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Fantasy A Grand Adventure


Beep, boop.

A cold wind swept across the steppe. A harbinger of things to come: of the long nights, the brutal cold. Of biting wind and stinging snow. The horseman's shaggy pony gave a displeased snort at the chilliness in the air, tail flicking anxiously. It had lived long enough, felt the raking of boot heels, the tug of reigns, and the weight of men to know what was to come. It stared off across the steppe, blinking at far away lands where the cold wind blew. A blanket of snow would cover the steppe, driving soldiers home to warm beds and warm women, but before the snow fell, there would be the noise. The screams. The sounds of hooves thumping and pounding all around it, the horseman's breath ragged in his ear. The pony would smell the blood and the powder smoke. It would trample the dead and the living under shod hooves. See the flags, the banners, the full panoply of war.

A cold wind swept across the steppe, heralding the battle that was to come.

I'm an American in my late 20s. I ride motorcycles. I've been writing since I was in my late teens. I consider myself a halfway decent writer, capable of managing multiple characters and plotlines in any given story. I generally only write one story at a time - I get overly engrossed in them and find it difficult on focusing on multiple projects all at once. My posts generally range from multiple paragraphs to Jesus-Christ-how-long-did-that-take-you-to-write????

I generally post once or more a day, though there will be times I may not post for a couple of days, a weekend, etc.

Rules suck, but I've been burnt so many times as a writer, I've got to have them.

I only write with partners eighteen years of age and older. This is an absolute requirement.

I do enjoy getting to know my partners out-of-character. As we get to know one another, I am not diametrically opposed to learning your name, you learning mine, etc. Please understand, however, that our writing is between characters in a fictional universe. I enjoy learning about your hobbies and vice versa, but please understand we will only ever be friends.

What I'm Looking For


I'm looking for something long-term based in medieval/renaissance fantasy. Think something along the lines of the original Warhammer: Fantasy Battle, Lord of the Rings, etc. I like taking pre-existing universes and bending them to our own will. I'm yearning for a grand adventure between two characters: with conflict, character development, romance, and strife. I believe opposites attract. I adore strong characters with glaring weaknesses. I like reading (and delivering) posts with Terry Pratchett levels of wit and comedy. On the other side of that coin, I like reading posts that fill you with dread and depression. Let's have battle and conflict; let's have romance and passion.

I'm looking for a female partner who wants to do more than write a play-by-play interaction between two characters. Someone who wants to write about the culture of our characters, why they behave the way they do, and their interactions with the world at large. A writer who is as engrossed in plotting out a beginning as much as they are in writing in twists and turns to the story. I want to read the plot twist you've just written, sit back at my desk, and quietly whisper, " ... Fuck me, that's good."

I am personally interested in writing a conflicted character. A horseman from the steppe, wild and wicked, exiled from home and hearth. A man at the end of his rope, forsaken by country, who kills man and beast for coin so that he may wile away the rest of his life drinking in dwarfen holdfasts. Let's discuss my (and yours) more when you message me.

I am a sucker for maps. I will likely create a map of the world that our characters reside in; showcasing the rivers they will cross, the dwarf holdfasts they will visit, and the villages that they'll help on their way.

I am perfectly fine with writing on this website, however I normally write on Discord. Are you interested in what I've written? Send me a message.


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Hi! I'd love to join you. My name is Kitteh and I use she/they pronouns. Not sure how well I can write, but I'd love to give it a shot and I'm dedicated.
I know I'm quite intrigued and would love to further discuss this story in which I'd like to include myself into. Though I have some discussion matters i would need to speak with you about my availability.

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