A different VRMMORPG: Tales of Alvadenia


New Member
This idea start like all other Virtual Reality Game roleplay ever but diverges at a very important point: the VRMMORPG itself is neither a fantasy piece nor a tale of quests and battles; it is a tale set in a fictional Classical-era land where each player start at the bottom of the social and educational ladder and make their way to greatness.

It will be tough, as, while an arena exist in the Capital, the land of Alvadenia is primarily a social and intellectual beast, with each players having stats and skills more suited to a socialite, a politician and a merchant that a warrior, moreover, each level is gained by besting others in social events as well as to better your character's situation in both their education and finances.

With a reality rating of ninety nine point five percent and a rich and elaborate world, will your gamer get out of the dull monotony of the twenty-second century? That remains to be seen...

I need help for this project, and any interested is warmly welcomed into the folds!

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