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the distinctive


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  • about me

    call me






    age range



    you can call me comfortable or comfy, whichever you prefer. with the arrival of the winter season, i find myself drawn to darker writing themes. iโ€™m particularly desperate for stories filled with angst, obsession, yearning. all are welcomeโ€”letโ€™s explore these themes together!

    the details

    if any of the plots strike your interest please feel free to reach out with writing samples ( completely optional, i will provide if you gimme some), your thoughts about the plot that interests you, and a little about you! donโ€™t feel confined to plots, mix and match!! muse a will always be the character i prefer to write and as of right now iโ€™m leaning towards either mxm or fxm. i am willing to double ocs!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque fermentum facilisis lectus, vitae ultrices nulla facilisis nec. Vivamus dictum, lorem at venenatis malesuada.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque fermentum facilisis lectus, vitae ultrices nulla facilisis nec. Vivamus dictum, lorem at venenatis malesuada.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

Last edited:

mini bump!! added "the sandbox" plot
MUSE B, a seemingly friendly and charming local who has taken a keen interest in the outsider detective. MUSE A might even call MUSE B a friend.

love this one and the whole plot
MUSE B, a seemingly friendly and charming local who has taken a keen interest in the outsider detective. MUSE A might even call MUSE B a friend.

love this one and the whole plot

ouu I'm glad you like it~! i just started rereading twilight and randomly started craving a rolplay about it!
Oooo. Please explain it to me in dms so I can understand and maybe we'll roleplay it?

mini bump!! i'll be adding more plot lines or just word dumping here soon

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