the sheets your own- there will be bonus points awarded for creativity c:

the monk.


the level headed one. the mediator. the one with the braincell. strategic. likes to lay back; handles defense. either long distance combat or magic. rather quiet, but is really just a giant dork at their core. staying with the group warms their cold, aged heart. years ago, they lost their family in a tragic accident. they've been on the road since.

the mage.


the healer, can also proficiently defend themselves using magic when necessary. a clutz; somehow manages to just scrape out of trouble on a daily basis, but genuinely never means any harm. they've been scorned from their hometown, but why?

the fighter.


the muscle. the group’s number one source of protection when all else fails. bull-headed and loud. acts first, thinks second. brash and unforgiving. specializes in sword fighting, may or may not have been kicked out of the royal guard.

the barbarian.


the face. the persuasion. the himbo. usually the monk tells them what to say. is mostly with the group bc they don’t have anywhere else to go. surprisingly good at card games. oozes charm.

coded by xayah.ღ
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the cavalier

full name

aleksandr ivanovich










the cavalier


freelance, in the original sense

  • hair

    Sandy blond. A little long and shaggy.


    Sasha has heterochromia: the left eye is blue and the right brown. Like a husky.



    body mods.

    N/A, though he does have some scarring. His nose is also slightly crooked, like it was broken once.


    Worn, practical clothes. Leather, fur, and felted wool make up the bulk of his wardrobe.


    Ivan Yankovskiy

♡coded by uxie♡

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  • II.

    Edhem Hamill.
    Jason Momoa



    Turning anything into a weapon

designed by bad ending & coded by xayah.ღ
scroll on name to reveal basic info, click on role to flip card
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"So you would know the secret of Death?"



Name: Cassius of Varro​
Alias: Friends often refer to him as 'Cas', sometimes even 'Cassie'.​
But the thing is, he doesn't uh, have, that many, friends...
Age: 36​
Gender: Male​
Orientation: He never makes it particularly clear himself,​
But for CS sake, Bi​
Role: Fighter​
Occupation: Currently, General Vagabond? Rapscallion for hire?​
Former positions have included a brief stint as LT. General of the Royal Guard, Head Scout and Mercenary of the Noble House Salaì, and most recently, as an Independent Assassin.​


He's a tall one is our Cass, built strong, but still lean. With soft, sturdy muscle throughout. His skin is darker, and olive-like, and his hair is that specific shade of very-very dark brown that appears black in all other lighting. Said hair is relatively long really, and placed up and away from his face when the more serious work requires it. I suppose if he was being truly practical, he'd cut it shorter and save himself the faff of it all. But the style (or more accurately, lack of) he wears it in currently seems to be more a decision made out of personal preference than functionality. As you may expect for a man in his particular line of work, Cas carries more than a few scars and general blemishes, all reminders of calls that were perhaps just a bit too close, but learning curves either way. Luckily for him, in all his years he's only managed to gain one on his face, a classic eyebrow scar, that runs down and finishes just above his cheek. Not too bad for fifteen odd years of combat I suppose.​
His face is otherwise quite remarkable in a way, in that it is undoubtedly striking, his features conveying a heavy boldness to them that draws the eye immediately. The eyes in particular seem to attract people's attention first, and stay in their heads for the longest. They seem to hold your gaze in a increasingly strange and peculiar way the longer one looks into them. Again, wholly remarkable really, considering this same profound and dusky face can also quite often look like the most dozy-headed Clodpoll born to grave the earth. His demeanour breaks through to his countenance often, and at this point the man has resigned himself to a lifetime of gracelessness un-expression.​
(Bonus Point: Did you know the guy has a gold tooth?! I don't even care which one it is, I just want to know how they hell he afforded it. In today's Economy?!)
You would not know Cassius' profession from the way he looks. And I don't know if that's a good thing or not really.​
With his current arrangement, his clothing is light and comfortable, with all his vitals covered sufficiently of course. He'll add armoured pieces accordingly, depending on the situation and job at hand. But otherwise, he wishes to remain as unencumbered as possible. A man of little frivolity, he does carry just the one item of seemingly personal value. It is a knitted scarf, a deep earthy green in colour, and long enough the be used as a covering, headscarf, and a variety of other intriguing purposes. Not a keen particular knitter himself, it seems someone meaningful must have constructed the garment for him.​
Preferred Weapons:
He is additionally a man of simple tastes when it comes to handheld weaponry. A sword will suit him just fine if push comes to shove, but in truth, he's a ambidextrous soul at heart, and a dagger in each hand is his favourite way of getting the more violent aspects of his work done.​


Laid-Back, Dozy, and occasionally clever, Cassius is a interesting, if contrasting, sort of character. His mind often wanders, and he's prone to distraction here and there. An 'intellectual idiot' wouldn't be a far-off description by any means. Despite his profession, the man is alarmingly un-confrontational. At first glance he comes off as calm and unbothered, complaining or voicing his own opinion on a subject very rarely, and never with any particular passion. It seems that it would take a lot to get the man truly riled up by anything. When he pulls himself together though, this unswaying patience and placidity casually conceals a cunning aloofness, that instils a silent terror upon those he wishes it to.​
Cool & Collected - When eventually kicked into gear that is, Cassius has a sturdy enough head on his shoulders I suppose. In times of chaos or crisis, his point of view can be helpfully calm and composed. His advice and knowledge remains steady and invaluable, even in the most hectic of situations.​
Cunning - As all good professional rapscallions should be I suppose. It's a cheeky sort of intelligence, that shows itself in altogether mischievous and rather artful ways. It's knowing what words to use to irk someone in just the right way until they let their guard slip, learning a person's 'tell' quickly and using it for your own favour, etc.​
'Well Seasoned' - He's not 'old-old', by any means. But Cas' had enough years notched onto the belt to be honourably blessed with the grace of experience. He knows his way around the world well enough at this point, roughly who knows who here and there (more importantly who's actually worth knowing), and which pubs have the best ale. Granted, it's a disorganised and varied bag of wisdom, but it's served him well so far.​
Dozy - Probably his biggest weakness, for sometimes it can take a lot of prodding to poke him into any hasty action. It's not that he's lazy I don't think. The man just has a awfully repetitive habit of getting lost in his own head. Suppose he must just have a lot to think about?​
Neutral - Interesting, as to some this could easily be seen as a positive trait. But it's a relatively useful ability when your main body of work includes killing without question. Cassius has spent practically all of his life working for the highest bidder. And while not completely soulless, money and means seem to be often his strongest drive. It's been a long time since he's had friends or companions worth being loyal to you see.​
Proud - But only of himself. You'll get no rise out of him by foul-mouthing his homeland, or the place he currently rests his head. But insult his technique, attitude or even dress sense, and I tell you what, he won't half get mad about it.​


Cas knows little of his early years. Both his parents were dead before Cas was even three, and what memories he has of them are vague and unclear at best. He spent a year or so on the streets of a large city named Varro, but luckily, or perhaps unluckily depending on how you personally view fortune, his destiny was timely altered.​
Cattivo Sage was the Quarter-Master for House Salaì, one of the largest noble families in not just Varro, but the known world at the time. The Salaì Family, always seeking the best of the best, wanted more than what was expected of an average Quarter-Master, and Cattivo was more than willing to provide that to them. For as well as organizing and providing the Salaì Family's personal Militia with the expected weapons and training, Sage supplied underworld contacts, information, and eventually, even Assassins. Cas was a child alone in the world, his prospects few. Cattivo promised him a steady source of food, shelter, and an apprenticeship into a line of work that would last the boy a lifetime. The boy had the good sense to agree, and so Cassius and a handful of other boys were adopted into the servitude of both Cattivo, and the whims and wants of the Salaì's. Under Cattivo's instruction, Cas learnt how to fight, lie, steal, sneak, hide, survive, and perhaps most importantly, kill. Cattivo's 'Sons', as he grew to call them, worked for the Salaì Family exclusively. They delivered important information, Silenced enemies, protected valuables, and carried out any and all vaguely untoward and explicit tasks the Family wished of them.​
Now our boy Cassius, despite his at times dozy and wandering nature, was of all things, quite the most perfect Rascal the Salaì's and Cattivo could have ever asked for. He took to violence well, mastering a fluid and adaptable technique of combat. He was the sneakiest of the lot of them, capable of avoiding even Cattivo's detection when he wanted to. Perhaps, in a way, it was his lack of ambition that made him such a good student. His brothers eventually sought to achieve and do more with the skills Cattivo had taught them. But Cassius was contently comfortable with what fate had served him. His newfound profession suited him, and he even enjoyed some of the work.​
Nothing lasts forever though.​
The boys became Men, and Cattivo grew ever older. He feared the Salaì's would soon come to be rid of him, and keep on his 'Sons' regardless. Fearful of this abandonment, he secretly pursued additional work for himself and his Sons. His ambition was to leave the Salaì's servitude, and strike up a criminal guild of his own. Of course, the Salaì's were a family too powerful to ever not know of this, and despite all of his secrecy and plotting, they learnt of Cattivo's scheme before it could be brought to fruition. The family were unwilling to risk any of the Sons turning on them and pledging themselves to Cattivo solely. For they knew what cunning Rogue's they had aided in creating. So a bounty was placed on each 'Sons' head, and all were cast out.​
It was hard initially. Cassius had all he had ever known taken from him within the space of an evening. The bounty was high, and evading Assassins and Hunters made for a gruelling existence, he was only still sixteen upon his departure. Cas left Varro for a number of years while the price on his head lost attention and traction. Eventually, and after finding himself in the Capital City, he figured a more stable, dare he even say: legal, line of work would suit well as a good cover for a while. And so he employed himself within the royal guard. Our boy lasted a solid year and a half, before being disgracefully booted forevermore. The Guard had no problem with his Combative skills or training, but those dastardly rapscallion-like tendencies couldn't help but make themselves known.​
Luckily for him, Cattivo's promise from all those years ago held true. For after his brief 'legit' professional stint, Cas set out into the world with the skills and knowledge of a rather distinguished Scoundrel, and wouldn't you know ended up doing rather well for himself. He's been in the business for years now, his reputation affording him the luxury of being able to work freely and independently. He floats from Contract to Contract, just doing whatever particular mission takes his fancy really, and what pays well enough of course. But as of late, while not swinging completely to the other end of the spectrum, he seems to be taking on and at the very least considering more, shall we say, Law-Abiding, jobs and contracts. Something must be making him consider all of this? A change of heart like that couldn't happen all on it's own, surely?​
If you're out shopping for a Professional Knave, Cassius of Varro is one of the first and well-credited names to pop up in your suggestions. Over the years, he has earnt himself a strong and solid reputation amongst the more illicit dealings and doings of the world. But otherwise, his name amongst decent ordinary folk is relatively unknown. But I suppose that means he's been doing his job well all this time.​
Quick on his feet: Literally - as previously mentioned, Cas' not exactly a heavy-set guy, and through a few good years of training and experience, it's fair to say he's pretty fast. In a number of ways too, he's a quick runner, swift to avoid a hit and practically untouchable when fleeing from suspicious situations, especially one's he's gone and caused.​
Mixed Combat - He's a good instinctive fighter, but what gives Cassius his edge is most certainly his variety. His knowledge of more refined fighting techniques comes from a widespread and varied education, all accumulated in a number of increasingly dubious ways. All in all, a fast and fluid Fighter, as at ease with a sword as he is with a bow.​
Good Cook! - Surprisingly good really. Unexpected I know, but let me tell you, this man sure does know his spices.​
Indecisive - No man is untouchable. Cassius' weakness lies in his fluidity for sure. A weakness of his that could be used by an enemy, would be to tease and lure him more into one school of combat than the other. His prowess lies within his ability to both switch and intertwine the more instinctive measures with those of a more strategic premeditation. Therefore, if an opposing fighter were able to lure him into one school of combat more, his technique would become unbalanced, and there the opening would lie.​
Cannot swim - ironic really considering his love for the coast. But then again, I suppose the densely populated plains of a city like Varro aren't exactly the best place to go about practicing your backstroke.​
Why are they with the party?:
It's intriguing really. Even if he kept to the more simpler contracts available to him, Cassius would make more than enough to sustain himself. But he seems intent on making just that little bit more. Be it just to nurture himself, or perhaps, possible another? is unknown.​
He took this job as the pay seemed good, the task at hand not too overly complicated. Couldn't be much more to it really.​

"But how shall you find it, unless you seek it in the heart of life?"

My possible fighter!!

hopefully all ok but let me know if anything needs changes!!
I've withheld a few things from his bio for further reveals/plot development etc. But if you want it all out in the open let me know and i can add them in, or send them to you in a message or whate ver ☀️
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faeryn barlowe
the mage
  • i
    full name
    faeryn artemisa barlowe
    twenty nine
    cisgender female
    the mage
coded by natasha.
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Silas Tavor


coded by xayah.ღ

Name: Silas Tavor
Alias: n/a
Age: 361 (Roughly middle age by human standards)
Gender: male
Orientation: Gay
Role: The Monk
Occupation: Acolyte

Appearance: Silas is small. Among elves he'd be perfectly average but being 5'4" and slender, along with his youthful features, means he's often mistaken for far, far younger than he is by non-elves. His ears are pointed and slightly oversized for his head but typically covered by shoulder length blond hair. He's pale and has a tired, slightly gaunt look to his face complimented by seemingly permanent dark circles under his eyes.

Faceclaim: Harry Lloyd

Clothes: Silas only owns one set of clothes. They are simple, dark linens, patched and mended so many times it's hard to say they're still the same pieces. His boots are thin, flexible leather and he wears a heavy hooded cloak most of the time.

Pets: n/a. Honestly slightly off-put by the idea of it, greatly dislikes the idea of animals being influenced by human/humanoid beliefs.

Preferred Weapons: Composite bow, magic, daggers

Personality: Silas is a book that has been closed, locked, and tossed into a dark hole somewhere far, far away. While his religious upbringing gave him a great deal of control over his emotions it also resulted in a rather blunted affect. Even when he does express his emotions they often come across as insincere or performative. It doesn't help that he can be a bit... morbid. A childhood spent surrounded by corpses tends to desensitize people and his cavalier attitude towards death, decay, and gore walks the thin line between 'comfortable' and 'worryingly cheery.'

At his core he's a scholar. He has a boundless curiosity and nothing makes him happier than learning something new, whether it's from an interesting book or the insides of a species he's never seen before. While he typically prefers to listen rather than speak, asking him a question about a subject he's passionate about is a surefire way to be overloaded with mostly useless information. This fascination can come across as condescending at times- with the difference in their lifespans, even full grown humans seem like children to him at times and he's guilty of speaking to them like it.

When the need arises, he's a competent negotiator. He spent a fair amount of his youth dealing with nobles and other various authority figures and he knows how to speak to them to get what he wants without them realizing it. Despite his less than stellar social skills, there is an earnest affability in Silas- he genuinely believes in doing good and strives to show kindness to those in need. He's slow to anger and a fastidious planner, refusing to act without accounting for every variable.

This gentleness is often mistaken for weakness but part of accepting death as a natural part of life is learning when to help it along. Death may not be a punishment but it is sometimes a consequence and a necessity. For him killing is a deeply spiritual act and one he does not take lightly. All other options must be exhausted first but once he's come to a conclusion, he doesn't hesitate and pursues his goals with single-minded focus. While he's fond of intellectual debate he's incredibly stubborn and changing his mind once it's set is all but impossible.
While he tries his best to be openminded and accepting, in truth he's got a deeply hidden judgmental streak that he forces himself to ignore. But if he spends enough time around someone, he will start casually mentioning his Goddess whenever they do something he disapproves of. Just as a little reminder that someone is always watching.

Virtues: Levelheaded, diplomatic, intelligent, patient, compassionate

Vices: aloof, overly cautious, pessimistic, repressed, dogmatic

Origin Story:
Silas was the second born of a set of twins and as such, his parents did the proper thing and gave him into the care of the Church of Fitheach the day he was born. If the separation was painful, Silas does not remember it. Nor does he fault them for it- twins are a horrible omen. The second one was owed to Fitheach, an elven goddess of death and fate, to spare the first's life. Better to be given to the church than be killed in his cradle like they did centuries before. And as it turned out Silas was well suited to his life.

The Elven city his family hailed from was already isolated, but the Church took it a step further. They'd retreated to an abbey deep in the woods centuries before to avoid distractions and only ventured out into the world at large when their faith called them to. Followers of Fitheach are primarily scholars and priests, studying the nature of death and performing funerary rites for any who require them. But certain members are called to a different form of service- the destruction of anything that defies the natural order of life and death. In addition to their usual religious studies, those members are trained in magic and combat so that when they are needed, they can be sent out into the world to show Fitheach's power. From a young age Silas knew this was his calling.

But elves grow slowly. Decades passed before Silas' education was complete and he was allowed out into the world to truly serve. Most of his time was spent at the abbey, attending lessons, meditating, and performing the basic acts of service required of all his fellows. These tasks ranged from tending their garden to preparing corpses for burial. Silas enjoyed his work and took a great deal of pride in it, but he was always more curious about the outside world than the others. So when his training was complete and word reached them of a necromancer terrorizing a neighboring town, Silas was more than happy to chase after them.

The actual fight was somewhat humbling. It was long and grueling and there were several moments where Silas was sure he would die. But every time he managed to dodge at just the last second or block a spell with one of his own. When he won, it was a feeling like nothing he'd ever experienced before. Guilt, which he hadn't expected, and then a quiet, content pride as he collected his reward from a grateful mayor. He hadn't been wrong- this was his calling and he was good at it. And he only got better over the next 200 years. While he was often smaller and weaker than whoever he was hunting, he would doggedly pursue them, wearing them down over days, weeks, months, as he struck from the distance.

But while Silas' faith only grew stronger over the years, the world outside was different. Elves were less and less interested in the teachings of Fitheach. They were morbid and dreary and why bother thinking about death when you lived so long? Fewer and fewer new members came each year until one year there were none. Slowly but surely their numbers dwindled and those that remained were less and less willing to go out into the world. So the rumors began- they ate their kin and robbed graves and raised the dead to do their bidding. A once revered church became a joke that children used to frighten each other. And after Silas confronted and killed a lesser noble for attempting to make himself a lich, they were shunned entirely. Some members abandoned the faith, unable to cope with the building tension.

But those that remained continued in their work. Despite the scorn it brought them Silas' faith never wavered. No longer welcome in courts or homes, he still ventured out into the world to rid it of any abomination who tried to defy his Goddess. And he would return home to what remained of his family, united and happy in their devotion.

But faith cannot do everything. Their funds dwindled and the abbey that had stood for so many centuries fell into disrepair. They did what they could with magic but with their membership dwindling and aging, they could never seem to keep up. It was a storm that did them in eventually. They'd seen it brewing all day, dark, wicked clouds that hung so low one thought they might reach up and touch them. The roof had leaked for years at that point and when the storm came, the faithful gathered in the nave and knelt in freezing water to pray.

Silas, unfortunately, had been sent off to deal with a heretic several towns away. It was a few days after the storm that he returned to find the roof collapsed. If anyone had survived they didn't stick around to tell him. What followed was several long days of clearing rubble and digging graves and performing rites and trying to remember that this was not cruel. This was the way of things. This was not a punishment for all those who had died or for Silas, who had been left behind and entirely alone.

Silas was the only one left. He couldn't return to the family that had given him up as an infant- it would only bring them trouble. And he'd been apart from the world for so long he wasn't sure how to rejoin it. So he packed what little he had and started walking. He wandered from place to place, performing his duties as best he could. He prayed and made offerings and spread the word, performing odd jobs in whatever town or village he came across to keep himself fed. And for thirty-odd years, he walked.

Reputation: Opinions on Silas and his ilk have varied wildly in his lifetime. When he was very young they were respected but people tended to avoid them unless they had need of them. As he grew older, people grew more and more distrustful of the church and most outside of his order turned away from the faith. Those that remained were reviled as cultists. But few people alive in these parts remember enough to recognize Silas for what he is or was and most who cross his path view him as harmless, if somewhat eccentric.

Powers/Skills: For the most part, Silas' magic is centered around illusion and negation, spells to weaken or deceive enemies. But in a fight he's capable of producing devastating destructive magic ranging from withering necrotic energy to gouts of flame.
Trained in basic combat, stealth, tracking, and diplomacy

Why are they with the party?: A combination of loneliness and genuine affection. Silas had never spent much time with humans before but he finds them oddly charming. They remind him of a happier time in his life, living and working among his fellow believers.

Other: The one thing Silas truly hates is the undead. While he's almost obsequiously polite in most situations, he views undeath as the highest form of blasphemy and considers it his duty to kill them.
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