A God's Kiss


The Nyan Cat Tamer
The world is flurishing with the love and wrath of the newly forming gods. But with gods comes familars. Familars that are forced to follow the god's every move and do anything the god tells him or her to do without hesitance or complaint.

The familar's job is to keep his or her god safe for as long as that god is in rule. Maintain the god's happiness. In order to seal a contract with a familar the familar and god need to kiss, that familar will become bound to the god afterwards and helpless to the god's commands. But lately, something strange has begun to happen. After the confessed love of Familiars towards their godess, the land has begun to flurish not just in life, but in love. And the gods are becoming a little bit to close to their companions. Will you be a god? (<3) Or will you be a helpless familar, forced to follow their every command? ( >:( )

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