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Fandom "A Game Of Thrones" RP?


Hit Me!
I am sorta' new to this site, and I haven't seen a role play based off of A Song Of Ice And Fire/Game Of Thrones. So forgive me if there actually is one lying about.

I was wondering if anyone would be interested in doing a role play set in the world of A Song Of Ice And Fire, but, with our own original characters. So, there will be no 'Eddard Stark' or 'Robert Baratheon'. There will be new Starks and new Baratheons. Maybe we could set it 100 years into the future, however the world is still stuck in Medieval-esque times.

Anyway: the story line will be that everything in Westeros is coming to a boiling point. I haven't thought it out yet, but a war is coming and the houses of Westeros will be forced to pick sides. We could possibly introduce White Walkers, however, if it is set in the future- we will have to come up with some explanation as to why they are back.

I don't have anything really planned out yet. But I am just wondering if anyone would be interested in a role play like this?

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