Jeremy Kelly Lightfoot
Passion Kiss/band: Jeremy and the Rainbow Passions
There's been some views about some of the things that the show 7th heaven presented... some from season 5... 6... 7... 9... 10 and then perhaps 8 and season 2. But some may feel that it was as it was. However... we'd like to spin it a little. Make something else happen that shakes up the core of 7th heaven fandom. Or fanfic. I am looking to shoot in the elements of Lightfoot into the Camden universe... So... if there are any interests in this... Come one and come all. Step on in. I call you all out to take a interest. Anyone who is with interest and would like to be in on this...
Come on in. Let's talk and chat in PM... for all who are interested and we'll get to mowing down the details and talk of what we want in the RP. Then once we have that all put into a beginning play... we can get things rolling and see how it all begins. By our very minds... and hands.
Good luck and hope to hear from someone soon.