Basic plot: There is a spirit world converging on the human one, and the spirits arent too happy with what humans have done with the world. There is a select few of wizards/ special people who can see the spirits and are trying to keep peace, etc
I think they should., and yes, some of them are benevolent. Perhaps some have already settled in the human world and pose as magicians and gypsies and psychics etc.
Im thinking that the plot should revolve in a group of people enlisted by the king. Maybe there will be one big and important spirit that they has been inhabiting the human world so they must go appeal to it?
Right-o. So all spirits are well aware of the humans that they're all kinda intermixing with while only few humans are privy to the existence of spirits.
The HBIC spirit would then be impartial towards or an advocate of the increasingly aggressive spirits (I'm not sure whether or not there's simply tension between spirits and humans - however oblivious - or if they're already being attacked) and the little syndicate is there to dissuade its neutrality/aggression?
Perhaps HBIC spirit - which is a perfect dub, I know - either accepts or is all "nah. Eff that." (Be it openly or under the guise that they've obligated) and messes with them or sends their goons on 'em.
My research accidentally turned into watching YouTube.
Right. All that jazz I follow
'Cept the nighttime thing - I know, like...what was the girl's name? San? Probably. She was supposed to leave before nightfall or whatever but I cannot for the life of me recall why