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Fandom A Curious Case of Academic Concern (Nasuverse Clocktower RP) (Looking for GM)

Alternate Tides

Take my left and my right
A fluke. It must have been that. He was not at all worthy of stepping into the hallowed grounds of the Clocktower, and yet, he was accepted. What could it have been? Maybe he just got so lucky that sheer probability was able to get him through the tests and requirements that the prestigious institution required of him? Or perhaps he was actually capable enough?

Either way, his new life would begin once he would first step into those gates, into the hidden part of the world that very few were privy to. He was no Touko Aozaki, but nevertheless, he knew that he would be able to do a decent job. Whether that would be enough for him to actually graduate and become a proper mage is an entirely different concern altogether.

His family was young, far too young to be able to truly gain prestige, and yet, he was the first to gain entry into the Clocktower. Lucky him? Not really, since he had to be burdened with the expectations of his family, along with the possibly grueling academic demands of his new institution. But little does he know, that what awaits him within those doors, is a mysterious question that has plagued some of the staff of the Clocktower for a long time: who was the Fourth Magician? What impact did they have on the world?

Such questions have been asked countless times, yet they were never truly answered. But perhaps a curious case of chance would allow it to be uncovered again— the answers that they sought so badly. Deep beneath the Clocktower, the Spiritual Tomb of Albion would be explored. A mere expedition into the lower depths to showcase the wonders of the place to the newly-enrolled students, yet there was a mistake. A single, tiny incongruence that led to a student falling into the depths of Albion, the very same young man that entered the Clocktower with so much anticipation: Jonas Earlhouse.

And with this, the first case begins: a journey to the top of Albion, and with the little resources that Jonas has, it will be difficult to do so. What mysteries will he face? What horrors will he encounter? Well, that is ultimately up to fate to decide. But for now, he has to escape the depths of Albion by himself, and after that, navigate the political schemes of the Clocktower. Hopefully he doesn’t get killed, or worse!

Hello. Alternate Tides here. I wanted to put this idea out there for any potential GMs that would like to play this out with me. Hopefully someone is interested.

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