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Multiple Settings A few Ideas I am hoping to find partners for.


New Member
So I have had a few ideas for story lines and I figured I'd get them out there.

Idea#1- (DoctorXPatient) (M/F F/F)
Character A hasn't had an easy life. A mother who was labelled 'mad' and sent to a hospital to live out her life and a father who remarried far too quickly. After their mothers passing Character A is left to the devices of her father and new step mother. Too many things are suspicious though and Character A needs to find out the truth. It isn't long before Character A unearths things they shouldn't. After confronting their father they are promptly shipped off to the same fate as their mother. Snowdon Sanitarium. Learning that her father is a major contributor to the sanitarium Character A knows there is little hope f them getting out with the help of the staff. Well, all except Character B a new doctor at the hospital who has been told to ignore Character A and their delusions. Character B sees something in Character A though and refuses to believe the story's the staff have been told about them.

Idea#2- (Vampire/Human) (M/F, F/F)
Vampires have just been discovered by humans and the world is terrified. In a bid to help ease the hysteria scientists have captured several Vampires to perform tests. They need something but not even they know what it is. A cure? A vaccine? A way to kill these creatures. Character A is a Vampire who has been captured and thrown into a big white room to become a lab rat. Character B works at the lab (Scientist, cleaner, cook. I am leaving that part open to discussion lol). Character B cant stand to see what humans are doing to these poor creatures and so they vow to help them By freeing them. The only thing Character B didn't count on is that Vampires aren't the most forgiving beings.

Idea#3- (QueenxWarrior) (M/F)
Her kingdom is in need. With every male heir to the throne killed in a needless war it is she is forced onto the throne. An unwanted seat that she would gladly give f it didn't mean her life. Wars rage all around her and her army is dwindling in size day by day. The males in her family had ran the forces seamlessly but now with them gone she is in over her head. She had two choices. Marry the cruel elder king for his army and resources or send for Character B. A world renown warrior that some believe is just a myth. Man or myth she needs this hope. In an attempt to save her kingdom and ultimately her life she needs him.

Idea#4- (Mob bossxPerson In Debt) (M/F, F/F)
Character A's family has taken out a large loan from local gangsters. Their family business was in need. But when months go by and they haven't made a payment things start to go nasty. Character A is taken. Walking home one night they are kidnapped by the gangster and told they are being put to work until the debt is paid off. The boss and head of the goons is Character B to enjoys testing A to see just how far they will go to protect their family.

Idea#5- (GodxHuman) (M/F, F/F)
Ardvisura is the world of water that is inhabited by many demi-gods but only one God reigns above them all. This world is inhabited by only women who every century or so come to earth in order to mate with mortal men and continue their blood line. The ruler of water world has stepped on and it is time for seven demi-gods to compete in order to take the throne as their own. Character A is one of these demi-gods who along with her seven sisters will fight to take her place as ruler. With Ardvisua in upheaval one of the seven take this opportunity to flee to earth even though its not mating time. Character A is sent to earth to retrieve her fallen sister and bring her home, her only help is the god's servant (character b). A descendant of one of the males to bred with a god. As thanks for their service the god's bestow a task to a descendant of the male and once the task is complete they are rewarded with a happy, long and comfortable life. Unfortunately Character A has never been around humans or males for that matter. Character A and B set about trying to bring the wayward demi god home.

Ok so there they are. If anyone is interested in starting one up with me please let me know in the comments or by Dm. I am perfectly happy to change any story line to make anyone more happy and comfortable. These are just guidelines. All I ask is that if we do decide to go ahead please don't send one liners as the story will die quite quickly. Also I am most comfortable playing female at the moment but that may be changing in the future.
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*Updated with a new idea*

Sorry if none of these make sense. Please feel free to message me for clarification.
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