Story A Liar Till The World Caves In


Master Of Boredom
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"Sometimes, I wonder If I was wrong." The blonded voice echoed in that small room, fingers battered akin to his reflection that were far from his reach. Holding the Rose covered in thorns, not a single flinch nor discomfort can be seen from his face.

As he hold it dear to his lips, such fragrance that ease the storm in his head. But his mind continued to voice out his doubts and regrets. "Sometimes, I wonder if things would have been better without me." The sky blue eyes wearily hold it's vision, swollen and red the skin was marked with hands.

"Sometimes, I wonder if you missed me." The defeat in his eyes were crystal clear, for he could not bear to look at the cruel world. Hiding inside the small cramped space, He fell apart slowly.

"Sometimes, I wonder If You hated me." The rose that he held would wither in his palms while his body began to tremble greatly, the air in his lungs refusing to stay.

He held the rose to his chest as he could hear, feeling the petals brush against his skin akin to a loving caress of a loved one's embrace. He wanted it, he needed it. As the old phone before him began replaying the recording filled with the voices of his dearest friend.

"Your accent sound's fine to me."

"You fool."

"Thank you."

"I'm glad you're okay"

"You should eat too."

"Don't leave me.."

Blue eyes shattered to pieces as he held the phone to his ear, A bitter laugh echoed from those chapped lips before it turn slowly into a devastating cry. He wept for he regretted the decision he had made selfishly, how many times have he broke this promise?

"I'm so..sorry Noah..I'm so sorry..I am such a fool..I broke our PROmise..I-I BROKE IT-!" He yelled and choke as he coughed up the violent wave of deep seated hatred for everything. He was the one who dared to push him away and now he regretted that exact decision, Why couldn't he just stop acting so selfish?

But there was nothing he could do as he missed his voice deeply, he wanted to hear it again. He wanted to talk to them, to share his tale with them. He needed them here so bad but he didn't want them to get hurt either, Conflicted he was that selfishness became a double sharp edge.

"Please...Please..Talk to me..I miss you..I need you..It's so LOnely!" He sobbed and coughed and kept forcing his voice to crack from the amount of stress he had pinned upon his own flesh. Shaking his head as he plead to an empty receiver, hearing nothing but the buzz of the landline.

He was never the one to make such decision, Even as he grew older his mind remind as simple as that of a child. Morals and wishes became black and white and yet such childish dreams would never come true in this harsh reality. Suffering from his own selfish decision, he regretted it either way regardless if the decision was made or not.

"I don't know what to Do! I just-I didn't- I was being selfish again!" The blonde confessed as he pour his emotions into the phone. "I-I Can't! I-I missed you so BAD! It hurts! It HURTS!" The blonde yelled into the phone as he clench his chest and feel his heart beat about to burst, He wailed and sobbed violently.

He wept and wept till his eyes hurts so bad from crying and his throat felt extremely hoarse from screaming, He gaze upon the night sky. The stars refused to appear in the gloomy sky, but he could see the countdown upon the old tv drawing to a near.

Closing his eyes as he sat with his back against the wall, the phone in his hand. He began to actually dial the their number. Giving them a call, taking deep breaths to calm himself down.

"Uh-Hi..sorry I'm just nervous...I know you dont know me. Well I am just calling every phone available to leave a message in their phone, sorry if I disturb your day." The blonde spoke with a light nervous chuckle before opening his eyes to gaze at the dark sky. "It's alright, I got nothing to do I guess. You better not be a creep." the voice responded.

"N-No I'm just here to say, I hope you have a great day...and if anyone is not being nice to you, you can tell them to kindly fuck off." The thick accent slurred his words as he tried to push himself to keep talking.

"I'm sure you are kicking life like a bad debil, being the best of the best don't you let anyone tell you otherwise." The blonde lightly chuckle despite how exhausted he is, feeling the ground slowly shake as he held the phone close to his ear. Eyes began to water with tears as he could finally hear their voice after a long while.

"Thanks I guess." The voice answered, it was a miracle they didn't hang up till now. The blonde laughed painfully, he could see the smoke from the distance reminding him of his impending doom. "Yeah well...There were a lot of things I wanted to say..But I will not take anymore of your time. Hope you and your family well." The blonde spoke as his voice cracked and he could feel his lungs being crushed.

"Oh wait and one more thing, If you do have a friend who promised to never leave you. Can you please forgive him?" The blonde asked as he gaze at the countdown with ten seconds left to spare.


The simple answer that wreck him with immense amount of guilt as he had done something that he himself could not forgive, Bawling his eyes out as he sobbed violently and couldn't bear to hold his tears anymore.

"..Thank you"

He spoke out from the bottom of his heart, as he took the last word as closure. It was then that he had to soon speak his farewells, The voice on the other side had bid their farewells first and he follows after.

"Good bye."

"Good friend."

He pressed the button to server the call as if in an instant, He smiled and closed his eyes before the ground he sat upon burst into flames. The large explosion had wipe the ground clean from any trace of existence, as the buildings are leveled to the ground.

Thousands of life wiped from the face of earth, without a single soul that know of it. Announcing the end of their war, while the stars bid them farewell.​

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