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A Fantasy RP Plot Idea...


New Member
Hello all!

My first post on this site, but certainly not new to forum RPs.

I've come up with a fantasy RP plot I've been entertaining for a little while, full of potential in terms of plot, character development, lots of magic etc...

The story starts with a girl, who is one of twelve “Holy Vessels” that serve the Kingdom of Asteria and its patron Goddess ____. From the moment she was born, she is identified as having one of the most powerful “Essence” that Asteria has ever encountered for more than a millenia. The Essence she contains is the most treasured source of magic and power in the Kingdom. However, it is a terrible and a binding fate. She will spend more than two decades preparing, meditating, focusing her Essence for when it is time for her “Awakening”, she is offered up to the Goddess as a bodily sacrifice in flesh and blood where ultimately, she dies a mortal death and by doing so gives up her honed Essence to the wielder. This girl faithfully dreams of this fate and regards it as a holy duty all her life. Leading up to the event, she dreams of visions that make her question her belief…

From here I imagine your character to be an assassin/rogue/pirate/something else - a stranger to the land carrying out a dangerous mission for a scheming witch/sorcerer/fallen king/queen who is weak and seeks to recover his/her old powers by obtaining this mighty Essence. Your character sabotages the Awakening Ceremony. Just at the point where the Essence is released he either kills the wielder-to-be and successfully contain the Essence and escapes, or later finds out it was a decoy/illusion and falls into a trap – becomes a prisoner. He is tortured and punished. Or… your character ends up absorbing some of the magic himself and becomes something else entirely to be feared.

We can of course work on the plot and change things here and there.

I would like someone who likes to plot before and during RP, loves complex characters and character development, is imaginative and likes descriptive writing but able to move a plot forward.

Currently, I predict 1 post every other day.

I have a full-time job so this might change with circumstances.
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OMG I'm in love with this concept already. I could think of a lot of ways of interrupting the ceremony and such. this has such good potential
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@Nyte You and I seem to have similar tastes. This is the second time I've posted to one of these and a few minutes later so do you. lol.
I am most intrigued!

If this is still open, and you're still up for it, shoot me a PM :3
Great thoughts! This must have taken you a long time to think up, love the work behind it! Please count me in if possible.
The more I think about it, the more I like it. I'm definitely interested. Should I PM you or will you PM me?

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