• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern A L I E N : I S O L A T I O N



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Torrens has been deemed 'abandoned' as of now at approximately 1900 hours, all cadets have received a brief synopsis of the last report which was sent 6.5 days ago from one of the passengers aboard by the name of "Amanda Ripley" whom has yet to return previous attempts to forward a message back as a form of response. At this moment in time, we await a reply from Diana Verlaine although we must consider that there will be none anytime soon.

As for the deployment of awaiting recruits who are expected to fill the roles of those employed by the owner of the
Torrens, we wish you luck.


*please refer to the bottom of the sheet as well, IT IS IMPORTANT TO SCROLL DOWN ALL THE WAY.*


first, middle (if applicable), last. 24+ day, month, and year. self-explanatory.
john a, doe. 44 15, 4, 2093 (rp is set in 2137.) genderfluid

heterosexual? homosexual? asexual? bisexual? engineer? co-captain? researcher? (refer to overview for options.) you MUST establish relations once the RP begins IF you are accepted. 5+
bisexual engineer n/a +guns, fixing shit, memes, being overtly masculine, coffee, being left the fuck alone

5+ 2-3 paragraphs fears DIFFER from phobias meaning they are simplistic things that anyone could be scared of. PHOBIAS ARE NOT. (3+) 1+
+tea, oranges, broken shit, talkative people, life in general, classical music. too lazy to tell you shit. -spiders and dogs *agoraphobia
what kind of theme song goes with your character? (optional) LISTEN CLOSELY, ONLY ONE CHARACTER IS ABLE TO GET A ROOM ALONE SO PM ME IF YOU ABSOLUTELY NEED YOUR CHARACTER TO HAVE A ROOM TO THEMSELVES. THE REST SLEEP TOGETHER (not like that, perv.) what can your character do? (2+) what is your character like? can be a list of detailed vices and virtues, otherwise 1-2 paragraphs.
Rick Astley- Never Gonna Give You Up Confined to a room alone. +FIX SHIT, JUGGLE. nah, not going to because this charrie is just an example.
no slide
*Character sheets are due on May 31st, NO EXCEPTIONS. (Unless you ask really nicely for an extension and I'll say yes because I love you.)

*DO NOT STRESS YOURSELF. Coding don't mean shit to me and I'll kindly provide you all coding if you need it so you don't nitpick over shit thinking I'll be materialistic and only like you if you know how to use a few hex codes. I won't. I judge by the development of your character not the pretty shit applied to it. Although, props on those who even finish the CS, you'll all do great.

*BE DIFFERENT. Don't be that guy, don't be that girl, don't be that person who makes a character that's commonly used in most RPs. DIVERSITY IS KEY PEOPLE.

*I WILL GIVE YOU RESOURCES TO SHIT IF YOU NEED THEM. Ask me for anything and I'll provide, no problemo.

no slide
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Astrid Cohen


Astrid B. Cohen 25 2,14, 2112 Cisgender

Heterofluid Co-captain TBD Coming Soon

Coming Soon Coming Soon TBD Coming Soon

Coming Soon Coming Soon

Personality Coming Soon

Biography Coming Soon

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W Y A T T | W I L S O N


Wyatt Wilson 28 11th of April 2165 Male Hetereosexual Medical Specialist

Skill 1 Skill 2 Skill 3 Skill 4
Emergency Care Surgery Diagnose Logical Thinking

  • Sarcasm
  • Poetry
  • Partying
  • Communication
  • Loafing Around
  • Needless Discussion
  • People Not Getting Jokes
  • Deadlines
  • Being Woken Up
  • Hunger


Wyatt is a very orderly person, second-guessing everything that goes against the law, appears dangerous or otherwise unpleasant, and generally second-guesses everything he does, regardless of lawfulness. He's pragmatic person and reacts in disbelief when those around him suggest something dangerous or risky when there's a (however) obvious safer way to accomplish the same task. Wyatt has been described as neurotic before for his inability to roll with the "We'll just wing it" mentality, something that caused him many nerves and many sweaty foreheads.

Despite his seemingly overly orderly behavior, Wyatt can be an entertaining person. Though he is approaching his 30s, he keeps up with pop-culture and, unlike many of his friends, doesn't find youth-phenoma annoying. Maybe it is for this sincerity that he rarely receives any comments about trying too hard to be hip or being cringy. He has the idealism of a liberal arts college major and loves poetry and dance, having an affection for clubbing, poetry slams and the likes. Wyatt can certainly bust a move. If he wasn't such a cynical person, always excecting the worst in people, he'd most likely chain himself to trees and hold up signs, insulting the establishment.

One of his biggest social strengths is his ability to layeth the smacketh down on whoever tries to tell him off. Though he is often dumbfounded whenever someone says something stupid, he quickly recovers and retaliates with a barrage of sass and sarcasm whenever someone displays their, to him, unfathomable lack of common sense.


~ Wyatt has an uncomfortable prediction about his death being unnecessary and easily avoidable. Though he is unsure what exactly will happen, he is very doubtful about growing very old, and often says something along the lines "This shit will kill me one day."

~ Love is scary. And it's worse when you're falling for people as easily as Wyatt does. He's not one to pay too much attention to someone's appearance, but it's easy to make him feel a little too lovesick over someone whenever they show him affection and are, to him, genuinely great personalities.

~ As a doctor, Wyatt has developed a strong stomach against blood, wounds and gore of all kind, but he is a wuss in the very sense of the word. Pain is an absolute no-go for him and he has a basically non-existent threshold for enduring physical pain.


~ Acrophobia - Wyatt experiences fear of heights. It varries depending on the surrounding itself, his state of mind and the situation he is, but if he has to stares down and the floor is only visible 20 feet or more away, we're gonna have a problem.


2-3 paragraphs

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Guy Phan








Flaming Homosexual (But Closeted)


Weapons Specialist



- Casual Conversation

- A Good Sense of Humor

- Philosophy and Being Intellectually Challenged

- Offering Assistance

- Healthy Exercise

- Cold Showers

- Most Food


- Petty Fights and Disagreements

- Discrimination and Closed-Mindedness

- Speaking of the Past

- Being Held Back

- Dishonesty


2-3 paragraphs


- Becoming physically disabled. This would not only inhibit his ability to perform his job correctly, but would also force him to become dependent on another, something that he most certainly does not want.

- Medical visits. Needles, scalpels, that weird hospital smell. It all terrifies the shit out of him.

- Being helpless. In the face of adversity, the thought of being unable to help himself and others quite frankly scares him.


Merinthophobia - fear of being bound or tied.


For the most part, Guy Phan is chill in every sense of the word. The man can get along seemingly with almost anyone, though his easygoing manner and tendency to compensate with humor in awkward or stressful situations may not be for everybody. Honestly, it would be odd in any circumstance not to hear him cracking a joke. Nevertheless, it is this sense of humor in particular that makes him so easy to speak to. Guy is always open to conversation, be it the casual or the intellectual, and enjoys being challenged and engaging in friendly debate. Having made it a personal goal to understand other people, he is not one to judge based on first impressions, and is always willing to aid people in working through personal struggles. Posessesing a sort of way with people, he knows how to induce a sense of calm in a crisis and act as a mediator during disputes between colleagues. Philosophy will forever hold Guy's interests, as the prospect of discovering even a small glimpse into the secrets of the universe is something that he finds to be fascinating. When angered of upset, being a level headed man, instead of lashing out right away, he will leave the room to compose himself before returning to engage in civilized discussion.

Though Guy may be a seeker of knowledge when it comes to other people, many of his problems arise in the fact that he does not truly know himself. Humor is often used as a way in which to mask his own feelings, oftentimes more from himself than from others. In a ploy to keep the truth of his sexuality from the other members of his team, he can often be seen carrying around Playboy magazines, which he pretends to find interest in for show. Though willing to help others, Guy hates being held back, although more often than not he isn't even aware of the direction in which he is heading. He certainly does not lack confidence in himself or in his abilities, as the test of time has proven him to be quite capable (that is not to say that he does not know his limits, as well). It is a slight fear of the future that holds him, the thought of somehow losing these abilities and being unable to do as he pleases and to function as a true and productive member of his team. Despite this, he is able to maintain a generally positive outlook on life, which can be somewhat of a blessing when things go awry. He does not fret when things do not go as planned, and is always ready with some sort of creative solution.


- Firearms Expertise

- Sufficient Knowledge of Various Other Weapons and Their Usage, Including Stun Batons and Those for Debilitating Androids

- Quick Thinking in a Crisis

- Calming Abilities and Crowd Control

- He Can Also Juggle Pretty Well



A place in one of the pods with all the others will suffice for him.




Work in progress.






Joaquim Hernandez




16 / June / 2110






Engineer (Computer Technician / Programmer)



Computer games, proving himself, reading, successful repairs, photography, learning about technologies, dogs, small firearms (participates in minor small arms shooting competitions out of hobby), expertise and professionality in one's field


Crowds, getting lectured and/or having to lecture others, failing to solve things on his own, violence, vandalism, contrarian work, and above all else: Seegson company products


Joaquim Hernandez's family is of Mexican ancestry, and has become involved in Weyland-Yutani operations in the United States since its early days. It was a natural choice for Quim to become employed at the same company as his parents, but unlike them, he was more interested in the ever-rapidly expanding computer technics and other high-tech applications and products of W-Y, rather than heavy-duty machinery or office work. Although not exactly a poster man of team efforts, Quim has proven his learning capacities and talents for handling software and hardware alike with remarkable haste. However, due to his personality issues, he has never quite risen much above his station, even if he is a respected asset of the company's interests.

Quim is single, unmarried, and plans to stay as thus. His interests and ambitions lie elsewhere. The mission regarding the Torrens is looking up to be his proving grounds: having been entrusted to help restore the systems aboard and extract all available databanks, he's almost a bit too enthusiastic for the anticipated work, believing it will aid him in securing a higher position and paycheck, ergo access to W-Y's inner networks and become included in the crew of grander projects.


Insectoid animals, power failures, helplessness, physical mutilation, acidic and/or toxic substances


Atychiphobia- fear of failure

Iatrophobia- fear of doctors


Joaquim has never been particularly a sociable person. He's always been more drawn towards things which are artificial, and run on logic as opposed to emotions. Given his emotional detachment from most people, he has a hard time getting closely acquainted with others, and his antisocial tendencies don't help this one bit: he's easily agitated by contrarianship and simple-mindedness, hates being contradicted and overruled, and has little in the way of imagination how to handle the resulting stress better than by defaulting to sneering, insulting commentary.

That said, he knows what he's good at, and he does it real well. Actually, he will try to go above and beyond it, even when rationally he shouldn't try in some cases. Despite his snide remarks and behind-the-back slurring, he's capable and willing to cooperate and put up with a lot of pressure if that means he can achieve what he wants more easily. He has a deep appreciation for those who put professionalism in a similarly high esteem as he does, and accordingly one of the easiest ways to get past Quim's stingy nature is to acknowledge his abilities and usefullness.


Computer programming and engineering

Communication systems handling and repairs


Minor electric repairs

Basic pistol training (self-trained)



He's not happy being hauled together with the others, but will tolerate it.


(No theme music chosen - for now at least.)

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Jade B. Lyria













Flying, Sunlight, PB&J Sandwiches, Earth, Ice Cream, Travel, Family.


Bugs, Silence, Being Alone, Pain, Bad News, Water, Confined Spaces.


She was born on Earth to James and Marsha Lyria, who both had jobs on Sevastopol station and left her in the care of her grandparents. The time she got to see them was most precious to her and in hopes of one day joining them she took interest in being a pilot for small shipping freighters. From an early age she loved things that flew and knew that's what she wanted to do, receiving full support from her father but her mother was a bit reserved. But, when you're parents aren't around to say no, who can stop you from perusing your dreams?

As soon as she was old enough she got a Class A license and flew cargo containers from place to place on Earth, having to spend at least a year flying with a coach before being cleared to test for Class B. She had to spend another two years flying cargo from stations orbiting Earth before even being considered for a Class C, and she had to have four approval cards from superiors. This took longer than she wished thanks to one of her superiors being a sexist pig and holding her back because she wouldn't 'visit' him like the other girls would. But, after months of filing reports they finally sent investigators and got the man suspended long enough to gain approval from his replacement.

Finally she could fly back and forth from any station as long as she requested the proper transferal. Unfortunately the day her transfer was approved they lost contact with Sevastopol station and designated the ship a quarantine zone. Worried about her parents she discovered that they were send a ship to investigate and decided to stow away, hoping to get to the station and find her mother and father.


Heights, Deep Water, Darkness.


Scotomaphobia- Fear of going blind.


Strong willed, determined, this are words that people who know Jade would use to describe her. Humble, and well mannered are two of her more dominant qualities, with just a hint of rebellion. When she sets a goal for herself she strives daily to meet it, and anything in her way just gets run over and left behind. She will never brag about her achievements, but she is always proud of them.

Her parents have molded her into an honest and hard working woman, with the little they see her anyway. She holds great admiration for them and is extremely grateful for everything that they did to make her happy and the woman she is. Now, her determination and will is directed at Sevastopol station where she will stop at nothing to find her missing parents and bring them home. Her hopeless optimism blinding her to the already apparent truth, they are probably dead.


Flying, Hiding, Running.



Stowaways don't get rooms.


What song describes your character? (Optional.)


Benjamin Moore




Benjamin Moore













His Daughter

Drinking Games


Slightly Incorrect History Trivia

Romance Novels


Aggressive Women

Chess (but he's terrible at it)

Civilian Clothes










2-3 paragraphs


Dying In Space


Aliens with acidic blood

His Ex


Ben doesn't really fear death in general so much as he fears dying in space, at work, instead of where he feels he should be - on earth and with his daughter.


You’d think someone with the esteemed title of Doctor would be a well spoken, professional, organized and pragmatic individual. In fact you’d
want your Doctor to be these things, such traits belong to a focused and trustworthy healer that you can rely on to take care of you when you most need it. Unfortunately for the Jenily they’re stuck with Ben, who is almost none of these things. Ben is almost never professional, he’s slovenly, drinks at inappropriate times, and doesn’t know when to shut his damn mouth. He’s been written up multiple times, not that he’s even sure what the hell being written up even means, it’s not like Weyland can fire him, and continuously gets shipped out for the worst jobs because he refuses to clean up his act enough to be a good candidate for a cushy position. He’s always the kink in the chain, the naysayer, the conspiracy theorist, as though going with the flow isn’t in his DNA. It’s a bit self destructive, more than a bit, but it’s Ben.

It might be easier to understand Ben’s dislike for the rules in general if you took into account that he hates Weyland-Yutani with a passion, or the “corporate overlords” as he so puts it. Wey-Yu has been a looming presence in his life since he was a kid, and he’s always hated it. They’ve dictated his life since he was little and they dictate his life now, at least in the general sense. It feels a bit hopeless, but something he puts up with because he doesn’t have much of any other choice. Wey-Yu paid to have him trained as a Doctor and he is contractually obligated to work for them so long as he is able. He feels like he was born into a trap, well he was, but at least his family isn’t dirt poor now and he can afford to have his daughter and mother in law live on earth instead of on a scrap station like he grew up on.

For all his faults, Ben is actually extremely likable, he’s charismatic, friendly, and horribly clever. He’s the first to generate conversation and welcome you aboard, and will treat you with the respect you don’t often see from self-important Medical personnel or people in positions of authority in general. Ben sees people as equal to one another, which explains the ease which with he’ll mouth off to the Captain or supervisor if he disagrees with them. It’s never mean spirited, and usually in defense of a crew member or patient(s), he just values human life over mission objectives, terrible right? Benjamin cares, deeply, about everything he so happens to notice, and given that he’s not a dummy he notices quite a bit, and so the man’s troubles are never over. Him
getting into trouble will never cease. His only regret about it is that his choices might harm his daughter or rob her of the only parent she has left. Ben would rather die (haha) than disappoint his little girl.


Empathy: Ben is good at reading people because he's an empathetic creature. His general impression of people and whether or not they are trustworthy is right on the nose more often than not.

Simple Engineering: Growing up he worked as a kid on some simple scrap and repair work, he has no formal education on it however and he's nowhere near as good as a proper engineer would be. He's more competent with tools and wires than your average person though.

Calm Under Pressure: Ben is incredibly unperturbed by high stress situations. It's when he most shines, he's an excellent trauma medic.



Wherever is usually fine but he tends to pick sleeping in the med-bay when he can


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myaila dennings



>>birth date<<

january 3rd, 2098


genderfluid (she/her/he/him/they/them)

>>sexual orientation<<






+cheese whip

+being taken seriously

+comfortable sweaters

+telling others what to do

+responsible people

+moderately small spaces


-spacewalks (haha, laugh it up)


-overly aggressive people

-disrespect towards her or another person


-being confined to one place for extended periods of time


I don't like the future and I fucking hate the past. What makes you think I'll love the present?

Myaila Dennings was not produced in natural circumstances, she came to be left on the doorstep of a young man who had already flung himself into the throes of a world too big for him and, since then, things drastically changed for the both of them. The young man - shall we call him Daveed? - was never given substantial evidence that the child belonged to him and the identity of whom he had procured it with was left unknown although there wasn't many women or men he had taken to bed. It wasn't as if the girl was easily disposable and, in fact, Daveed took a shine to her after a few days pondering over where to leave her, ultimately failing at his endeavors and choosing to make room for her in his relatively small apartment. He was able to provide what little he could with the minimum wage he was living off of -along with the assistance of a few friends to watch over the kid- despite the current state of the economy deflating as time moved forward and the government becoming more corrupt. As months slowly transitioned into years and the baby became a toddler, Daveed decided that she would need a name and he would eventually need to enroll her into school as well despite his initial reservations (seeing as the education system ran amok and many children were not being placed in secure environments.) After a few days of debating, Daveed eventually came to the conclusion that she would be no safer remaining at home and he went about going through the legal process of becoming a guardian (which was more tedious than one would've thought) and he was finally able to provide her with a suitable name:


Myaila Dennings.

With the placement of a name came the solidification of parenthood and Daveed vowed to protect Myaila, signing off his given signature and finally placing her into a school that -albeit unsanitary- was safe enough for Dennings to attend. Growing up wasn't particularly easy for Myaila, she had no clue who her real father and mother was (seeing as Daveed had made it quite clear that he was not the girl's father as soon as she was mature enough to fully understand) and she did not come from wealthier bearings. Although the two were getting by as easy as one could, Myaila was still subject to constant teasing from kids in her class and she brushed it off in the face of her studies, coming to the conclusion that these children came from similar backgrounds and had no business targeting someone who was morally convenient. At the age of 12, the question of Daveed's parenting came into light by one of Myaila's educators and, as a result, the man and his adopted daughter were both subject to extensive investigations and probing by the schoolboard and were eventually cleared of any possible misconduct within their household. Daveed remained bitter about the entire process and withdrew Myaila from school, enrolling her into one somewhat out of their district but close enough that Myaila could walk to and fro when she wished. Dennings found herself making the trip to school every day, eventually finding a group of friends to converse with and becoming accustomed to her surroundings once she settled into pace of the academy she attended. Time moved on and Daveed was able to move them into a wider space in the same area through a promotion he had earned after several years working at a factory, purchasing Myaila more clothing than she had possessed before and feeling satisfied with the way she had been developing as of late. The two remained peaceful and content with their life and the workings of it until high school came round' and suddenly..everything changed. The relationship between Myaila and Daveed was severed with the independent streak Dennings had gained and her coming of age represented a multitude of problems to come and come they did. Myaila found herself spiraling down a slipper slope with the unpredictable introduction of a woman Daveed had been seeing and the teen could not hide her disdain for the new arrival seeing as the two had been alone for so long. Her father disapproved of her vulgarity towards his significant other and this caused a ripple effect of tension throughout the household which eventually blew up into a big fight that led to Myaila leaving abruptly in the middle of the night and rooming with a friend of hers for the remainder of the month.

Once Myaila returned, things had changed for the worst. Daveed had become stoic and indifferent and the woman he found himself hypnotized by would often resort to emotional manipulation in order to keep Myaila out of the picture altogether. Feeling dejected and lost, Myaila curled in on herself and went about doing things her own way without the help of Daveed but it proved hard seeing as the girl had always relied on her guardian to fix whatever conflict presented itself. The rest of the school year was filled with coldness and cynicism and barely-there responses, Myaila was pleased to find that she had kept her grade steady enough to make it into college and even Daveed snapped out of his mood in order to arrange a small gathering for them to celebrate. When it was finally time for the young woman to take her leave, the two embraced each other on a summer's evening and made amends although Myaila made it clear that it would be a long time before she'd come to visit the man again before she disappeared into the night. The girl could afford to live in a college dorm due to the multiple jobs she had been working during her time in high school and she decided to go into the field of space exploration, dragging her way through college on small amounts of sleep and extensive studying. The workload paid off and Myaila found herself applying for a job at Weyland-Yutani and being accepted through multiple tests and exams that came alongside the position. Dennings was accepted (much to her surprise) and climbed her way through the ranks, eventually finding herself being boosted up into a managerial outlook over the cadets and -through some willpower and the ability to hang onto hope after a year in aforementioned position- was finally made captain of her own team. This achievement was considered a luxury for most although Myaila was not always treated right by her superiors or those she employed for that matter, her background was constantly questioned and the discrimination towards women of color in higher fields was prevalent given the fact that she was working underneath men who had the power to destroy a business with a lift of their finger. Nevertheless, Myaila was appreciative of her job and the hefty sum she earned was a huge plus. Currently, Myaila is going to be the 8th person sent into space as well as her crew, months of intense training has been conditioned for each of her cadets (as well as herself) and the woman has no qualms with letting it be known that she and those who work for her are meant to be respected.


*losing someone she cares for

*not ever being able to see daveed again

*not having a hold on her crew

*not performing her job correctly

*letting someone down

*not being able to keep her promises




(fear of depth or deep water)


Being in control is a privilege that Myaila has been able to obtain through years of readying herself for the cruelties of the real world and, due to this, Myaila can come off as officious or overbearing. The lack of enthusiasm when it pertains to the woman can be quite amusing to the viewing pleasure of many others and she is often in a mood that can be considered irascible or ill-tempered, sporting a caustic frown that tends to ward off unwanted guests if she wishes for it. Often, Myaila can be found grumbling about something and although she is never too seriously taken by most, her ability to command and domineer others is what keeps most in place and her tendency to overtake uncontrollable situations and solve them with the slightest of ease can be admirable (if it isn't arrogant first.) Dennings possesses a number of fears when it comes to the unknown and she is not easy to trust another or applaud them for doing their job, she believes in equality and lacks favoritism when it concerns the status of those who work for her. When the question of loyalty comes along, Myaila is most often known for her dedication to those she cooperates with and she rarely ever makes a promise she can't keep. It bothers Myaila when she or another is unable to perform a task correctly and she finds herself worrying about the littlest things, possessing the need to make everything balanced before she ever moves on to the next assignment at hand and lacking greatly in the phlegmatic nature she strives to appear as. Calm is, decidedly, null and void when many think of Myaila and she certainly doesn't ever have the means to remain in a tranquil state if angered by someone. It is also important to note that Dennings can disregard her current state when in a mood, she is able to go days without conversing with another or being seen if she chooses too and this can come off as inappropriate and childish (which it is) when taking into consideration her role upon the vessel they've boarded. If something fails to resonate with Myaila, she often gets frustrated for not having known it in the first place and is quick to demean herself or reprimand herself for not having been knowledgeable about a certain topic. Those who are able to tolerate the older woman can sometimes catch a more gentler side to her if they stick around and deep within Myaila lies a need to be more than what she is. Nothing is ever good enough for her, no performance ever impresses her if it concerns her own, and she is want to subject to self-pity if warranted.

Despite all of the negative connotations when dealing with Myaila, she does have redeeming qualities which can appeal to those with a more..sensitive palette. As a consequence of years spent busting her ass for a mediocre position, Myaila can have a morbid sense of humor and a grim but terribly entertaining outlook on life and she utilizes it as a fallback when nothing appears to be going right. Myaila's dedication and strong-willed characteristics grant her one hell of a knack for pep talks and although she is blunt, she can come off as motherly to certain people. Here lies the sense of nurturing that Dennings wishes to abandon but simply never can, the woman automatically sympathizes with others and does her best to help them if she can but never at the expense of her own health, she simply gives up once that person no longer expresses interest in her and this can lead to dysfunctional relationships. Although it may seem like it, Myaila despises no one rather she wants everyone to be their best and do their best and it isn't possible if she continues to pick them up when they continue to fall (herself included.) It is only natural to not coddle the irresponsible however Myaila can had a frayed perspective of her own morals at times.


+dennings is quite persuasive when she needs to be, she has a knack for lecturing.

+commandeering conflicts that would otherwise escalate.


+scouting out rooms and pinpointing points of interest


>>preferred rooming<<

in the pod with the others, she prefers company.





leaving this blank for now

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Ziya Adilyn Mayes













Ziya has a quick, imaginative, and strategic mind. She is able to see things in many perspectives and use her creativity and imagination to plan courses of action for all possible scenarios. More of a big picture thinker than detail-oriented, she views the world as a big, complex machine and recognizes that all parts are interrelated. She excels at analyzing these connections, allowing her to be a flexible thinker and concoct original concepts. However, this also means that Ziya can be rather manipulative, as finding others' weaknesses comes easily to her due to her natural ability to make connections in his environment.

Furthermore, she has a high self-confidence, and trusts her rationalism above all else, so when she comes to a conclusion, she has no reason to doubt himself. This can make her rather arrogant and stubborn in her beliefs, sometimes refusing to listen to the opinions of those around her. This confidence also makes her rather judgmental and analytical, using her strict logic to make conclusions about others and sometimes coming off as quite critical.

Independent and decisive, Ziya refuses to rely on anyone but herself and is quick to make decisions, willing to take full responsibility for her actions. Authority figures, social conventions, and traditions do not impress her, as once she believes she has a better idea, she will strive to have this change implemented. Ziya thinks that the best idea is the most logical one, often staying calm and detached from the subsequent emotionally-charged conflicts.

Hardworking and determined, she is willing to dedicate as much time and effort needed to accomplish her goals. This perseverance continues to fuel her stubbornness and once he has set her mind to something, it is almost impossible to sway her otherwise. However, her stubbornness also applies to her relationships with others, as she will never give up on those she loves and cares about, being a constant and reliable presence in their lives. After Ziya has seen the worth and intelligence in someone, that person will have her unconditional loyalty. Her judgmental and analytical nature as well as her preference to offer solutions to problems rather than provide emotional support has deterred many from getting close to her. However, the few who have entered her small circle of friends are shown a warm and caring side that she normally does not reveal.


Crime novels and movies, Rock music, Nature, Drawing landscapes, Writing short stories, Studying history and cultures, Liberal arts, Rationality, Winning arguments, Heights


Overly emotional people, Hot weather, Being wrong, Rules that don't make sense, Laziness, Shots, Irrationality


Not making it back to Earth alive

Dying alone

Losing a loved one


Trypanophobia (fear of injections)


Critical thinking- Her analytical nature allows her to effectively form rational conclusions and solve problems in logical ways.

Multilingual- She speaks four languages fluently: English, Spanish, French, and Mandarin Chinese. She is the process of learning German. Her versatile knowledge of different cultures, lifestyles, and languages makes her quite an intellectual scholar in the Liberal Arts field.

Wielding guns- Because her father owned a multitude of guns and taught her how to use them properly as a young girl, Ziya is quite skilled in shooting.


2-3 paragraphs



She prefers to have her own space, but will live if she has to sleep in pods alongside the others.


What song describes your character? (Optional.)

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Kydoimos Makhai

Name: Kydoimos Nathaniel Makhai

Age: 32

Birthdate: February 15th, 2135

Gender: Agender, they/them

Sexuality: Pansexual

Role: Engineer

Martial status: Married to Galene Primordial

Height: 6' 2''

Weight: 193 pounds

Eye color: Silverish green, depending on the direction of the light

Hair: Dark brown and clipped down

Ethnicity: Half African-American, half white

A rather explosive individual, Kydoimos has always been driven more by their heart than their head. Thankfully, they've always had their now-wife along for the ride, helping to calm each other down during their reckless years of youth. These days, they are generally calmer and it takes more to rile them up. However, they still tend to have trouble keeping cool when attacked or seemingly attacked and are quick to defend those they care for with words and less so fists. They are loyal as a dog once they have truly bonded with someone and will stick with them through thick and thin. It takes a great amount of betrayal to cause Kydoimos to sever connections after they are made.


Tinkering with items

Watching the world spin by

Long drives

The calming ocean waves

Mindless tasks

Peaches and kiwis

Bigots and hypocrites

Being pushed into a corner

Being told they're wrong when they aren't

The smell of burnt toast

Being woken up in the middle of the night

Their father


Someone they love dying when they aren't around

Being abandoned and left behind

Causing a system failure and being responsible for the lives lost

Watching others wither away helplessly

Making it back to Earth alive

Earning enough money to allow their mother to retire

Figuring out what they really want to do with their life and themself

Get their temper under control somehow


Able to calculate basic maths in their head

Quick learner


Knows how to use a variety of tools and can rapidly learn new ones

Does not work well with others

Can let emotions get ahead of themselves

Tends to block out other happenings when focusing

Somewhat prideful in their skill and can overestimate their abilities


Has a mild case of dystychiphobia, fear of accidents

Born to Juliana Makhai when she was only a twenty year old, barely a college student and in barely any way prepared to take a child. The father was Joseph O'Conner, a wealthy married man nearly ten years her senior who had fallen into an affair to find some "thrill" in not being a clean-cut and crisp businessman like he was expected to be. His act of rebellion had resulted in Kydoimos and when Juliana approached him about it, Joseph paid her off with a large sum of money to keep mum about the subject, unwilling to force her to terminate the pregnancy as it was in the end her choice.

Juliana dropped out of college shortly thereafter, working at a mechanic's shop instead, fixing up cars and machinery that was dropped by. The woman who owned the shop took pity on Juliana and taught her the tricks of the trade as well as allowed her and her child a room above the shop. Kydoimos looked after themselves while their mother worked and grew up to be a rather happy child, sociable and always curious, poking their head into the cogs and the grinding gears they were surrounded by.

However, society is hardly ever gentle.

Many children made fun of Kydoimos' drab state of dress and many adults sniffed at Juliana's young age and lack of an education. While Juliana did her best to ensure that Kydoimos was happy and healthy, in the end it was not enough. They began to lash out against their peers, motivated by a combination of their desire to stand up for themselves and the confusion and hurt caused by the bullying. Their confusion over their own gender orientation began to occur around this time as well, resulting in a mess of emotions they struggled to work through for many years to come.

They eventually met Galene Primordial through one of their nastier confrontations between a few older children that had ended in bloody fists and bleeding noses. Galene had taken a shine to the other, intrigued by their coldness and boldness and followed them around for days on end, even asking questions to the silence she got in return. In the end, worn down by her, Kydoimos relented and spoke to the other child, hoping to rid themselves of her. Instead, she just clung harder.

Over the years, Kydoimos learned of their birth. At first devastated at the idea that their mother had willingly took a bribe to keep them away from their father, they in the end realized that Joseph was not a man that Kydoimos would want to meet. They accepted the idea that it may have been better, not know a man who could have cared less about their existence. The thoughts were still not kind, however, and the idea of being
unwanted never strayed too far.

By their time in middle school, they had finally managed to reach a touchstone about their gender orientation. Too frightened of being made fun of it by their peers, they confided in only those they were closest to and eventually, they managed to gain a tighter reign of their temper by the time they became a college student. They excelled in an environment that they had so long known and soon found themselves married and happy for the first time in forever.

The mission statement aboard the ship they now travel on excited them. It could land them a gold star, a prestigious name on their application and resume. They could be something
great, do something great, succeed in something to make up for the past.

Preferred Rooming: Wherever, not picky since they don't really care as long as there's connection so they can send a message or two back home.

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