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smile like you mean it
click the seal to see the letter! the letter scrolls! there will be an uncoded version below

♡design by howlingwoods, coded by uxie♡

Dear Students and Staff,

You have been cordially invited to a sleepover in the Great Hall. Students will be staying in the Great Hall while Professors and Staff will be having their own sleepover in the Staff Room. Head People and Prefects are responsible for making sure the sleepover goes well and they will step in when they have to. Furthermore, please refrain from jinxing other students. This sleepover is meant to be one last night of relaxation before the classes offically start. Great Hall tables have been moved for easy access. Make sure to have fun and make this night before classes start count!

So, a sleepover has begun! It's time to begin the pillow fights, scary stories, and just plain old hanging out and character interactions!


Slytherin Prefect



observant, attentive, and calm


Skirt & Tank Top


Great Hall





"Alyndra, you are thinking too hard again."
A hiss echoed through the Great Hall as piercing mercury-dipped blue orbs scanned the many students settling down for the night.
"You know it takesss me a while to get usssed to being around people again."
The soft voice surprisingly answered in the soothing repetition of hissing as Alyndra glanced at the Blue Pit Viper that was draped around her sun-kissed tanned neck delicately. The Seraphine Heiress / Lady lived at the Seraphine Mansion - but that meant she was well distanced from the overall world and surrounded by wildlife and nature instead of people. The 'Ice Queen of Slytherin' lived up to the reputation she carried - her cool demeanor obvious in the stance she held as she leaned casually against the wall, elegant fingers stroking down the scales of Isis gently.

Her skirt was a soft silky fabric that was hand-dyed in tones of turquoise, gold, and magenta, hosting a variety of floral designs swirling over the fabric in white. Her shirt was form-fitting, enhancing the Forest Elf's figure daintily. Her pointed ears were hidden under her ebony strands, the fine textured hair falling over her should delicately in soft waves.
"Think that thisss sssleepover isss a good idea?"
Aly asked her friend around her neck with humor in her gaze. Her accent was barely noticeable through the sound of hissing that escaped her lips, but when she actually spoke one could assume her lineage given the heavy accent she carried.

"Aly, if this ssleepover hasss zero jinxesss thrown I will eat a feather."
Isis hissed good-naturedly. Her forked tongue flicked out gently, allowing her head to press against the soft heartbeat of her favorite witch. However, honestly, Isis didn't like anyone except for her mistress. The two were attached at the hip almost literally. The Slytherin Prefect was careful as she scanned over the students in the hall, making sure all was well as the sleepover began.

♡coded by uxie♡
coded by sugarnaut
sleepover?? This was not Pan's idea of fun. Was this required? Maybe she would go back to her dorm with Eris... But she was already here. Wouldn't it be more awkward if she turned back now? She didn't think before about whether this was a required event or not. At this point, if she were to head back she would maybe run into other students and they'd be like "Hey, Pan, the sleepover is the other way!" and it would be so embarrassing and awkward and maybe she would just have to push through this sleepover thing until she could go back to her bed where she is comfortable and familiar.

Pan gripped her blankets tighter and scanned the Great Hall for an empty space relatively further away from other people to hunker down. She spied a quiet(ish) spot against a wall to her left. Pan plopped her bedding down and fluffed up her pillows, creating a sort of nest for herself that she could eventually crawl into and hopefully sleep for the night.

Ravenclaw -- Year 6

Pandora "Pan" Streng

coded by sugarnaut

coded by Sugarnaut
Perhaps it was something contained in his mind as a joke, but that was Beauxbatons thinking. Stuck up French thinking, and honestly those things annoyed him. Hogwarts wasn't like that. While Beauxbatons judged you for the part in your hair, Hogwarts had different standards. Standards he could accommodate. He walked into that sleepover as the outsider, but he never let that define him. So he strode in confident, but ready to adapt. He was thrilled to be avoiding extra French thrust.

In Athena’s opinion, a great big sleepover was a perfect way to end the summer. All the students would be gathered together in the Great Hall right before classes started immediately the next day. Athena herself was really looking forward to this little planned event by the Headmistress. Her entire summer was spent like every other summer that started in her 4th year. At Hogwarts for the entirety of it. However, from spending every summer and holiday at Hogwarts for 3 years now, she’s built some semblance of a routine. Although she had to admit, a break from that highly repetitive routine would be much appreciated.

Right now, Athena was setting up in the middle of the Great Hall, closer to the wall. As much as she wanted to completely unwind, the letter from the Headmistress did mention that Prefects and Head People were expected to oversee the entire sleepover. Mostly making sure no irreversible jinxes were thrown, dealing with any minor injuries, and probably fix some jinxes that were thrown a little too fast for any interference. This wouldn’t stop her from unwinding just a little though. But, she did pick this spot specifically because it would serve as a pretty good vantage point. She could see most of the Great Hall with a quick scan.

She was dressed in comfy attire, made up of a graphic t-shirt and some plaid pajama pants. Her long hair was tied up with her wand keeping everything in place, kind of like a hairpin. This easy hairstyle quickly became a favorite of hers when she first discovered it. It kept her hair in place and her wand was easy to reach for at any given notice.

Placing her backpack down beside her bed, she was officially done setting up. Her backpack was full of all the essentials, well everything she considered essential for this sleepover. Small snacks, healing potions, and other potions that could reverse common hexes. She walked over to sit down at the tables that was pushed to the edge. She looked over the Great Hall, not only making sure that no harmful plans were coming to life but also making sure that everyone made it. Everyone should have fun before they’re drowned in homework.



  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡








  • home (filler tab)


can i love?

Tucked beside the fireplace in the Great Hall in his own little corner, sitting on top of his sleeping bag and donning green and silver silk pajamas, sat Joshua Browne tuning his acoustic guitar that he brought along with him after the summer holiday. With his barn owl Nova sleeping beside him in her cage, he tweaked a few strings to make sure all sounded well before softly strumming a little calming tune, a lullaby of sorts, to set the mood for the sleepover. It wasn't overpowering, he didn't want it to be - rather, it was meant to serve as background ambient music as his fellow students settled in for the night before starting classes tomorrow.

He and his twin sister, Emily (who was a prefect for house Ravenclaw now) were starting their sixth year together at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. While the two felt a lot more comfortable than when they first arrived, it was still a bit of a struggle when some of the pure bloods gave them looks for being Muggle Born. And considering Joshua was sorted into Slytherin house in his first year, that was all the more a struggle to just avoid the stares and mocking in his own common room. But he kept his head down and tended to stay out of everyone's way, even when he was making music like now. He was overall laid back, quiet, and thoughtful...and sometimes wondered why he was sorted into Slytherin of all places.

♡coded by uxie♡








  • home (filler tab)


can i love?

On the other side of the great hall away from her twin brother, Ravenclaw Prefect Emily Browne was already curled up in her navy blue sleeping bag and donning her long dark blue and white nightgown, her cat Percival sleeping comfortably beside her as she read over some notes before classes tomorrow.

Even though they hadn't officially started yet, Em liked to get a head start on her studies as usual, especially when it came to Divination; her favorite of all the classes offered here at Hogwarts. She was determined to become a professor in the subject after graduation, and with her talents as a Seer she didn't want that to go to waste, wanting to teach Divination and its gifts to the next generation.

She glanced up from her book when she heard the dim but noticeable sound of her brother across the great hall strumming his acoustic guitar, and it brought a smile to her face. It felt like being back home with their parents, Joshua often played guitar lowly in his room and it always managed to lull Em to sleep. She went back to her book and looked through it, covering a stifled yawn in the process. So far, this sleepover seemed to be going very smoothly, and that made her duty as a prefect all the easier.

♡coded by uxie♡








  • home (filler tab)

Alex Warren

Carry You Home

Niphredil wasn't thrilled about the sleepover. She could feel her creature itch to be outside, roaming the Forbidden Forest instead of stuck in the Great Hall where she was. The downside of being a werecreature - nighttime was hard on her. She clearly remembered how long it took her to train with her godmother and godfather. Her stunning deep blue eyes scanned the hall easily looking for her small group of friends that she knew would be around.
"I wonder where they are."
She murmured to herself, her eyes easily pinpointing the prefect leaning against a wall before going over her.

Niphredil Cúroen was a Malaysian pureblooded witch, which showed in her ebony-colored hair, style of dress under her robes, and her sun-kissed tanned skin. Just a few years ago, she had ended up explaining her inheritance first to Athena, feeling more at ease with the head girl and the fact they were in the same house at Hogwarts anyway. It had taken the girl almost a full year to even consider sharing this news with the other three in the group. This year however might just be the year where she would explain fully what was happening. Her leopard form had been spotted every now and then and rumors were starting to spread so having more on her side would be smart.

Niph eased herself up against a wall, curling up inside her sleeping bag quietly. Her blue orbs stared up at the ceiling longingly. Her blue orbs slid around once more, landing on the familiar figure of her best friend and favorite head girl, Athena. The more high-strung feeling of her creature self dwindled a bit more once she noted to familiar figure. Her tensed muscles relaxed, feeling all the tightness bleed out as she flopped down. She wasn't a huge fan of pajamas - in all honesty, the Malaysian girl wore a sari that night - the blue and silver fabric contrasting against her dark skin. Sequins glittered along the border and it was light and perfect for nighttime. It was also less restricting on her body which the girl preferred. Now, if only she could figure out where Sebastian and Fable were, her entire night would be perfect. And she would be able to relax.

♡coded by uxie♡
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Roan Robin
6th year Hufflepuff
Location: Great Hall
Mood: Nervous
Roan didn't particularly know what to expect when he got the little invitation from the headmistress. Especially because he would much rather relax in bed with his books and not worry about more people than his already existing roommates. Dressed in simple pajama pants and a cropped hoodie, he had a thick blanket slung over his shoulder while his dear raven rested on his other shoulder and a novel in his free hand. "This is gonna suck, Cheese. Like.. all the snoring, and farting and potential sleep walkers.." He muttered softly, earning a soft drawn out croon from his patient bird.

Slipping into the Great Hall, his stormy blue eyes drifted around and eventually found a spot somewhat near the fireplace to drop his blanket down and nudging Cheese to move onto the window sill, who reluctantly obeyed with a cranky croak. "Can't have you shit on my hood, lovey." He pointed out to the displeased raven as he sat down and let his eyes drift around. He could see a few Slytherin, and hear the vague strumming of a guitar but the idea of actively seeking out anyone made him want to throw up in his mouth or defenestrate himself personally. The muggle-born already felt rather alienated to begin with; having failed his first go at 6th year due to.. circumstances. He imagined younger house-members in his year wouldn't try to interact with him, he saw them as having no reason to especially if they had preconceived notions.. and those his age? Why the hell would they talk to someone who flunked the same year they passed?

With a slightly shuddery breath, Roan slid down against the wall slightly and opened his novel to read. A romance novel.​
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  • home (filler tab)

Girl's Generation

Into The New World

Auburn-colored ears flicked slightly as Himari Koharu struggled with the bobby pins. Elegant fingers, tipped with claw-like nails fighting with the lightly curled strands. Koharu had already gotten dressed in her pajamas, the kimono brushing her knees lightly in swaths of violet and purple. She had managed to tell one of the prefects she was using the bathroom, using the excuse of brushing her teeth and getting ready for bed in order to allow her ears to pop up before focusing on pinning them down.
"I don't see why we have to have a sleepover - it's such a ridiculous thing."
Koharu almost hissed as she fought with her ears. A wince escaped her as she felt the pain of the delicate appendages being pinned down to blend with her natural hair tone.

The Japanese pureblooded Neko wasn't sure how she would be able to keep her heritage a secret much longer. she clutched at the sink before her as she lifted her eyes slowly. Icy blue orbs met in the reflective surface and Koharu gave a sigh as she saw the slit-like pupils in the mirror. She fumbled in the pocket of her pajamas, fishing out her contact lens case before struggling slightly to put in the goddess-forsaken things. The girl glanced up, tension releasing as she saw a more normal version of herself in the mirror. Her tail was hidden under her kimono, the appendage wrapped tightly around her waist under the loose-fitting silk.

Koharu slowly made her way back to the Great Hall. her eyes finding a nice...secluded little corner in the darkness where she felt more at ease. The downside of being a Neko... she adored being awake at night and sleeping mostly during the day. She could use this time though to read. Her mother had packed her a book that described her heritage in depth - her behaviors (which she noticed more so nowadays ...including her penchant for fish...) as well as her instincts and the lore surrounding Himari Nekos. And...with that thought in mind, the delicate female curled up in her sleeping bag .... only to quickly rebound bolt upright once more , a startled
escaping her mouth in a cat-like hiss as she rubbed her tailbone slightly. A slight blush creeping across her face as she gingerly sat back down (way more carefully this time mind you) and broke out the book. It looked old, leatherbound cover with etched and burned writing on it as well as delicate pages.

"Chapter 1: Neko Behaviors & Instincts"

The witch murmured softly, blue orbs studying the writing fondly as she rested against the silk pillow behind her. Smells of Sakura blossoms, jasmine, and ocean mist filling her with memories of her homeland. Of the small island her ancestors came from.

♡coded by uxie♡
HOUSE: Slytherin (7th Year)


LOCATION: Slytherin Dorms > outside Great Hall entrance > inside Great Hall
Athena Yang (vaguely)
Ethan Talio (vaguely)

Sebastian Black
TL;DR After finding her brother's cat, Demelza tells her friends to go ahead without her and wait by the entrance of the Great Hall. On her way to the hall she finds her brother, who asks her to tell her friends not to pull anything too crazy tonight. Feeling judged by her twin, when Demelza enters the hall, her friends are nowhere to be seen.
demelza black
being raised by cold eyes taught me not to cry
Demelza and her friends had spent the past hour or so getting ready for the sleepover, taking turns to use hand mirrors and laughing amongst each other as they gossiped about different things that had happened throughout the day. It was baffling how much they knew about other witches and wizards, though it would be wrong to assume that their gossip was always entirely truthful. It was best enjoyed when there were truth to the words, of course, but Demelza found it almost equally entertaining when there wasn't any.

Just as she and her friends were about to make their way to the Great Hall, Demelza heard a familiar sound coming from somewhere in the room, though she was surprised to hear it in her dorm room as opposed to her brother's. When she saw a black cat prowling around her bed with elegance, Demelza told her friends to go on ahead without her and wait inside the hall by the entrance.

After her friends had left, Demelza turned to the cat and smiled, her lips coated in a clearish cherry flavoured gloss. “Looking for your dad?” she asked, crouching down and reaching her hand out to the green-eyed feline. Demelza wasn’t expecting much—Emery was less of a family cat and more of her brother’s friend ever since he found her as a stray when they were young.

Independent but fiercely loyal to Sebastian, the feline was one of the only beings at Hogwarts that never paid Demelza Black much attention at all, so when Emery walked up to her hand curiously, the witch was fascinated. “You like me today?” she asked, still smiling as she took the opportunity to pet the cat’s head. “Seb's probably in the Great Hall already.”

Emery's ears perked up upon hearing the mention of her owner’s name, but when a group of witches who were loudly chattering away entered the dorm room, the black cat ran off in a different direction. Though the interaction had been short, Demelza was pleased that Emery had given her the time of day for once.

. . .

The green eyed vampire walked the halls with an air of confidence as she made her way to the Great Hall, only slowing her stride once her eyes had locked onto a very familiar face. Standing outside the Great Hall was none other than Demelza’s twin brother—who clearly hadn’t seen her yet.

“Sebastian,” she greeted as she approached him, finally causing the tall teen to look down at his sister. There was no mistaking that they were twins—their dark hair, emerald eyes and sharp features practically made them each others’ counterparts of the opposite sex when Demelza didn’t hide her naturally wavy hair—but they did differ greatly in height, evident in the way that one towered over the other.

“Oh, hey,” the male replied, the stoic expression that he hadn't noticed had been resting on his face quickly softening when he laid eyes on someone that he recognised. “What’s with you?” he asked after a moment, noticing that his sister appeared even more pleased with herself than usual. “Are you up to something?”

“Up to something?”
She repeated, raising an eyebrow in amusement at his suspicion and folding her arms just like her brother had been folding his. “What gives you that idea?”

“Can you at least tell your friends not to pull something crazy or upset anyone tonight?”
he asked, knowing from experience that his sister’s clique sometimes looked for entertainment in other students when they had nothing better to do. Demelza was fully aware that her brother was friends with the Head Boy of Slytherin and the Head Girl of Ravenclaw who would partly be responsible for making sure the night went smoothly, so she assumed this was his way of looking out for them.

She found his proposition to be rather hypocritical considering the fact that he and his group weren't exactly saints. A lot of them broke rules behind professors backs too—especially Sebastianso who was he to act so highly? “Jesus, Sebastian. When did you get so boring? Want me to snitch to your Prefect friends if I hear a jinx, too?” she jested, taking the opportunity to tease him.

“You know that’s not what I mean,” Sebastian responded firmly, choosing not to take the bait in correcting her. The serious expression on her brother’s face made the smile on Demelza's one fade slightly as she continued to look at him with piercing green eyes.

“You knowyou always make me out to be so judgmental, but you're more like me than you think.”

he sighed.

I'm not up to anything. Catch you later, baby brother.” Demelza made a point of reminding Sebastian that she was born a few hours before him before strutting through the doors in front of her. She sighed and ran her fingers through her ebony hair as she entered the Great Hall, scanning around for any sign of her friends. She could’ve sworn they agreed to wait for her by the entrance, but no matter how hard she looked, they were nowhere in sight. "Great," she muttered sarcastically under her breath, realising that she was on her own for the moment.
code by valen t.
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HOUSE: Slytherin (7th Year)


LOCATION: Outside the Great Hall
Fable Dupont
Athena Yang
Niphredil Cúroen
Ethan Talio

Demelza Black
TL;DR After a conversation with his sister doesn't quite go to plan, Sebastian stands outside of the Great Hall, waiting for a friend. While he's waiting, he's greeted by his cat, Emery.
Sebastian Black
how many centuries deep is your wound?
Rolling his eyes after deciding not to chase after his sister, the dark haired vampire stood waiting outside of the Great Hall, his arms folded casually across his chest as he leant against the wall beside the entrance. A small part of him felt bad for automatically assuming the worst in his twin, but he soon remembered all the times she sat and watched idly while her friends singled someone out for as little as being Muggle-born—or lower class, for that matter.

At least Demelza did their parents proud in choosing to remain ignorant. Now lost in thought, Sebastian wasn’t really paying attention to any of the students that were walking past him. He didn't feel the need to check each of their faces as they passed because the girl he was waiting for was unmistakable, her ever changing colourful hair being the first thing that Sebastian usually noticed in a crowd.

That evening, he was wearing a plain black short-sleeved shirt tucked into plaid dark blue and black pajama pants—which felt a little strange to be wearing so far from Slytherin dorms. Sure, he was among a handful of students who snuck out past curfew every other night, but he never did so in pajamas. Even so, Sebastian was surprisingly looking forward to the sleepover.

He was overjoyed that the summer holidays were over—not because he was eager to pick up his wand and resume the academic marathon, but because at Hogwarts, he was both close to his friends and far away from his parents. He was also really looking forward to getting back out on the Quidditch field with his team, which went hand in hand with teasing Fable and Athena about how Slytherin were inevitably going to wipe the floor with their teams.

Having been Slytherin’s Quidditch captain since the year before, Sebastian had a lot of faith in his team for the upcoming year. He knew his friends were exceptionally skilled players too, which only made their friendly rivalry all the more thrilling. He was glad that poor Niphredil was willing to put up with being surrounded by a bunch of competitive athletes despite having no real interest in the sport.


Just then, Sebastian felt something soft brush past his ankles which brought an immediate smile to his face. “Hello my girl,” he greeted warmly, leaning down and running his fingers across the fur of a black cat who seemed to be very happy to have found her owner. “You here for the sleepover? Didn't think it was your kind of thing.” He chuckled as he scratched behind her ear, eventually returning to his original position by folding his arms and resting his back against the wall again as Emery sat down beside his feet, her emerald green eyes scanning every student that passed intently as if she knew that they were waiting for someone.
code by valen t.
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