Story a little observation


innocuous space goddess
This is something I wrote once after turning on my bedroom light, the chain to which was half gone because I had broken it and never fixed it. I thought it was a good moment to observe.


I grabbed the chain, and I pulled....

But one of the fittings had been so worn from my past force that it finally gave way...

Half of the chain broke away,
so that whenever I need a light now
I have to stand up on my toes
feel the pain in my side and back as I stretch myself nearly beyond my limit,

just to turn on my light.

It would not be a problem if I had thought to fix the chain as soon as I broke it
but I neglected it, tossed the fallen half onto my bookcase
and there it stayed until that spirit took it away.

so now I bear this broken burden every day,
or else live in darkness when I cannot bring myself to reach.

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