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Second Chances


Queen in Training
A roleplay between @DreamBeat and @Absinthe

This story starts when they are already lovers and I'd love if it's MxM. Character A and Character B had been together for a long time. But the two of them keeps their relationship a secret as their relationship is taboo. Both of them work in the same field where if discovered, it would mean the end of their careers. Now, their boss is hinting of marriage of his daughter towards Character B! What would these two lovers do? Will they give in to society's demands or will they fight for their love?
"Again." The voice was calm, without inflection or hint of anger, but it was what made the Intern Williams sweat and his hand shake even more. With tearful eyes, he looked up at the man looking down at him. It was made with a hard stare from those blue eyes and he quickly looked down. "Focus. Take a deep breath and try again." Like a puppet, he did what he was told to do. And suddenly he was not shaking anymore. The girls hand was no longer as scary as before and with one last try, he was able to insert the IV into her veins. "Yes! I did it!" And now, seeking the guy's approval. "Good job, Williams," a small smile played on the other guy's lips, but then his voce hardened again. "Make sure to remember this the next time." Williams nodded vigorously. The guy, the resident in charge of him, was Dr. Donovan, a man known for his brilliance as well as his uncompromising ways.

Alexander reached the station, and as he stepped into the room, the nurses fled, until all was left was the chief nurse. All of them ducking their head, murmuring something about attending to the patients' room and scurrying away. He suppressed the sigh that almost reached his lips. "The younger ones are always afraid of you, eh, Dr. Donovan?" The round, motherly figure of the Chief Nurse shook with mirth. "And you even let them believe those horror stories of you," Nurse Anne Miller said, the lines on her face deepening as she laughed at him. "Hush, Anne, you'll make me lose respect," he shot back, the words harsh but the voice gentle. Anne had known him for a long time and with it, they came to like and respect each other. She already knew him when he was just an intern just like Williams, but he was not as bumbling as that guy, of course. He sat down beside her and reached for the patient charts. He started noting down doctor's orders one by one until he was done with all of them. By the time that he reached the last one, he was already starving and it was time to head home. Alexander stood up and stretched until he felt his bones pop into place. He gathered his coat and his bag until he was only dressed in black linen pants and a blue sleeved polo. "It has been a long day. Goodbye, Anne. Good job today." "Goodbye, Dr. Donovan. Good job today too!"

He rode the elevator until he reached the first floor. It opened and he walked down the hall until he reached his destination. Looking through the glass-encased room, he saw that Pharmacy was only manned by the man he was looking for. He knocked and opened the door. He was instantly assaulted by the smell of drugs. He was greeted by a smile from the guy inside, Dr. Bianchi. "Dr. Bianchi, you seem to be alone. Where are the others?" he asked, as he walked closer towards the guy in between the medicine shelves. "Dr. Donovan, a good afternoon to you too. The others? They seem to have left me alone. Poor me." the brown haired guy raised an eyebrow at him and laid down the inventory list he seemed to be checking. Alexander stepped closer until he was invading the guy's personal space. "And a good afternoon to you too," he murmured before he kissed him. It was only this morning that they last saw each other, but he had missed him like it had been a month. It was a while before the room was filled with sounds other than their breathing. "Are you okay here? Ready to head home? Notify the other pharmacist and let's go home," he said as he straightened until he was only lightly holding the other man.
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"No need to be hasty." Dominic smirked and pecked the other's lips once more before slipping out of the man's light embrace. "Be back in a few." He walked off with a slight bounce in his step, making Alexander's countenance to soften slightly before it stiffened to its usual features. Another pharmacist walked in.

"Oh, Doctor Donovan. What brings you down here?" The pharmacist greeted him as he walked out of his office. Alexander stood straight. The man's hair was neat, his white coat crispy clean, and the air of a rookie hanging over him. He did not recognize this person. New staff?

"Hello, Doctor. I don't believe I've ever met you before. You are...?"

A look of sudden realization spread over the pharmacist's young face. "Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm new to the staff. Doctor Phillips. Pleasure to meet you," he said with an outstretched hand. Alexander firmly gripped the callous hand.
"Doctor Donovan." At this moment, Dominic face popped up beside the two in his black pants, beige collared shirt, and an orange tie. "He already knows you. You're reputation precedes you, Doctor Donovan. Everyone thinks you're a bit mean." His comment earned a look from Doctor Phillips and a knowing look from his lover. He smiled. "I'm clocking out for now. Please take care of things while I'm gone, Doctor Phillips. The techs will be coming in another hour or so." The other nodded in resignation and headed to the elevators to counsel a patient.

The two headed out together, earning the swift glances of the other staff members of the hospital. They seemed to think that this pair was an unusual one. Though close friends, they had opposing personalities: The most strict doctor in the hospital and one of the most likable doctors. A lot of others were even suspicious of how they got along so well. Those suspicions often gnawed at Dominic. He was extra careful when he was around other staff members. Absolutely no signs of affection was to be tolerated in the presence of others. It was hard.

"Is it okay if I drive?" Alexander hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly. Even when they entered the car, they couldn't do anything. Not with so many people around. They lived together, naturally, and others at the hospital even knew of this arrangement. People started to question when one person realized that their home addresses were identical. It was a tense time, but they managed to pass it off as two close friends from college helping each other to pay for the house. Their house was at the edge of Santa Monica in Los Angeles County. Although the hospital was about thirty minutes away, it was a good location to live in. The drive back to their house was... bearable. Alexander was prepared for the jerky ride when he allowed Dominic to drive. He couldn't resist a sigh of relief when the car came to a sudden stop after it was roughly pulled into the drive way. Dominic was just lucky he had a lover who didn't get sick easily.
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Alexander got out of the car, his knees shaky. Before he could compose himself and open the car door for his lover, Dominic was across him, grinning with remorse in his face. "Sorry?" "Uh…no worries. You'll get better, I guess?" He shook his head as he joined him. They entered heir home, the only place where they could be as free as they want.

It was a one-storey house, with two bedrooms, one for the two of them and the other used as a storage room. "Ah…so tired," Alexander sighed as he wrapped his arms around Dominic's waist, his chest laid on his back. "What do you want to eat? I'll prepare it for you."

Dominic smiled as he leaned against his lover. "I'm starving! Anything, I'll eat it at this point. Is it really okay if I don't help?" he looked up at him with a concerned frown. Alexander smiled gently at him. "Yeah, I'm sure. You know I love spoiling you, besides you drove." "Well, if you're sure..."

Alex nodded. "How about you take a shower and rest while I cook?" He kissed the guy's name before letting go and going to the kitchen. Theirs is a fully equipped, Alex cooks as much as he can, when he has time.

The next few minutes was filled by chopping sounds. Soon, he placed the grilled meat with seasoned and grilled vegetables on the plate. There were baked potatoes and some cheese. He opened the cupboard and took out the wine glass. He poured both of them some red wine.

"My goodness! That smells delicious!"
his lover exclaimed from the doorway. He looked back nd saw him with hair still wet from his bath. "You look delicious," Alexander smirked lasciviously.

"Come on, let's eat."
Their meal didn't last very long until someone started to feel up the other.

"I actually want to eat right now, Alex," Dominic said in a husky voice. As close as they were to having sex, he was hungry, tired, and didn't want a stomach ache for having sex right after eating. That was a painful experience he'd rather not go through again. But that didn't stop Alexander from swooping in for one last, long smooch before sitting down to eat again, leaving Dominic in a sort of dazed state. The two ate, surprisingly not saying anything for the rest of the meal. They usually had something to talk about. Even after the meal had ended, the two didn't get into anything heated like Dominic thought they would.

They found themselves sitting on the couch with Dominic leaning back against Alexander's chest. It was warm and comfy. The silence hung in the air, but it didn't bother them. The hospital was a busy place with lots of white pasted all over the hospital and lots of troublesome patients, but it was what they wanted to do for a living. Alexander wrapped his arms around Dominic. There was something troubling Alexander, something he'd been worried about since before their trip back to the house.

"Nick, there's something-닉아~ 엄마다. 닉아~ 엄마다. 니아~ 어-," a woman's voice calling for Dominic interrupted Alexander. Dominic wanted to say sorry to Alexander, but he knew that it would be best to pick the up the phone soon. He steeled himself before swiping the accept call button. "Hello? Yes, I'm doing well. 네네... 미안, 엄마. 어, 잘하고있어," Dominic started to suddenly converse in Korean. Alexander knew it was his mother. Unlike his father, his mother didn't like it when Dominic started using English too much with her even though she knew how to speak it pretty well. Something about how he must know how to speak her language. He watched his lover as he conversed with his mother. Dominic grimaced as he made his next responses. "아니 없는데. 왜? 잠깐만. 지금 뭐라고?!" His voiced was raised in panic and eyes widened. What the heck were they talking about? "안돼. 절때 안됀. 아랐어?" With an abrupt click, Dominic hung up the phone and stared at it incredulously.

"Shit, she just asked me to marry a girl I don't even know. The boss's daughter. Sounded so happy. I should have just said that I had a lover. Aw, crap. What am I going to do? Mom's not going to let this go," he mumbled.

Alexander hugged him a little tighter. He wished that he could have broken the news to him first.

"Nick~ It's mom. Nick~ It's mom. Nick~ It's mo-"

"Yes, yes... Sorry, mom. Yeah, I'm doing well."

"No, I don't have one. Why? Wait. What did you just say?!"

"No. Absolutely no way. Got it?"
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