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Fantasy A Dying World -- Open --


One Thousand Club
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Once, the human race was a powerful and prospering force. Billions of people lived within the planet earth, constructing wonderful cities, curious machines, and beautiful arts. They were invincible and atop of it all, until three years ago when a little problem arose. A problem no one would have been able to predict: Rakasas. Rakasa is a word of the Indonesian language, which in English means monster. In every since a rakasa is a monster, but some people prefer to call them demons, or devils.

At first, rakasas were nothing. They began as strange insects or feral dogs, both things that could easily be taken care of by local law enforcement. However, they gradually grew stronger and stronger. Odd, deformed, and abnormal creatures were beginning to be spotted frequently. People would often catch them on video, and so many photographs had been put out onto the internet and into the news. The occurrences only grew in number, and the captured creatures were becoming stranger and stranger. It wasn't long at all before something terrible happened.

Caught on tape, a woman was killed by one of these abnormalities. It was a dog, but still it was so different from any canine species the human race new of. It was very large in scale, about the size of a horse, with swampy black fur with a green hue. From the beast's jowls a grotesque, green acid hung in the same manner that slobber would drip from the mouth of a normal dog. The beast attacked the woman with large ivory claws and thin, but durable fangs. She didn't live long enough to be driven to the nearest hospital.

This incident seemed to act like a trigger, for right after this occurrence so many similar cases began to occur around the world. People were killed daily, the cases got worse and worse. Soon enough, it was a huge problem and stuck fear into the hearts of many. No longer could the local law enforcement handle these horrific beasts... Soon after that, not even the government could stop them. They had become too powerful for the human race to control.

In only a month, even stronger rakasas began to appear. These rakasas looked quite human-like, with odd additions to their bodies or strange powers. When these beings showed up, humanity was forced downhill in no time. In half a year, millions of lives were stolen from the human race. Cities were destroyed, entire states wiped out. All of this terror and destruction continued at a horrifying speed, until the world was in nothing but ruins. The human race was forced into hiding with barley over seven million survivors.

These people are scattered about the world in small colonies, just trying to get by. They live in fear of the rakasas who control the world around them, and avoid going outside at all costs. However, not everyone is hiding away. Some people still have hope, still have a will. While so many are broken, a few stand against the rakasas... Studying them, trying to get the upper hand. These people work in groups, some pure, others horrible.

The world has fallen into a nightmare, a deep sleep it might never wake up from.

Now, its your nightmare to roam.​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/BTop.png.6891d033b765ae940e82faf801e8c466.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63467" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/BTop.png.6891d033b765ae940e82faf801e8c466.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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By her lonesome sat Zira, shrouded by the darkened shadows of a rotting building. The sun's light was blocked away behind the structure, but Zira still knew it was about mid-day. At current, the girl was no where near any human civilization. Okega was about nine miles away, and her destination was even farther away than that. She planned to reach the underground town of Kalika come the week's end, to ensure that she would arrive in time to save the tiny community. Zira was sent out of Okega a day earlier with the orders to defend Kalika from a serpent, one which has been persistently attempting to borrow into the weak town for about a week now. It was Zira's responsibility to eliminate the threat before it could do any real harm. So, the hunter set out in hopes to complete this task.

At the moment, Zira was taking a bit of a break. On her lap was her unsheathed odachi. It was in fine condition, and yet still Zira sat with the intentions to improve it. From her bag she removed an unpolished stone of amethyst. It wasn't something that would sharpen her sword, due to the fact that it had a lesser hardness than the odachi's blade, but it was the weakness of the serpent she was hunting. If she were to coat her sword in a thin layer of this amethyst's streak, her victory over the reptilian beast would be assured.
Rua paced within the little cell they were keeping him in. Being sold is never fun but at least he wasn't stuck with what happened to the others that were C class or Lower. I never knew my own well used to be known race would sell me after subjecting me to those experiments He thought as he growled before someone knocked on the cage. The signal was obviously to tell him to zip it or he'd be punished for it, he looked out though wondering what and who would buy him though he didn't see a purpose in purchasing a human well a Hideka as he was known now.

He interlocked his fingers before sitting down his eyesight reaching out to find things beyond his reach as his sense of smell picked things up. Chemicals and the smell of humans and monsters, the smell polluted the air and that's why people purchased his kind. For the protection that he'd have to provide until death, Somehow he'd passed off as a B-class when he had the mind and attitude of a C-class but this was better than being beat and hidden. This was much more preferable than the rather gruesome alternatives for said characters.
Bellamie walked down the street, bag over her shoulder, headed for her bookshop. It sat nestled between a black market weapons dealer that fronted and a custom gun shop and a restaurant that sold only pho and variations thereof. Strange bedfellows, but she had grown used to them, even made friends with them. If you could call stunted small talk friendship.

It was coming up on 07:30 and the shop typically opened at 08:00. Usually, she got the her shop, unoriginally named Bellamie's Books, around 05:00 or 05:30. The extra couple of hours were needed to scrub off the usual graffiti and finish the inventory she always began the night before, yet never felt compelled to complete. Having her father be the one of the most hated men in Oyathi made business ownership difficult.

Approaching the storefront, she saw that the vandals were exceptionally creative this morning. Two words took up the entire glass window. 'F*** OFF!'

"Great. This'll take me hours to scrub off and I won't be able to open on time," Bellamie sighed as she unlocked the door. She set down her bag, shrugged off her coat, grabbed her cleaning supplies from beneath the counter, and set to work.
Abraham winded along the path of the weathered, old train tracks. He looked at the green overgrowth that now owened them, then back at the sweltering sun, hung high in the sky. He pulled out an old issue of Time magazine, he found when he was picking through an old, worn down bookstore, that he decided to hit on his path, to Ogeka and started to fan himself, exaughsted from the heat. As he continued he flipped through the pages looking for anything to pass the time on his long journey, he finally, became bored and pulled out a small rusty can from his bag, that he obtained on the outskirts of his home town Oyathi. He tossed it on the ground and began kicking it around as he walked, a small grin spread across his face, through all of this.....he was surprisingly calm.

Abe thought about his decision, and a wave of regret tingled up his spine, he paused on the track for a moment, looking behind him staring at his town, now just a small outline on the large horizon. He clenched his fist and turned back to the path that leads to Ogeka, "Don't look back Abe, Don't look back..." He muttered to himself, continuing on, he pulled out a large map and unfolded it In front of him, "so If I'm here, it will be faster if I cut through those woods, but it will be a bigger chance of running into any Rakasas..." He pondered out loud. "Hey it will be more practice, I am going to be one of the best Hunters in Ogeka, after all!" he said smiling, overly confident. He picked up the can and stuffed it back in his pack. He then cut through the tall grass, into the thick trees, leaving the tracks, just a memory, as he continued on.
Radon had been wondering through the woods between Okega and Oyathi waiting for poor unsuspecting travelers. Unfortunately Radon hadn't come in contact with a single soul. His rage was building and he grew impatient. He could smell the humans miles away but knew they were in cities and he couldn't take down a whole city alone, at least not this young. So he set off towards Okega Hoping to find People on the outskirts.

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