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A Few Simple Pairings


Two Thousand Club
So I only have two requirments before you reply to this thread:

  • Please try to be on at least once a day. A post a day would be nice.
  • I'd also like to do one liners to two paragraphs based on what the scene demands.


...and not the butts for you weird ones!

...Unless you wanna~

So let's talk about those pairings!

1) Slave x Master. I'd be the slave.

2) Vampire x Human. I'd be the human.

3) Assassin x Target. I'll play either.

4) Arranged Marriage to True Love

5) Experiment x Person Who Finsd Them. I'd be the person who finds them.

6) Former Slave x Normal Person. I'd be the former slave.
TheGodSnake said:
Experiment x Person Who Finds Them
what type of experiment do you mean?
The Person is basically being turned into a neko/inu, infusing them with animal instincts

[QUOTE="Mia Moulop]I like the assassin x target scenario.

I'd perfer to remain with one rp for now, thank you.
WildpeltTheCat said:
The Person is basically being turned into a neko/inu, infusing them with animal instincts
would you be adverse to other human/animal combinations? say.. eagle?
no, I mean I have a character archetype in mind to make a character out of

make a thread and put up a skele and lets do this
I'd go for experiment × discoverer. I have a couple of genetic freaks in my arsenal, along with one robot with two personalities.

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