The Watcher
- This thread is here to assist new users with roleplaying. As it states in the thread "This is by no means comprehensive". We are just here to give advice & helpful tips. If you have strong advice for new users, send us a DM and we will allow you to add your info! Thanks for reading and feel free to give us advice!!
Article Collaborators: Ness_eb
- Respect Other peoples opinions
- Don't powerplay
- Kindness will take you a long way.
- Be Transparent
(If you feel like a user is breaking the site rules, feel free to report the material to staff.)
- Section 2: Understanding General Abbreviation Meanings -
As you roleplay on these forums, you may come across some abbreviations you are unfamiliar with. This is meant to be a list of the more common ones, though it is by no means comprehensive.
AFAIK/IIRC - As far as I know/If I can remember correctly: Two expressions indicate that you are mostly, but not completely, sure of something.
AFK - Away from Keyboard: Used when someone needs to take or break or is about to walk away from their device.
IC/ICly - In-character: Speaking and acting as your character would in the world.
OOC - Out of Character: Speaking and acting as yourself; typically not used inside a roleplay.
RP - Roleplay: Playing as a character, including their flaws, talents, and beliefs.
PVP(M) - Player vs. Player: When two characters are fighting.
PVE(M) - Player vs. Environment (Ex. An Animal, Monster, and Zombie): When your character takes on enemies created by the module or DMs
CRP(M) - Combat Roleplay
- Section 3: What is Roleplay and How Do I Start A Roleplay? -
- Put Simply, roleplay or (RP), is the practice of taking a character and attempting to put yourself in their place, acting, speaking, and believing as they do. When combined with others, roleplay becomes almost like an improvisational routine, with each character showing their actions, and emotions.
- Before you start a roleplay please look over the Site Rules & Guidelines. Then you can look at our Tutorial On Starting A Roleplay to get an idea of what to do and not do inside the forums.
1. When it comes to CRP it is best to remember not to powerplay (controlling another roleplayer's character without permission). Also remember that combat is a mix of major attacks, dodges, minor damage, misses and all manner of different outcomes for different actions. Not everything needs to be connect or be dodged. In Combat RP there is Punches, grappling, kicks, and manner of different fighting styles. Research on the sort of fighter your character is before doing a Combat RP, this will help you.
- 2. It is highly encouraged that you don't start a roleplay fight without discussing it first. It is especially important to talk about it before hand, for it can resolve many of the OOC disagreements, this can keep the battle from falling into chaos. Evil can lose battles, but win the war against good and vice versa. Make it interesting.
- 3. If you or another roleplay are unprepared to lose or comprimise, do not engage in the RP. Don't thread a character once without a fight. Take Victory and refuse a rematch.
Combat RP can involve magic too. Essentially, Be Fair & Respect other peoples ideas and suggestions when roleplaying.
- In order to make a good roleplay you must take you time and make sure you're giving other roleplayer's the ability to share their ideas. Being too demanding will likely result in upset contributers.
-The Information On This Thread Is Subject To Change -
Article Collaborators: Ness_eb
- Section 1: Basic Tips Before Roleplaying -
- Remember To Be Fair
- Respect Other peoples opinions
- Don't powerplay
- Kindness will take you a long way.
- Be Transparent
(If you feel like a user is breaking the site rules, feel free to report the material to staff.)
- Section 2: Understanding General Abbreviation Meanings -
As you roleplay on these forums, you may come across some abbreviations you are unfamiliar with. This is meant to be a list of the more common ones, though it is by no means comprehensive.
AFK - Away from Keyboard: Used when someone needs to take or break or is about to walk away from their device.
IC/ICly - In-character: Speaking and acting as your character would in the world.
OOC - Out of Character: Speaking and acting as yourself; typically not used inside a roleplay.
RP - Roleplay: Playing as a character, including their flaws, talents, and beliefs.
PVP(M) - Player vs. Player: When two characters are fighting.
PVE(M) - Player vs. Environment (Ex. An Animal, Monster, and Zombie): When your character takes on enemies created by the module or DMs
CRP(M) - Combat Roleplay
- Section 3: What is Roleplay and How Do I Start A Roleplay? -
- Before you start a roleplay please look over the Site Rules & Guidelines. Then you can look at our Tutorial On Starting A Roleplay to get an idea of what to do and not do inside the forums.
- Section 4: Understanding Combat RP -
Combat RP (CRP) is when you roleplay in a battle or fight, swords, spells, and/or punches.
Basic etiquette before combat: Combat RP (CRP) is when you roleplay in a battle or fight, swords, spells, and/or punches.
1. When it comes to CRP it is best to remember not to powerplay (controlling another roleplayer's character without permission). Also remember that combat is a mix of major attacks, dodges, minor damage, misses and all manner of different outcomes for different actions. Not everything needs to be connect or be dodged. In Combat RP there is Punches, grappling, kicks, and manner of different fighting styles. Research on the sort of fighter your character is before doing a Combat RP, this will help you.
- 2. It is highly encouraged that you don't start a roleplay fight without discussing it first. It is especially important to talk about it before hand, for it can resolve many of the OOC disagreements, this can keep the battle from falling into chaos. Evil can lose battles, but win the war against good and vice versa. Make it interesting.
- 3. If you or another roleplay are unprepared to lose or comprimise, do not engage in the RP. Don't thread a character once without a fight. Take Victory and refuse a rematch.
Combat RP can involve magic too. Essentially, Be Fair & Respect other peoples ideas and suggestions when roleplaying.
- Section 5: What Is A Good Roleplay? -
- A Good Roleplay is whatever creates a coherent story with meaningful themes/ideas explored by realistic characters. Good Roleplay is when all roleplayer's are involved and enjoying the roleplay. All Roleplayers are fair, kind, and respect each others decisions. - In order to make a good roleplay you must take you time and make sure you're giving other roleplayer's the ability to share their ideas. Being too demanding will likely result in upset contributers.
- Section 6: Contributers -
It is important that you give contributers credit if they request some. Don't take all the fame. If you are doing this then you're being kind and fair. Contributers deserve something!
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