Other A good backstory?


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Hello! I hope someone will see this. I have been working on a backstory that I have for a character named Kirumi.

This is the first backstory I have ever created, so I'm not sure if it will be the greatest.

Any tips or guidance would be super helpful! You can read the backstory below this paragraph!


Kirumi's Mother was from a un-named, or unknown planet, where cat-like people live. They are similar to Khajiit. Her Father was a Human, from an Earth-like planet, 420,000 Lightyears away from our Solar System.

All she knows of her parents is that they met, and married, in a sector of Space where interspecies relationships are outlawed, so they eventually landed on Earth, and gave birth to Kirumi 12 years later, before they were found and taken to a Prison Ship to carry out life sentences.

Kirumi was less than 1 Year old when he parents were arrested. She got taken to an orphanage, where she was taken care of and fed well. But as she grew older, she found friends, and eventually a new family.

Kirumi ages slightly slower than humans do, due to her mothers genes. The gravity on her mothers planet is different to earth. This causes her to age every 3 days, whereas Humans age every 1 day, so she ages slower than anybody else on Earth.

She is now a Warrior Mage, who specializes in Psychic magic. This enables her to use multiple spells. For example, she can choose to bend somebodies will to make them do her bidding. She can also take over a persons mind to see what they see, or to control their body.

One of the more dark spells she uses is to bend a persons will, and making them injure or even kill themselves.

She does have a kind side to her, and does not like any harm to come to those she considers her friends, or family.

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