A Grimm Life


Free Spirit
Raymond ran a hand through his hair, last night had been rough for him. He'd had more than just a run in with a Skalenzahne. Now, he just wanted to have a calm day at work, without another file being dropped on his desk. Unfortunately, his supervisor slammed a scarily thick file down on his desk. "F*ck." He picked up the flip and thumbed through it, his jaw dropping. "Boss, ya serious? You're sending me down to LA, to take down the biggest mob there? On my own?" He scoffed and stood, grabbing his things without an explanation and headed down to his car. Sure, he was a Grimm and could take down any Wesen but a group of humans could prove to be too much for him.
A man in a pinstripe suit stepped back in fear, his back pressing firmly against the wall. "What are you?" He was able to wheeze out through panicked breathes. He had dealt with plenty of mobsters before, but not like this. These were m-monsters! There were three creatures, surrounding him. Their eyes were glowing yellow, with dull white fur around their faces, and sharp fangs. The man had watched in horror as they had shifted from being perfectly ordinary humans to... these horrific beings.

The creature in the middle was the largest. He was well-fit, and had a sneer on his face. "Blake!" He snapped to another creature on his left. "I want you to take care of this one!"

The smallest one glanced at the middle one in surprise. "Me?" He asked, and the middle one narrowed his eyes. Blake gave a brisk nod as he stepped towards the man. "I'm sorry." He whispered, before he lunged.

The man gave a silent scream before it all faded to black.
Raymond grumbled to himself as he got into his car, throwing everything in the back. Thankfully everything landed on the false seat that hide a lot of his Grimm things, like an encyclopedia and a case of gifts and some specialized weapons, particularly an elephant gun in case of Siegbarste. He ran another hand through his hair before getting into the car. It took him a few moments to fully accept the task at hand before he began his five hour journey from San Fransisco to Los Angeles.

*Time Skip~?*

He pulled up to his hotel, what would be his hideout for now. It took him a few trips and waving off bellhops but he managed to get everything into his room, unpack it and still have time for dinner. After a quick shower, Ray dressed in a simple tan suit then went down to ask concierge about the hottest bar around. He tipped his head when given an address, winking at her as he turned to leave.

[Perhaps dinner at the same restaurant?]
"A toast to Blake!" An older gentleman, with white hair the color of snow, said as he held up his glass of red wine. The people on his table followed his example by raising thier glasses. Most of the people were men in black tuxedos. A few woman in beautiful dresses that were scarlet, jade- dark colors. All turned their heads to look at a young man with rich dark hair. His mocha-colored eyes locked onto the man who spoke. Their eyes looked nearly identical, they both had strong jaws, and the same nose. It was clear that they were father and son. The father gave an odd smile, as if he knew something no one else did. "Blake, you did me proud. I knew you could follow your old man's footsteps."

The table gave thier congratulations. Blake felt a hand glasp on his shoulder. One of the woman, about his age with sunkissed skin and curled aburn hair smiled. "Congratulations, cousin."

"Thank you." He murmured, as they all toasted. Still, he could not get the man's screams out of his head. Guilt gnawed at his heart.
As Raymond made his way into the bar, it seemed that no less than fifty Wesen were there, all Pflichttreue. He cursed under his breath though carried on like any normal human would, asking the hostess for a corner table which she happily gave him. Not only was it a good place to watch the Wesen, it meant that he wouldn't have to walk by them and raise an alarm. He knew just as well as they did that should he get too close or stare too long, they would know what he was.

He ordered a bourbon for the time being as he sat back and pretended to people watch. Clearly they were celebrating something but he just couldn't figure out what as there was no sign of a birthday, anniversary or anything like that. He hummed to himself, sipping the drink in his hand before he nearly choked on it. In the center of the group was a painfully familiar face. Ray's only thought was oh f*ck, the whole mob is Pflichttreue.
The older gentleman nodded his head. "So, onto more serious business- I've heard a Grimm is roaming around this part of town." He was satisfied when he heard his table's sounds of disgust and anger. Grimms, to most wessen creatures, were the things of nightmare. The kind of person that hunted down wessen for fun. Grimms were scary stories for children. Misbehaving children were told that if they were bad, a Grimm would come and snatch them up. However, this family held no fear for the hunters. They were a highly organized mob family- so why should they fear just a lowly single Grimm?

Blake's cousin, whose hand was still on his shoulder, looked at him pleadingly. "You'll keep us safe, right?" Blake nodded without hesitation, and she moved her hand away. The conversation moved to something kinder- Blake's sister's wedding. They didn't want to draw suspicion, so a change of topic was the best course of action.
Raymond was just in earshot of their conversation and at the word Grimm, his eyes went wide. How in the hell did they know he was here already? Or maybe there was another? If there was that could possibly be a lifesaver as he couldn't take all of these Wesen on at once. He drew a sharp breath and made sure that he wouldn't be detected by his stare as he knew several of them woged simply at the word.

Thankfully his food came, along with another drink which he needed. It didn't take him long to down them both and relax back into his chair for a bit. However he decided a third drink would calm him fully and that he would go up to the bar to get one. But as he made his way to the bar, he bumped into Blake's chair. "I'm sorry."

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