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Fantasy A fantasy roleplay partner wanted


Love and Death
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

༺About Me༻

-I am 25 years old
-I have been role-playing for around 12 years
-I usually try to write at least 2 or 3 paragraphs per response
-I have no triggers
-I prefer dark romance and action

༺The Plot༻
Long ago there were three kingdoms that together ruled over the lands. Sepan, Kulia, and Ruwen. These kingdoms all ruled peacefully together. They came to each others aid when it was needed. They made each other prosper. But in Sepan sickness began to plague the lands. The Kings oldest and favorite son died causing him to be riddled with grief and as sickness took its hold there greed took its hold in Ruwen. Ruwen decided to attack their closest and weakest neighbors Sepan. The king of Sepan too riddled with grief did not raise a finger to help his kingdom leaving them and the rest of his children to die. Ruwen left none alive but the women and children. They allowed them to evacuate to the safety of Kulia to spread word of their power or join them. They took some of the young boys to train them to be soldiers. The rest they let spread the word of the powerful and terrifying Ruwen. Ruwen began to destroy other kingdoms. In those kingdoms they left none alive except those that would betray their king and join them. They killed many creatures and men terrorizing the lands with their banners flying high. For 10 years they have terrorized kingdoms. They continue to grow their army on hopes of soon taking over Kulia

༺My Character༻

Ayla Ray Sepan was born as the youngest child to the king of the kingdom of Sepan. When an illness swept her kingdom when she was only 10 her and her older brother both fell sick. As she watched him get worse she slowly got better.
When Ruwen attacked their kingdom she was in the maid quarters. Due to her short hair and deeper voice as well as being so thin from being sick she was mistaken for a young boy of one of the maids and kidnapped along with many other young boys in the kingdom. She was trained as a knight in Ruwen along with the others.

Now 10 years later at 20 years old Most know her as The Shadow or simply Shadow for none know her real name and she wears a black cloak at all times with the hood up keeping her hair and face hidden. Her outfit was made to hide the fact that she is a female. Even her armor hides her chest well. Her voice still sounds deeper like a young boy as she forces it to stay that way now. She keeps her white hair short to make it easier to hide under the hood of her cloak.
Most do not know she is a woman and even those that do know still refer to her as Shadow for if they knew her name she would be killed.
She now works as an assassin and knight for the kingdom of Ruwen. But She is also a spy for Kulia. When she was only 12 she was sent to kill a man on his way to Kulia. It was not her first time being sent to kill someone but it was the first time she made a mistake. She killed the man but was captured by Kulia. After much discussion with the King who was a close friend of the family she agreed to be a spy for the kingdom. She is fluent in many languages witch helps her with being a spy. Some languages she knows are old and mostly dead languages. She uses what free time she does have to Learn new languages or train. Even now years after her fathers kingdom was destroyed and she got better she is still dealing with the damage of being abondend by her father and being sick for so long. Her biggest fear is one day her secret being revealed.

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