A God's Kiss


The Nyan Cat Tamer
Much like humans, gods are seperated by both power and social status.

If the power is above 2, that god or godess is considered an average god. If the power level is above 5, that god is considered an experienced god. And if the power level is above 8, that god or godess is considered an elder and one of the higher classed.

You must pm me for a god or godess above 8 power level



[God or Godess of:]

[Power Level:] 1-10



[blood Type:]

[star Sign:]

[Date of Birth:]


[Favorite Color:]

[Theme Song:]




[Relationship Status:]


[Religion:] [Optional]









[scarring or Markings:]

[Clothing Style:]



[Deadly Secrets and Things to Know:]



[Favorite Things:]


{Other Details:}

[Familar:] Request one in folder


[interesting Facts:]






Every familar has an animal. Most familars are from the land over yonder, which is basically limbo, where demons and spirits wander the land aimlessly living their lives. Or perhaps, if he or she is strong enough, a yokai can become a familar. Though the yokai also has a an animal. It can be as simple as a bear, or a fox. Or perhaps something more folklore like a unicorn or a dragon. The way to seal a contract with a familar is to kiss them, thus making them bound to the god or godess for all eternity, or at least until that god or godess dies or drives them away.


[Animal Type:]

[Popularity:] 1-10

[Power:] 1-10




[blood Type:]

[star Sign:]

[Date of Birth:]

[Favorite Color:]

[Theme Song:]




[Relationship Status:]


[Religion:] [Optional]









[scarring or Markings:]

[Clothing Style:]



[Deadly Secrets and Things to Know:]



[Favorite Things:]


{Other Details:}


[interesting Facts:]





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<I>{Identity} </i>

[Animal Type:] Distortion Beast

[Popularity:] 1

[Power:] 9

[Age:] As long as time itself.

[Name:] Shoda

[Nickname:] (None)

[blood Type:] O-

[star Sign:] Capricorn

[Date of Birth:] 1st of Jan

[Favorite Color:] Crimson

[Theme Song:] {Giratina Battle Remix} [media]


[Gender:] Male (Human Form)

[sexuality:] Straight

[Relationship Status:] Single

[Crush:] No-One

[Race:] Dragon Lord (There are three dragon Lords, Ill make them all eventually.)

<img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3326/3445438695_77960fec0f_m.jpg"/>

[species:] Distortion Beast


<u>Stable Form:</u>

<img src="http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/c/c5/487Giratina-Altered.png/250px-487Giratina-Altered.png"/>

<img src="http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/153/1/e/giratina_altered_forme_v_4_by_xous54-d51zvoq.png"/>

<u>Origin Form:</u>

<img src="http://pldh.net/media/pokemon/ken_sugimori/update1/487-origin.png"/>

<img src="http://cdn.pokestache.com/2013/11/14/pokestache.com_7568_1384529450.jpg"/>

<u>Human Form:</u>

<img src="http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcbva8KxAV1rvbl4vo1_500.gif"/>

[Hair:]Light Brown.

[Eyes:]A Darker shade of Brown.

[Weight:]Take a guess, cause i sure as hell dunno.

[Height:]Read the above text. Do that.

[scent:]A slightly twisted fresh smell of a rain forest.

[scarring or Markings:]No Markings here.

[Clothing Style:]A plain white t-shirt with a fluffy brown jacket ontop. Plain navy dark blue jeans with a tinge of red.



Shoda is extremely lonely and a social outcast due to previous incidences. He tends not to speak to anyone other than a mirror of some sorts. Shoda is really intelligent on the other hand and could beat anyone in a game of chess within seconds, as long as his options are open, there is no telling what he could do. Shoda's liking towards mirrors and strange paintings come from where he was raised, a Dimension known as the Distortion World. The Distortion World is a dimension where everything is completely messed up and flipped inside out, it is also where certain Gods get sent for punishment. Shoda use to be a god until he was banished to the Distortion world for being power hungry and has stayed there for a countless amount of millennia. No one else was sent to his world for the period of his punishment so he ended up a complete shut-in. Once you get to know Shoda though, he can be quite shy and embarassed about alot of things. In the distortion world, you can monitor the real world through bubbles that have been scattered throughout the deadly dimension.

[Deadly Secrets and Things to Know:]

Shoda comes from a group of three dragons known as the 'Lords', Hikaru - Controller of Space, Fuyuki - Controller of time and Shoda - Controller of Essence. Shoda became too powerful and power hungry at the same time so an almighty God sent him to the Distortion World to be punished for his sins. Trillions of years, Shoda was left to study, perfect and improve his powers, and now his sentence is over and he has been released as a Familiar.


~Shoda can't stand to see the face of a Dragon, as it makes him sad and angry, reminding him of what his brother and sister God did to him along with the help from another Dragon.

~He is vulnerable in his human form, but Shoda is still pretty strong.

~Angelic Songs of any kind can cause permanent harm for him.


~In his origin form, Shoda could probably overthrow most gods out there, with his current power he could easily kill his two dragon relatives, but he doesn't know where they are.

~Any emotion except for sadness can power Shoda up, this includes Love and Anger.

[Favorite Things:]

~A mirror Shard taken from the Distortion World





I already explained this... three dragons, banished to the Distortion world and now he is finally free, but as a familiar.

<i>{Other Details:}</i>

[stability:] 2/10

[interesting Facts:]

~Eats other Dragons some times.

~Is very passionate when it comes to love.

~Can sleep five weeks strait when he is really tired.

[Friends:] Absolutely No one...

[Enemies:] His two Dragon siblings.

[Family:] His two Dragon siblings and an un-named god.

[Other:] Here is a pic of the Distortion world.

<img src="http://i.imgur.com/O0rfsLV.png"/>
Goddess of the Moon

Power Level:



Rydia Lunariosa



Blood Type:


Star Sign:


Date of Birth:

September 10th


Enough to be considered a Level 6

Favorite Color:


Theme Song:

Yeul's Theme from Final Fantasy XIII-2







Relationship Status:



None so far












139 lbs




Lavender, mixed with Asters

Scarring or Markings:

Has a birthmark on the back of her palm

Clothing Style:

Very modest like, wears dresses, and nightgowns to bed



Rydia has a passion for reading things, she loves reading stanzas of poetry, to the soft spoken lines of books. She is very intelligent, stating to use her mind, then use her powers. She believes that she should be very cautious of who she talks to, since she has been alone all her life. She learns plenty of things, leading her to be curious of other things. She blushes red at the thought of romance, or possibility of anything relating to the sort. She is quiet, and depends on herself alone. She doesn't try to make friends, but that doesn't mean that she is not lonely. She loves to write, as she feels like every thought is important to herself. She is very adventurous in a quiet kind of way. Rydia can be quite cruel, and leaves others to dislike her. She does love to dance, and will dance by herself if she has too. Sometimes, she can be caught dancing around.

Deadly Secrets and Things to Know:

Rydia is cursed with two different personalities. When the New moon appears, Rydia's current personality disappears for the few days, leaving Rydia to become impulsive, and doing things that she doesn't normally do. She is terrified of what she will do when a New Moon appears.


Cruel to those who mistreat her, or wronged her. Fear of herself.


Rydia grows along with the moon phases, which strengthens or weakens her powers as the moon waxes and wanes.

Favorite Things:

Books, birds, tea and seashells


Her moon phases change her, and she knows of it. Rydia is a Moon Goddess, watching over the many lives of people. She grew lonely over the years, but shields it as she is not lonely. She watches many die within her eyes as she watches as a Moon Goddess. Rydia becomes realistic from her years as a Goddess. She knows that death is inevitable, but does not know if there is another light on the other side for humans. Rydia has lived from place to place, not wanting to settle down in one place. She had thought to be in love once, but realized that it was the love of the sun that kept her with him.

{Other Details:}

Familar: Someone that will plot with me for stories.



Interesting Facts:

Has no family, loves the feel of snow, and hates violence.


Animals that like to surround herself when she is resting.


Barely any.




Her moon phases also affect her mood, depending on whether it waxes or wanes.
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