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A list of 1x1s for you to browse.


Endless Witch
Hi all! My name is ValkyrieRose. YOu can call me by either section of that, It matters not. I have a list of 1x1s i've been wanting to do for a while. I am an intermediate roleplayer and can usuelally post a few paragraphs per post.

I prefer playing female characters. If you want to do FxF, that's fine with me, but my male rping is...horrendous. I can play any of the roles i listed. I love playing dark characters as well

*'s next to one indicate ones i really would like to do, up to 5 *s

Bolds one are roles id prefer. no bold = don't care eitherway

Here is a list of plots I've come up with, by setting.

1. Angel into Demon x Human- ****

An Angel comes down to earth to investigate unusual activity form hell. Gates to hell are opening, letting more and more demons out, and Angel's have gone missing. The angel, mid investigation, is attacked in an alleyway, injected with a spell of some sort, and slowly gets dragged into a hell gate. Lucky for her, a human comes and frees her. As she's freed, the fighting that ensues gives the human a piece of her power, making him able to fight the demons as well. The angel is free... but that spell is slowly corrupting her, slowly transforming her into a demon. Can she take on the forces of hell before they can succeed with whatever the were planning?Or will the angel succumb and join hell in their endeavors?

2. Contracted for Revenge **

In a sort of Black Butlerish deal, a demon is contracted by a human to get revenge on someone... or a group of someones, who wronged them in a horrible way. Complications arrive when the targets have help of their own. Demons start hunting the two, and eventually that with all the chaos, heaven may decide to get involved.

3. The Goddess' Savior ***

The world needs saving... and the Goddess who usually does that has been taken out of play. Either by injury, or a vast and powerful amount of spellwork, the Goddess has been reduced to only a small time mage. As the forces of evil rise, the Goddess needs help to restore her power... and she needs a hero to do it.. As the two go forth, they will find the fragments of her power, and get her back to power... in the end, this hero will save us all.

Horror Genre

Survival Game: ***

You've been thrown into a survival game against other people. If you manage to kill the others, you win the grand prize: you're set for life, anything you could every want. Do you have what it takes to survive, to fight...or even to kill someone... even if one of the other participants has been your crush since childhood... and does she even feel the same way?


You don't even have to ask what this one is about, do you? You're a person that's been loved by pretty much everyone in the school for whatever reason. You're getting prepared to leave school for the day...then the school locks down, saying there's a murder...and who else was found dead but the president of you're fan club. You're locked in a school with other people... one of which is a Yandere... and if she can't have you, no one will.


well....actually, i don't have any sci-fi plots. I've been wanting to do one but... I would have no idea where to begin. I'm new to this section

Fandoms: Eh, I usually don't do these, but I HAVE been wanting to do something off of RWBY's universe...

Edit Actually, there is another fandom id like to do:

Umineko No Naku Koro Ni: I have a love of locked room murders, and Umineko rises supreme in this category. I wouldn't mind creating a few scenarios, either based off Rokkenjima or anentirely different plot altogether... this one is for the super serious only, however.


Fire Emblem: I don't have an idea for a plot, but i love the series and would love to come up eith something.


Of course, if you hae ideas, simply tell me and I will consider them... well, don't be shy! Step up!

Update: Wow, you guys came in like a storm, as of a while ago, I am now closed for business... TO all who pmd me: thank you! All these replies make me love this site. Should some of these people drop out forwhatever reason, I will let you know!

Update 2: Im back open now! Accepting two people!
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ooh la la, i was hoping someone would be gutsy enough to be interested in that Drop me a line if you want to go through/ discuss things you'd like, characas, the like
i don't know if i did that right, but i dropped you a pm... or a conversation or...something.... (still getting used to this set up)
Under Sci fi how about this: At a some what shady space port in space two fairly well known space pirates, what the empire calls them, meet. During their time together she realizes she can do things others can't. (The Force be with you) Basicly a Star Wars type RP but like fifty years in the future. The Empire has been forced back to a sector of space with a number of systems and the New Republic has grown strong, but have no need for the Jedi, or so they think. My character is a former Emperial Officer that has seen the light. He tried to lead a mutiny on his ship and was betrayed and taken prisoner, tried and sentanced to a prison on a planet's moon. Here a secret ship building complex is building a ship that has more fire power then the now smaller ships that they have to use. (Star Destroyers cost to much to build and the Empire and New Republic have to downgrade to smaller crusers and frigets. The largest ship would be a carrier, which would carry a number of fighters.

Enter the Sith again in a couple of ways. The New Emperor's wife is a Sith with a mysterious advisor. Oh there will be other people showing up as well. Think you would care to do such an RP?
Would you be interested in an Angel into Demon / Demon who's betrayed their kind sort of thing?

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