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Fandom A Game Of Thrones: 100 Years Later

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Personality (Atleast 1 paragraph)

Bio (Atleast two paragraphs)



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(Real picture): http://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/thumb/4/43/Mathia_Arkoniel_DarkstarDayne.jpg/350px-Mathia_Arkoniel_DarkstarDayne.jpg

Name: Daemon Dayne

Title (If any): Lord of Starfall and High Hermitage in Dorne, High Lord of the Torrentine

Gender: Male

Age: 20

House: Dayne

Personality (Atleast 1 paragraph): Could I just reveal this as I go along?

Bio (Atleast two paragraphs): Daemon was born in Starfall, to a Dayne father and a Martell mother (his mother was the second born of her family). Daemon spent his early years practically worshiping the past heroes of his house: Arthur "Sword of the Morning", Gerold "Darkstar" (his great-grandfather), and Edrick of the Brotherhood. For this reason, he dedicated his life to being the next Sword of the Morning and wielding Dawn. He was taken in as the squire of Lord Desmond Redwyne, a great hero reigning in the Arbor, famous for his unmatched skill with the sword.

By the age of 15, Daemon was knighted and declared his intention to claim Dawn; though he was turned down multiple times for a lack of maturity, he eventually won a grand tourney at age 17 and his father awarded him with Dawn. Now, Daemon is touring the Seven kingdoms with his foster brother (Lord Gerold Hightower) who was also tutored by Lord Redwyne and the Princess of Dorne, Nymeria Martell, under the orders of Prince Daeron Martell to protect his only child on a trip throughout Westeros.

Ambitions: Daemon spent his entire life trying to earn his family's sword Dawn, and now that he has it, he's not sure what to do.

Other: Daemon wields the sword Dawn.


(Real picture): http://awoiaf.westeros.org/images/f/f3/Gerold_Hightower.jpg

Name: Gerold Hightower

Title (If any): Lord of the Hightower and Oldtown

Gender: Male

Age: 22

House: Hightower

Personality (Atleast 1 paragraph): Could I just reveal this as I go along?

Bio (Atleast two paragraphs): Gerold was born to Lord Hightower and his Oakheart wife. At a young age, he was sent to squire under his cousin Lord Redwyne, along with young Daemon Dayne. Both boys spent years adventuring around the Reach and Dorne with their guardian, loving the sea and land equally; both became masters of the blade at a young age.

Gerold grew up to be as large as the White Bull, with all the stubborn-ness of his several-greats-uncle. He carries his shield proudly, displaying the Tower sigil of his house.

Ambitions: Gerold's goal is to carve out a reputation as famous as the White Bull himself.

Other: Gerold wields the sword Vigilance.


(Real picture): http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/nymeria_sand_ffg_2744.png

Name: Nymeria Martell

Title (If any): Heiress to the principality of Dorne and the lordship of Sunspear

Gender: Female

Age: 17

House: Martell

Personality (Atleast 1 paragraph): Could I just reveal this as I go along?

Bio (Atleast two paragraphs): Nym is the firstborn daughter of Lord Martell and his Connington wife. Nym's mother never bore any more children, so she is the only possible heir for her father's land; this led to him being extremely protective. However, as her teen years went on, she became more and more rebellious, desiring adventure.

For years, she begged her father to allow her freedom to explore the kingdoms of Westeros, to meet fascinating foreigners and danger. Eventually, her father relented, on the condition that she travel with the newest Sword of the Morning and his companion.

Ambitions: Nym's goal is to explore the world that is so new to her.

Other: Nym spent years training with the spear.


(Real picture): http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120526173533/iceandfire/images/c/c1/Aegon_Targaryen.jpg

Name: Egg

Title (If any): None

Gender: Male

Age: 14

House: None

Personality (Atleast 1 paragraph): Could I just reveal this as I go along?

Bio (Atleast two paragraphs): Egg is descended from Aegon Targaryen (possibly Blackfyre), though he keeps this a secret from most. He's traveled throughout Westeros, and has at a few points considered seeking the Golden Company, but decided against it each time.

Recently, he's encountered Princess Nym, Lord Daemon, and Lord Gerold, and was taken on as the squire of Daemon.

Ambitions: Egg's goal is to someday join the Kingsguard.

Other: Egg treasures the sword Blackfyre, used by his ancestor Aegon VI.
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Name: Asher Tyrell

Title: Lord of Highgarden,
Lord Paramount of the Reach and Warden of the South.

Gender: Male

Age: 20

House: Tyrell


Asher has been nicknamed the "The Thorn" as he has stood out from the Tyrell lineage like a sore thumb. He seems to be more so cutting and sarcastic then his relatives and has only formed the Tyrell charm through practice and observation. He has known to be very direct and blunt, but can walk a thin line in a conversation if needs be. Always feeling he has to prove himself, Asher is an excellent swordsman and has denied two squires as he feels they "would learn better from someone who's life is the sword". Although he is not Loras son directly, he has been known to share his tastes in men but also women. He has courted only 3 women, all of whom he became bored with as they just wanted to "talk about children and rose gardens". He hopes to find someone to produce an heir worthy of Highgarden and strong in status.


Asher was born in Highgarden to Loras Tyrell, second of his name and Sain Costblack, or so it would seem. His father found it increasingly difficult to produce an heir, Lord or Lady with his first wife, Fey Dune, a highborn hand maiden and was certain when greyscale took her, that a new wife could produce one for him. His Father Loras felt it was an issue for the Lord and only him alone. Having seen his sister produce three children from Clay Forrester, he needed to secure the Tyrell power in his favour. The Costblack family, a high born family with crops that supplied most of the Southern region, reached out to Loras and told them of their daughter, Sain, who was carrying a bastard child not 2 weeks in secret and should she marry Loras the second, as far as they were concerned it was a Tyrell. Loras the first feeling there was no other choice and would be damned if a Forrester gained Highgarden, agreed to it. It also secured control of the crops for the following years to from the marriage and above all, brought an heir into the family.

Years later, at the age of 20, Asher, first born of his name and heir to Highgarden is hearing whispers of Clay Forester great grandson of Margery Tyrell and Keil Forester, being the true heir to the throne. But how could it be if he is the only born son of Lord Loras, second of his name? Is there a question to his lineage?Feeling that his reign is over before it has even begun, he has set out to find his alleged Father, in secret, before anyone else and see if his name holds anything but Flowers.

Ambitions: To find his true father or to claim secure heir status from The Kings Landing Court.

Other: Asher is trying to do this trip under a false identity as he wants to see what his position amoung the common folk he meets may be instead of just the whispers in Highgarden.
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JacobLoL said:
@nevermore0714 Accepted
@TheOnlyPaul everything is good except for a few things. Three generations of Tyrell lords and they're all gay? Seems unlikely. The main issue i have is that thing with his father marrying a woman already pregnant.
hmmm, well the reason I have him marrying the women is explained but I could change it to that his mother married Loras in order to hide her shame of carrying a bastard?

I will make it so that Loras the second was not gay but instead just found it difficult to produce an heir?

Name: Edmund Hoode

Title (If any): Lord of Everhold

Gender: Male

Age: 15

House: House Hoode


Unlike his brothers, Edmund's soft spoken voice, and fair looks often have others confused him as a Southerner. The look came from his great grand-mother, a distant cousin of Margaery Tyrell. Also unlike his brothers, Edmund's faced with the occasional self-doubt, and with the weight of his house now placed on his shoulders his original gentle nature had grown more stiff and cold. Some appreciated his new found professionalism, giving them confidence that he will lead as well as any of his older brothers. Those who knew him since he was a child however grew concerned and increasingly distressed by this, especially his younger sister, Mayley. A quiet thinker, many wondered how Edmund's southern comely look hadn't bedded him a wife yet. Deep down in his heart though, is a fear. Fear that House Hoode will fall under his rule, that he would fail his brothers and father, and it is this fear that's beginning to drive Edmund.


Edmund was never meant to be lord. That was supposed to go to Evin, and at worst to Malcolm, but one battle against the rebelling Mountain Clans for House Stark changed all of that. Now Evin laid in his grave and Malcolm would not wake from his endless slumber, though his heart still beats in his chest and air fills his lungs. While Maester Myke continued to tend to him, the reins of House Hoode fell upon Edmund. A unique child from birth, while most male members of the house either inherit the physique to become a knight or superb accuracy, Edmund got both of his two great-grand uncles' sword skills and his legendary great grandfather's archery prowess, Nathaniel "True Shot" Hoode. What he didn't get that Malcolm received, was Nathaniel's prodigal speed, despite his own above average quickness.

News of Evin's death and Malcolm's coma spread quickly throughout the North, and has no doubt traveled beyond the Neck. Rivals, both known and otherwise, began to converge on Darkwoods and Everhold within it. While House Hoode still holds its own in terms of forces, some might argue that the only by the rule of House Stark has open war not erupted at the moment. What was worse, the weakening of House Forrester, House Hoode's only northern ally, by the predations of House Whitehill once more and the loss of the Tyrell's alliance to the south had rendered House Hoode's political power nonexistent. Combined that nasty rumor that it was a member of the Northern Nobles that struck down Evin and wounded Malcolm from behind, and House Hoode found itself not knowing who to trust at all. With the perilous state of his house to consider, Edmund understood that road ahead will be difficult, but that his and his sisters' unmarried status a possible way out of an increasingly deteriorating situation.

However, those that would mistake Darkwoods and Everhold to be easy pickings will find that the Darkwood Rangers still prowl the trees' shadows, with their longbows strung, quivers full and eyes opened, that's aside from the small but formidable military force still garrisoned at Everhold. Invaders will learn the same harsh truths that bandits and highwaymen that tried to prey on Darkwoods' villages and towns had learned for decades, "Our arrows thirst."

To restore House Hoode's status as one of the great powers under the Warden of the North. To establish it as a significant political power within Westeros. To find out what really happened to Malcolm and Evin.

Other: Uses a longbow for range combat, and instead of a shield with his longsword, carries a one handed axe, made from ironwood that was part of a dowry when Talia Forrester married Edmund Hoode. Symbol of alliance between House Forrester and House Hoode.



Name: Evelyn Hoode

Title (If any): None

Gender: Female

Age: 16

House: House Hoode


Evelyn had a simple, northern charm about her looks, though to those that know her well or the very observant, there's a hint of southern elegance to the young lady. Evelyn had also shown an aptitude at reading others and predicting their next moves. Her keen eyes from being a Hoode and her wits from her Tyrell roots combined to make this possible. Her cleverness would've undoubtedly made her distant relatives, Margery Tyrell and the "Queen of Thorns" proud. Cool and composed nearly at all times, Evelyn understood the dangers of letting her guard down when playing the Game, even around those she trusts, and was one of the few family members that approved of the changes in Edmund since his rule as Lord of House Hoode began. Deep down though, a girlish wish of meeting her shining knight still exists, but Evelyn, fearing it to endanger her family by influencing her actions or clouding her judgment, had buried it so deep that it was unlikely to ever surface.


Her mother, Madam Kaitlyn, always joked that Evelyn had more Tyrell in her blood than Hoode. She could not have guessed how correct that statement was. Her parents first discovered this when Evelyn tugged on her mother's dress after a visit at Winterfell, when she asked innocently "Why does Lord Mountain Star (the then Lord of House Whitehill) keep looking at Lord Sun Face (House Karstark)?" This simple question led to the discovery of a secret alliance between the two houses in an attempt to seize power in the North. Since then Kaitlyn had allowed Evelyn to experience the Game as much as possible, while doing her best to protect her. Evelyn developed a fast friendship with her cousin, Emilie Hoode, and her pledge, the young Lady Stark. Since then it was not uncommon for Lady Stark to send for Evelyn, and the household of Winterfell to be on friendly terms with the young Lady Hoode.

By the time she had reached marrying age, it was cleared to both Kaitlyn and the late Lord Devin Hoode that Evelyn should not waste her talents at Everhold, and began arranging plans to send her to Winterfell, if not King's Landing. Lord Hoode's unexpected death thwarted this plan, and by the time the household's affairs had been straightened, Evelyn decided that she was needed at home more than any other place at the moment. Her brother, Evin, was in the talks with some nobles about possibly marrying her sister off when the house experienced another tragic loss again. This time Evelyn could not sit idly by as things got progressively worse. She went to her mother, explaining that without strong allies, House Hoode will succumb to a slow but inevitable death. Reluctantly, Madam Kaitlyn allowed her daughter to head first to Winterfell, then south in order to formulate an alliance. However Evelyn had other plans, plans to not only jockey for position within the royal and southern courts, but to cement House Hoode as an undeniable power, one second only to House Stark.

To gain connections within the larger political spectrum and gain a strong political position for House Hoode. Secure marriage alliances for herself, her brother and sister (perhaps cousins as well). Hidden: Wed a knight in shining armor.

Other: Under her own insistence, and at the disapproval of her mother, Evelyn trained in self defense with the Darkwoods Rangers. Though she won't be swinging a battleaxe and charging into the maelstrom of battle, she can handle herself with her hidden small knife (held in her dresses) should the deadlier side of the Game revealed themselves. Nothing about her shows of this however, so any would be assassins will be in for an unpleasant surprise.
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Name: Alyssa Blackwood

Title: Lady of Raventree Hall

Gender: Female

Age: 23

House: Blackwood

Personality (At least 1 paragraph)

Bio: In the years since the War of the Five Kings came to an end, House Blackwood flourished under the Targaryen's reign, not only regaining what lands they lost during the war, but receiving most of the lands originally owned by their bitter rival, House Bracken. This of course has only widened the divide between these two houses, but while their historical feud has continued, it has yet to erupt into full war due to the intervention of House Tully. While House Baelish officially rules the Riverlands, there has been growing tension in the area as some have begun calling that the title of Lord Paramount return to the Tully's. In this feud, House Blackwood's loyalties have remained firmly with the Tully's, and amongst their allies there has been whispers of rebellion for decades.

It is in this age that Alyssa was born the middle child of Lord Brynden Blackwood and Jocelyn Smallwood, along with her older brother Tytos and younger sister Celia. While she was diligent in her lessons with the Septa, the child's craving for knowledge was nigh unquenchable, and she often pestered her brothers on their studies, much to their disdain. Indeed, by the age of ten, it was be said that she could recite the Maester's teachings better than any of her siblings

In the years which followed the 'blossoming' of her womanhood (A term which she loathes to this day), her father Brynden began taking her along with her two other siblings along on his travels to the neighboring allies with whom they were aligned with. Alyssa was by this time more than aware of her duties and expectations as the daughter of a highborn lord, and tried to make herself presentable and charming to the lords and heirs whom she came across, as her Septa had taught them. While she succeeded in making a good first impression and never brought disgrace upon her family or herself, the shrewd girl could never mimic the dainty, simpering behavior of some of the other girls. She would be asked to dance by a couple of boys for courtesy's sake, but little else occurred with regard to courtship.

By the age of seventeen, Alyssa remained unwed, and while her father seemed only mildly concerned on his daughter's marital status, her mother nagged regularly on the matter. However, there were more serious issues for the family to concern themselves with- rumours had spread that the remnants of House Bracken were stirring, and were planning to overthrow House Blackwood. The Bracken's were outnumbered, and lacked support from any of the major houses, but not wishing to have the feud end in bloodshed, Brynden suggested a meeting at Stonehenge so that the Bracken's may discuss their concerns, or else be reminded of the strength of the Blackwood forces. Tytos, now a robust man of twenty, attended the meeting as part of his training as the future heir to Raventree, along with thirty of their men. Yet the gathering proved to be an ambush, and while the Blackwood soldiers struck down their traitorous opposition, it was not before Tytos was killed protecting his father from Lord Harwyn Bracken and his men.

The rebellion was quelled, House Bracken kicked and beaten with the Blackwood's boot on their head, ready to deliver the final blow but from that point onward the light in the Lord of Raventree's eyes was dimmed. In the months that followed, the strong, steady man that Alyssa had known as her father began wasting away, and it didn't take long for her to conclude that in order to ensure that their rivals would not strike once her father fell, an heir was needed. So she implored her father that he help her find a husband, and while heavy-hearted at the situation and the decision his daughter was making on their house's behalf, wrote to his close friends Lord Stevron Mallister of Seagard, asking that they bind their houses in marriage. Shortly thereafter, Alyssa was wed to the second son, Ryman Mallister of Seagard, and her father passed the following spring.

The marriage was not an unhappy one: Ryman was an honest man, sound in mind and body, but a man of few words who kept his distance. The young woman was aware that there were worse things than a loveless marriage, and though part of her winced at the thought of spending the rest of her days with him, she rarely made her contempt known. Over the next three years, their relationship grew out of the initial tension, and on their third anniversary the celebration had been genuine- both of them had survived each other's company, and though their feelings were not amorous, they had managed to become friends. Most importantly, Alyssa was with child, and if it was boy, then her families' future would be secured. Of course, it was then that tragedy would strike the family once again: the early winter which then came was the harshest the Riverlands had felt in thirty years. The food stores ran low, the smallfolk starving, and illness plagued them all. The smallpox would send Ryman to the cold earth between the weirwood tree to rest with her father and brother, and when Alyssa gave birth as spring awaken, the unnamed child was stillborn. It was then that the newly-widowed woman took up the mantle as Lady of Raventree Hall. The choice received mixed reception, as many condemning her as there were praising her, but no one has as of yet openly opposed her and ordered her to step down.

Over a year has passed since the death of Ryman, and though Alyssa has supposedly moved past the grief, she has thus far refused to heed the words of certain advisors, her mother included, that she remarry in order to continue raising the status of their house, focusing instead on the feud brewing in the Riverlands between Tully and Baelish. She recognizes that she will need to bear children at some point to guarantee that the Blackwood family continues on, but has decided it would be wise to wait until the aforementioned matter is settled before pursuing such things.

Ambitions: Ensure the continued growth and prosperity of House Blackwood and the common people whom she serves

Other: While she has received limited combat training as a highborn lady, she has made a point of learning to defend herself, knives being her preferred choice of weapon. She has also been undergoing archery practice, though saying that she is proficient at it would be an exaggeration.



Name: Devan Seaworth



Age: 25


(Atleast 1 paragraph)

Bio: One of five children born to Lord Mathos Seaworth (Great-Grandson of Davos Seaworth) and Lillian Estermont, Devon's childhood years were spent running around their holdfast in Cape Wrath. In the decades since the return of the Targaryen reign, the Stormlands and surrounding area has been caught in a tug of war for power between the three surviving Baratheon bastards and their descendents. However, through all the skirmishes, House Seaworth has avoided declaring allegiance to any of them, as none of them had a direct connection to their previous King, and thus have been largely spared in this regard.

While he studied with the Maester along with his brothers and sisters, it had always been the stories of long fought wars and great battles which intrigued him the most. As the third son, he knew enough that the duties of lordship would unlikely fall to him, and such things had never been of interest to him anyways. No, he sought to travel the Seven Kingdoms, fighting in tournaments and making a name for himself- that was how he would bring honor to his house. His father could not support Devan's endeavors- though it had been many years since the continent was embroiled in war, he had seen enough fighting in his years that he wished to spare his children from the bitterness of such things. Yet he knew that the boy was stubborn enough that he would pursue it regardless, and so from the age of eight he had the boy begin extra training sessions with the Master-at-Arms, Ser Duncan Selmy.

At fifteen he entered his first tournament, held on the name day of Lord Edric Baratheon at Storm's End. Over sixty men partook in the event, including Ser Duncan, who was triumphant in winning the melee catagory. As for Devan, he was quickly knocked out of the jousting, yet did unexpectedly well in the melee, in which he placed sixteenth after losing to a knight from Tarth. From that day onwards, he found himself travelling across the South along with Ser Duncan to compete, from Highgarden to Lannisport, even visiting far off places such as Sunspear and Harrenhal. Though he rarely made it past the third round of fighting, there were better days, the greatest being when he made it to the finals during a notable tournament in Duskendale.

He often worries about the rest of his family, both the ones in Cape Wrath as well as his younger brother Emery, who serves as a page in King's Landing. In the meantime though, he's had enough to worry about with his work in the Guard, especially given the recent deaths of the Targaryen Dragons and the whispers which have begun floating up in the city.


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Myra Snow

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    Name - Myra Snow (Stark)

    Age - 17

    Gender - Female

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c64b770fe_images(4).jpg.f5631dc4f9fa2622e69ff4acaf1279f2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91524" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/57a8c64b770fe_images(4).jpg.f5631dc4f9fa2622e69ff4acaf1279f2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Durran Baratheon

Title: "The dear of Storm's End", Lord of Storm's End


Age: 44

House: Baratheon (resurected by Edric Storm's descendents)

Personality: Durran is a man of a few words, but what he says, he says it wisely. After many years leading the mighty house Baratheon through thick and thin, he grew older, but wiser. He makes alliances when he sees fit, as he sees this as more of a treason towards the other houses. Durran always welcomes guests with a smile and drinks, but who knows what lies behind the happy and jolly nature of this ruler. Rumors start that he is suffering from madness, sometimes having fits of anger, but not all can be true, can it? Surely a leader as powerful as him has some secrets he keeps under lock and key.

Bio: Durran was the oldest of the 2 sons of the greedy lord Ombris Baratheon, and so he was predestined to be the next ruler. But, as he was growing up, he had problems with some physical activities. At age 5, he fell ill of a disease that left him bed ridden 2 months. In this time, he peeked out the castle window, looking at the waves crashing into the mighty cliffs. Looking out, he sometimes saw soldiers returning, tired and demoralized. He then found out that his father was sending the soldiers to collect taxes from small villages, killing his own people if they didn't have money.

At age 8 he started training with the bow, and soon, at 14, he was on his first ever hunting trip. He hunted down a deer, a memory that makes him smile every time he thinks of it. He always says "Oh the irony, that my first kill, was my own kin.". Some consider it as dementia, believing the king believes himself to be a deer, but he says it, noting that their flag has a stag on it, the male of the species. At age 17, he succeeded his father on the throne, and seeing that he had a large treasury, decided to invest in an army and to lower the taxes for a while. Durran made the relations between house Baratheon and other minor houses under them warmer, but kind-of isolated itself from the others.

Now, seeing as old age is catching up to him, Durran started to open up to the other houses of Westeros, mainly to keep his family from being seized by any other pretenders, but their diplomacy has been lacking since the past lord damaged their image.

Ambitions: To secure a kingdom for his son to rule, to restore the Baratheon name to its original fame.

Other: Very good at archery, trained in sword and horse riding. Spends many nights awake in his study, looking out the window or studying the maps. He enjoys going on hunting trips in the spring and summer.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/427px-Orys_Baratheon_by_feliche.jpg.611be33b1131fcdf84b7c8b70cc34419.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91529" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/427px-Orys_Baratheon_by_feliche.jpg.611be33b1131fcdf84b7c8b70cc34419.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Verys Baratheon

Title: "The dear of Storm's End", Lord of Storm's End


Age: 24

House: Baratheon (resurected by Edric Storm's descendents)

Personality:Verys is a cold, calculated young man. He spend most of his young years training and studying to become one of the king's guard, but he later refused, not wanting to be away from his family. Verys wants to be close to his family, as in his childhood, he was sent to house Dondarrion, to train under good guidance. For him, family first, anything else, second.

Bio: Verys was born to Durran Bratheon, as heir to his throne. At age 5, Durran sent his child off to Blackhaven, to train under the guidance of

house Dondarrion. He spent his days there training and learning, leaving little time for anything else, such as the study of diplomacy.

In the fort at Blackhaven, he always admired the blacksmiths, and the art of their craft. Studying weapons started to be his favorite past times, time in witch he didn't study techniques. Surely, as he is growing up, he seemed to become a better warrior, then lord. Nonetheless, him being the oldest heir, he knew that that time may come, fearing it.

At age 14 he returned, and a smile on his face when he saw Storms End once again, and his family. He usually likes to take part in his father's hunting trips, as hunting is rooted in his blood. He discovered his bisexuality, after having a "diplomatic" interaction with one dornishman. He has kept that secret well kept, fearing people would judge him about this. He decided to train his personal guards, thinking of them as his "children".

Ambitions: To keep his family safe, and to restore the name and fame of the Baratheons of Storm's End.(Also, a crushing desire to gain Dragonstone)

Other: Expert in swords and spears, and trained in horse riding. He usually polishes his armor, always finding ways to put small "trinkets" on it. He can be found either on the training grounds, or near the courtyard.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/robert_baratheon_armour_by_alex_maxwell-d7ezn9g.jpg.facc2952d153d8180118ecd541f41a8e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91530" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/robert_baratheon_armour_by_alex_maxwell-d7ezn9g.jpg.facc2952d153d8180118ecd541f41a8e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/427px-Orys_Baratheon_by_feliche.jpg.7148f0f83bf1f2ea3b25e94027bb84ee.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91525" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/427px-Orys_Baratheon_by_feliche.jpg.7148f0f83bf1f2ea3b25e94027bb84ee.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/robert_baratheon_armour_by_alex_maxwell-d7ezn9g.jpg.41a13a7984355b80f3b99400b8030dac.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="91526" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/robert_baratheon_armour_by_alex_maxwell-d7ezn9g.jpg.41a13a7984355b80f3b99400b8030dac.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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