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Realistic or Modern a change of scenery [closed]


New Member
A young alain delon

It was dark and cloudy, much like a fall day. It would rain soon, and possibly the next few days. Which was why he had to wear a black long overcoat to protect his white button down, and black slacks. He looked professional, and his hair was slicked back a bit. He was ready for the work day, and when he arrived inside he was greeted by the receptionist, "Jack, good morning!" She said, her American accent always butchered the accent within Jacques which made it sound like Jack. At this point, he didn't care. Jack would be a fitting name for a man who disappeared from the grid. A simple man whose life in France had been erased the moment he stepped on American soil some odd years ago. Now here he was, a therapist and a rather good one at that. He had clients for days, and the office that helped support his practice seemed to pay well. The other therapists in the building seemed to enjoy his company and Jacques finally was able to cool down and unwind.

"Martha, is that a new cardigan?" He gave her a sideways smile, and she blushed, "Why yes! I got it last night! My husband does have good tastes..."

"Well I'm glad that you and your husband are doing better. What did I tell you? The man just needed to be told what is wrong." He took of his coat and put it on the rack before he headed to the office. It was a simple room, the walls were white, and in the corner was his black arm chair. A desk was stashed by the window, but he detested talking to clients behind a desk. It made them feel trapped, and he had a couch against the wall facing towards the arm chair. There were simple paintings of trees, and buildings. He rolled up his sleeves, and looked at his desk for the schedule. Who did we have today? A new patient? The information he got from the reception was only their name, age, and their birthday. The rest of the information he'd have to get from her, himself. Jacques did get a reason which was, "A new start".

So he awaited on his chair with paperwork and charts. He would fill them out as they talked, and he would make a decision of what process she'd need to start with. He had to put on his reading glasses to at least look less intimidating. Many thought he had a not so pleasent look, usually a cold and calculating one. It wasn't his fault though, he wasn't use to showing much emotion and when he started this new life of his he's still learning to copy the emotions on people's faces. He then heard a knocking on the door... a soft one. She was here, and he was trying to put a smile on his face. It still felt weird to him to actually talk to a human being face to face instead of cutting them. Half the time they were screaming so conversation with them was hard.

He stood immediately, brushed off any dust or dirt that was on him, and took a deep breath. She would be another one of his clients and all he needed to do was smile, try to show sympathy and make sure she knows she is heard. With his degree is psychology he would be able to pinpoint her mental instability. He opened the door slowly and witness a woman, a pretty one at that. He smiled, perhaps it was too forced? He softed it a bit and greeted her, "Aw, you made it! I was hoping that our meeting time was convinent for you and if Marth was kind to you at the front desk!" He opened the door wider and gestured with his hand to the couch, "When you called for an appointment, it seems you didn't give much background to your history. I'm wondering if you're comfortable sharing what is wrong and what seems to cause your issues!"

Some patients never gave in at the first meeting, sometimes you had to just talk with them. Small talk. Small talk wasn't hard to him, he actually enjoyed it most of the time. It was better than diving into deeper topics he found difficult. To dive into the mind of a person and not learn it by them begging about having a family or that they didn't derserved to die because they were a good person. Who knew that just talking to someone will have them tell you everything about them? People were narcissists which was one reason he hated them so much, but he was a changed man- or at least he tried to be.

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