A forest of unusual happenings


Game master
In this world, there lies a massive forest. This forest has been almost untouched by industrialization and expansion. Not because of activist groups or government protection, but because . . . of unusual happenings. There are things that happen in this forest, things no one can or wants to explain. People go missing without a trace, projects for construction are plagued with accidents and failure. There are settlements and cities on the outskirts of this forest, and each of them have their own policies and theories about the location. Some say it is a magnetic anomaly, others that there is some organization within. Still others say that it is cursed.

In truth, they are all partially correct. This forest houses the creatures of old, those that have powers unexplained by science. Those who command 'magic', those who hold the intelligence of humans, and could in many ways be considered greater. It is here, where two souls meet . . .


My chara:

Name: Viril Talevule

Gender: Male

Age: 22 (340ish)

Race: Kitsune spirit




Skills/powers: Quick on his feet, able to analyze a situation quickly. Holds dominion over a blue flame called "fox fire" which can be formed into whatever he wills. He can also shift between forms, that of a white fox with multiple tails, and a bipedal human-esque form that retains the ears and tails (he may choose to hide them if he wishes). The strength of his fox fire is increased while he maintains the form of a fox, which is his original form. He has experimented with other forms, but nothing has suited him more than those two.

Bio: Born within the forest and of the forest, Viril respects and adores the entirety of the natural world. This brings him into conflict with most humans, who prefer to subdue nature rather than adapt with it. The majority of his life has been spent causing "accidents" to those who would burn the world to the ground for their own gain. This goes anywhere from the lone man cutting a tree to killing businesses from within. However, he does not mindlessly hate humans. Those who respect, preserve, and attempt to save nature are left alone by him. Some may even push themselves enough into his good graces to receive a parting gift of "luck" should he feel so inclined. He views the hunters as one might view zealots, destroying that which they fear and don't understand. This does not cause him to hate them outright, but rather to simply avoid them.
(Mine I dont think will be as fancy as yours)

Name: Callisto

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Race: Human

Appearance: My avatar

Skills/Power: None

Bio: She is an orphan and has been moved from foster home to foster home and has gotten fed up with it. So even though she's heard of the cursed woods she has decided she is going to live in them instead of being mistreated.
(It's short and to the point.)

Viril stood atop one of the branches on a huge tree. Through the canopy he eyed a construction crew, his eyes narrowing at the invaders. They had a crane, as well as several people armed with massive chainsaws. So they wished to take from that which they did not need or respect? There was a brief flash in his eyes, and moments later there was shouting from down at the edge of the forest. The crane's top had melted, and was falling. The massive crash caused all wildlife to flee into the brush, and Viril watched with condescending eyes as he watched multiple humans be crushed by the slab of metal.

"Do not take that which is not yours."

With a rustle of leaves, he was gone, headed back into the forest. Maybe he would find a nice glade, or the lake! The lake would be a good place to relax and forget about this.
Callisto walked down the street keeping her head down and shouldering her backpack. She couldn't believe she had finally gotten the nerve to leave her most recent foster home. She sighed knowing if she broke down and went back she would be severely punished in the basement for days. Walking forward she stopped at the forest edge and took a huge breath then walked in going deeper and deeper into the trees. She was amazed seeing deer immediately as she entered and the sounds she heard were amazing. She couldn't believe anyone would want to try and hurt this land.
The wildlife's reaction could be seen, and it was not unnoticed by Viril.

"Oh? Someone else has come?"

He started to make his way through the canopy, heading quickly in the direction that the wildlife was running from. Within a couple of minutes he was able to pinpoint the disturbance himself. His ears twitched at the softer crunching of leaves beneath someone's feet. A single human? He stopped. His perch put him directly above the path of the invader. It was indeed a single human, young, female. What was her purpose here? The ones who entered generally fell into one of three categories, with few exceptions. There were those who tried to destroy the forest, like those from before. There were those who tried to study the forest, but they came with tons of equipment, and never strayed far. He had also seen humans raving amidst seals while they burned offerings towards some delusion of theirs. This woman was clearly not the former or the latter, and she lacked the equipment for the final option. So what was she doing here?
She saw the animals go and smiled sadly. She kept walking careful not to step on the wildlife. She went through a couple of trees into a clearing. She gasped at the breath taking sight before her. She looked at the clear blue lake and sat down in the soft green grass feeling happy for the first time in years. She didn't know why no one came in here more often.
Well now, wasn't this a surprise. All her actions seemed tailored towards . . . a leisurely hike perhaps? This was too interesting and strange to let go. Viril closed his eyes for a moment, and let his power focus. He now stood without ears and tail, the only sign he might not be human the red tattoos on his figure. With a deep breath, he calmly walked out into the clearing alongside the young woman.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"
Startled she let out a small yelp and jumped up seeing the man. "uh..uh yes very.......who...who are you?" She stuttered still shaken thinking he had been one of the parents from the foster home that followed her and had come to drag her home. She looked the man up and down seeing his interesting tattoos. She wondered what they could mean.
Viril gave a reassuring smile, calmly walking past her and stopping closer to the lake edge

"You may call me Viril, young lady. I seem to have startled you."

A backpack was with her, how long was she planning to hike? And her reaction, was she expecting someone? His appearance did not warrant that kind of surprise.
She relaxed and smiled, "I'm Callisto" she said walking up and joining him at the lakes edge. "What are you doing out here?" She asked slightly confused thinking, what are the possibilities of meeting someone out here?
"Well, Callisto, I am a wanderer. I pass throughout this forest regularly. Let's just say that your passing did not go unnoticed by the creatures that live hear, and I was curious. Pray tell, what is a young lady like yourself doing out here?"

She had given him the perfect segway to find her purpose, lovely. And what he had said wasn't a lie, he just left out some of the truth.
She smiled, "a wanderer huh? Well I'm a runaway." She said shamefully. "I came here hopefully to find a way to live here without causing too much of a disturbance to this forest." She smiled looking at the beautiful clearing.
"A runaway?"

Viril turned to look at her, one of his eyebrows raised

"Where did you run away from?"

He tried to ask normal questions, rather than the one burning at the forefront of his mind. She wanted to LIVE here?! Most humans never even thought of stepping foot in the forest without bringing an army's worth of tools! She certainly had his attention now.
She shrugged, "foster home, well more like prison" she smirked. Then sat down by the water and stuck her finger in it surprised at how calm it made her. She looked up at him, "where did you wander from?" she asked
"Oh, that's simple. I wandered from where I was born."

He smiled at the obviously roundabout answer

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you choose here as a destination? Most sensible people avoid it at all costs, even calling it cursed."
She shrugged, "I wanted to go where most people wouldn't. I wanted to go somewhere that no one would go to try and find me." she replied. "where were you born? just out of curiosity and plus why are you here if the forest is cursed." she smirked turning the question on him.
"Ah, so it is isolation you seek? Well, at least from humans it would seem."

Viril stroked his chin and looked across the water. Should he? Well, if she planned to stay here he was certain she would find out anyway.

"As for my birthplace? Well, I was born here. In this forest."

He pulled his hand through his hair, and as he did so . . . a pair of fox ears sprouted from the top of his head. Several fox tails also unfurled themselves from beneath his robe, revealing his true nature

"Cursed? This forest isn't cursed. It just happens to be home to people like myself."
Her eyes widened then she smiled, "so you are the ghost of the forest! The one who makes all those developers scared out of their mind right?" she said laughing, "what you do is amazing!" she said reaching her hand out towards his tail, "may I?" she asked.
Viril cocked his head to the side at her reaction

"You're not frightened? The last human I showed this form defecated himself and ran like a scared fawn before I killed him."

He chose not to correct her assumption on him being the ghost of the forest for now. She was even partially right. He was *A* ghost, just not the only one.

Viril answered her second question by brushing one of his tails up against her hand gently, letting her run along it's silky fur.
She smiled at what he told her about the man. When his tail brushed against her hand she was amazed by it. "thats amazing. Is this your true form?" she asked curiously still petting his soft fur.
"Hmm . . . It's the form I choose to adopt most, but I wouldn't call it my TRUE form necessarily. Do you still plan to stay, knowing creatures like myself live here?"

She certainly was an odd human. She wanted to live in a forest most humans avoided like it was toxic, she didn't freak out at the sudden appearance of a creature that went against all logic she knew . . . what was going through her head?
She nodded, "I'm hoping I'll stay here forever. But only if that's okay with you and your friends." she said smiling up at him. He was like a mystery to her, always giving answers that made you want to ask 10 more questions. Plus she couldn't believe what a cute creature he was even if he wasnt in his true form.

Viril reached forward and grasped the bottom of her chin with his hand

"And how exactly to you propose to do that? The forest is not forgiving."

Truthfully, he didn't have a problem with her staying. She didn't have the equipment to truly cause damage to the forest, and if she went about trying to survive half-heartedly she would be dead within a week.
She was shocked by his touch but didnt move away, "I....I don't know how....I'll figure it out." she said trying to sound confident but was actually scared of not knowing how she was going to make it out in this forest now knowing there was creatures like him.
Ah, so she hadn't fully prepared. Then again, even if she was ready to survive a normal forest, this forest was anything but normal. Still . . . she was different. Perhaps . . .

"Tell you what: I'll give you a hand, but only after a test."

He put up a single finger

"One week. If you can survive one week, then I'll consider helping you. I only have two caveats. One: you live WITH nature, not from it. I have seen your kind take too much from nature and not give enough back. Two: The instant I see you leave this forest, the deal's off. It has to be one week, with no help."

His tails swished a little as he crossed his arms. All told, it was actually a fairly good deal. It wasn't every day he felt out like helping people.

"Sound fair?"

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