Suffers from Selective Memory
An intergalactic TV show known only as Deadly Survival. Ran by a group known only to itself and aired only to those who pay the highest price to view it. It is an outlawed game of life and death. A multitude of beings are kidnapped from all around the Universe and dropped on one planet. They are given no supplies and no warning. Their goal? Survive one week. They must fight against nature and sometimes even themselves to survive. And the hunters. The hunters are sent in a day after the survivors, a group of symbiotic AI constructs armed with technology and weaponry. Their goal? Kill the survivors. Can they survive against nature and their hunters? Or does their story end here? Tune in and find out!
Just a few things to catch your attention just in case the above doesn't.
- You're allowed to create your own custom race.
- You can be a survivor or a hunter.
- No restriction on posts. Or requirement.
- It'll be casual.
If you're interested just click here!
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