A Game of Thrones- Before the War


Junior Member



Culture (Northman, Riverlander, Wildling, etc):


Religion (Old Gods, Drowned God, The Seven, etc):

Anything Else:
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Name: Griff

Age: 27

Sex: Male

Culture: Stormlander

Appearance: Griff is nearly thirty, but looks more like a man nearing his fifties. He constantly looks exhausted and has crow's feet at the corners of his eyes. He has a curly mess of hair on his head that is dyed blue in honor of his dead wife, and his skin is leathery. He is 5'11. Griff wears a brown cloak over steel armor.

Religion: The Seven

Anything Else: Griff had dedicated his life to protecting and raising his young son. Griff is currently a knight and is extremely cautious, always preferring to be sure of the situation before he acts. Despite this, he is weak to the trappings of pride.


Name: Roland "Duck" Duckfield

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Culture: Riverlander

Appearance: Roland is large and brawny, with a short orange beard and orange hair. Roland wears steel armor under a dark blue cloak.

Religion: The Seven

Anything Else: Roland was recently knighted by Griff, and decided to stay as Griff's companion to help train his young friend Henry...and because Roland doesn't have much else to do. Roland was knighted in a field full of ducks, so he chose the last name "Duckfield". Though, Griff's son usually just calls him Duck.


Name: Henry Rogare

Age: 11

Sex: Male

Culture: Lysene (of Essos)

Appearance: Henry is still small, considering his age. He mostly takes after his mother, a Lysene woman from the wealthy Rogare family. Like most Lyseni, his skin is pale and his hair is white-gold, but he dyes it blue in honor of his dead mother, the same as his father does. Henry wears a black cloak.

Religion: The Seven

Anything Else: Henry is his father's squire. He is easily excited and his dream is to be a great knight. He speaks several languages and loves to play cyvasse (Westeros chess)

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