A Little Idea


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Hello there one and all, thanks for reading if you feel like darting your eyes over this wee thread. As you can imagine by now, this is a thread looking for advice; I'll be needing some no doubt about it! I was just wondering if people would actually want to see such a role-play or would find themselves interested in such a thing.

Basically, an entity neither benevolent or malevolent brings beings to a world very much like the one they inhabit. However, it is a world in which actions can go against you, your words can be your undoing, your thoughts to falter. If you say you're going to become a millionaire, you'll have to become a millionaire. If you're angry at someone, so much so that you could 'rip their head off', you will rip their head off. If you're thinking of doing naughty things with a person, you will do naughty things with that person. You will mean everything you do, say or think.

A picture of what said being will look like:


Now, my problem would be actually having a plot for such a thing. If anybody would have advice for it, I'd be more then willing to here it!

Thanks for reading!
Start with previous victims. Who has this entity kidnapped before, and how have they adapted to the strange metaphysics of the land they find themselves in? Or are the PCs meant to be the first, perhaps the only truly real inhabitants of this twilight zone?
That would be mass chaos xD . Interesting idea though. Before even going into how that would work, you asked about plot ideas. Think about why this being is doing this. Is his goal to correct the inverse's beings? Was he wronged on another planet and is seeking revenge on the cosmos? Why is, I assume, Earth his next target? Are they just in line or is Earth a planet he's heard a lot of bad things about?....

It looks to me like the plot has to revolve around why the Being is doing this. It is easy to find which way to take an RP if you actually get into the mind of the character. Why did Heath play the Joker so well? Because he got into the mind of the Joker. He learned why the Joker did what he did. How the Joker felt. How the Joker would react in certain situations. It was truly amazing. If you get deep into the point of view of this creature, a plot will naturally form in your mind, because you will seek to do what the creature wants to do. Because you are the creature. It will make the RP believable, and the creature's actions believable.

If you want tips on how to do this, you can always ask, but it's really just imagining yourself in another person's shoes. This is what anyone who wants to be an actor, must be able to do. It will require you to do a bit of research, on nonchalant cosmic beings toying with people though. But pretty soon, it'll be like second nature getting in their head. Just don't let it get to your head. :sweat:

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