

Neverwinter Scourge Warlock
  1. If you choose to be a necromancer doesn’t mean you HAVE to be a bad guy and vice versa
  2. [For Guardians] You can choose anything as your guardian such as animals, mythical creatures, angles, demons, etc.
  3. [For Guardians] Your guardian animal does not have strong powers however they can have lesser powers in which they’re limited when used
  4. [For Necromancers] A summons is not going to count as a power, but they can be re-summoned after a certain period of time if they are to be killed and therefore will not have powers
  5. [For Necromancers] During battle, if your summons is killed you have to wait for your third post to be able to re-summon them (Ex. Summon dies---Post---Post---Re-summon)
  6. No God-modding and Meta-gaming
  7. Have fun!
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This Rule Only Applies To Those I See Fit Are Not Going To Abuse It

Due to power restrictions on summons, guardians, and human I am willing to lift those rules which means the guardians and summons can have their original powers unless you use animals such as wolves, bears, foxes, etc. then you make some up (limit will be up to six abilities unless asked for more) but mythical creatures already have powers so what ever they have. I will ask you source your findings so that way I can see you aren't having 20 powers just because you can. Humans obviously don't have original powers so the possibilities are endless, but the rule still applies with guardians use light and neutral powers and necromancers use dark and neutral powers. Necromancer's already have powers so again, please source your findings. Humans can have up to ten powers, but don't need to source your findings.


  • Up to ten (10) posts have to be made until you can ask for this privilege in PM and if you never ask, you will never get it
  • Mythical Guardians can have their original powers (have to be sourced)
  • Animal Guardians (Dog, Horse, Hawk, etc.) can have up to six (6) abilities or more if asked but no more than 10 (doesn't have to be sourced)
  • Humans can have up to ten (10) powers and only light & neutral powers (doesn't have to be sourced)
  • Necromancers can have their original powers (have to be sourced)
  • Edit your CS if I approve of this rule
  • If I see that this privilege is being abused, I will ask for you to go back to the original rules (original post)


I am not trying to offend anyone by saying no one is fit to abide by these rules. It is mainly a precaution to make sure no one makes a Gary-Sue/Mary-Sue and will be OP (even though this is basically OP, it's all in how you use it that doesn't make it OP and everyone does have a weakness).

Thank you for your time! I hope you enjoy this RP :D  

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