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Fandom A catchy title that will peak your interest~

Stargazing kinnie

New Member
Hi! My name is Eli, but you can call me Stargazer (if you want- first name basis is cool too, Aha) I’m in the UK time zone, and I use He/They pronouns. It’s a pleasure to meet you.

Straight down to business, I don’t wanna bore you... Here are some fandoms I’m in, green heart means I’m craving it, red means I’m not. If it’s blank, I can be persuaded to do this with you if the plot/idea is appealing.


MHA (I’m updated on the manga)
She-ra: And the Princesses of power 💚
Voltron: Legendary defender 💚
Marvel (MCU) 💚
Teen wolf 💚
How to train your dragon
Haikyuu! ❤️
Attack on titan ❤️
Beastars ❤️
Gravity falls
The maze runner
IT 2017 💚
Castle swimmer ❤️
Doctor who
Harry potter
Stranger things
Jurassic world ❤️
Miraculous ladybug ❤️
Among us ❤️


Cannon characters I can play, or have experience playing. Again, green heart means I’m craving, red means not right now. I’ll try to write as true to the characters personally as possible. (Will add to this list as I think of more, or get motivation)

Stiles - Teen wolf 💚
Scott - Teen wolf

Keith - VLD
Lance - VLD 💚
Pidge - VLD

Thomas - Maze runner
Newt - Maze runner

Sydney - IANOWT
Stanley - IANOWT

Eddie - IT 2017
Bill - IT 2017
Richie - IT 2017
Beverly - IT 2017

Adora - She-ra 💚
Catra - She-ra 💚
Glimmer - She-ra
Bow - She-ra
Scorpia - She-ra ❤️

Spiderman - MCU 💚
Bucky - MCU
Shuri - MCU
Captain America - MCU
Ironman - MCU
Loki - MCU

11th - Dr who
Jack Harkness - Dr who
The master (John simm) - Dr who ❤️
Missy - Dr who ❤️

Hawks - MHA
Todoroki -MHA ❤️
Bakugou - MHA
Yaoyoruzu - MHA ❤️
Dabi - MHA ❤️
Toga - MHA

Some parings I am into- roles in quotations is the one I’d prefer. MxM, MxF and FxF parings are all open. They don’t all have to be romantic, and If love is the way you wanna write, please make it a side plot, not the entire story- those always burn out in a day or two in my experience.



Now, for the less fun part.. rules! I know I know, its boring for you to read, but respecting my boundaries keeps me comfy, and I will do the same for you.

I don’t like playing romance as a plot- it’s not apealing to me whatsoever. If it’s a mutually agreed side show, sure, go for it! But I don’t like it being the main thing...

Pretty basic- but godmoding is a big no no. If we agree on something to happen to a character of mine, with you being in control of said event, cool.. but don’t do it without asking.

Don‘t nag me for a reply, we all have lives outside of the internet. A friendly bump if I haven’t replied in a day or two is fine, but don’t over do it. If I’m online and haven’t responded, don’t nag me- I probably have other partners to reply to as well

Don’t make me carry the story, I’m here to roleplay, nor provide you with situations for your characters to deal with. You gotta give as much as you receive, or else it’s no fun

Its common sense at this point, but no- I will not do smut, or any other kinky stuff. That is a big no no for me and makes me ✨Uncomfy✨


What I can provide for you

Multiple paragraphs a day (usually- you’ll get more frequent, longer responses on discord)

A decent range of vocabulary (I’ll provide more than “said, walked, looked”)

I‘m willing to plot and plan with you- I’f you get stuck let me know! I wanna help

Replies that are relevant, and actual move the story along. I’ll give you something to respond to

Spell checking (I will proofread before I send, so you won’t have constant spelling mistakes)

OOC talk (I’m here to make some friends too, if you’re up for it?)

Memes! I will provide memes, moodbords and music for the rp

I use third person, past tense- eg, “He sighed, looking down into the vast, crumbling ravine that laid no less than a few inches from his feet“

I can play Male, female and NB characters... I prefer to play males, but whatever the plot calls for.

I‘m willing to write all parings- MxM, MxF, FxF, MxNB, FxNB, NBxNB

I can write ocs... it’s easier for me to base them off a fandom, but I can do something 100% original

Maturity (I’m willing to play darker, grittier, more serious plots.. as well as fluff and comedy of course)

What I expect you to provide

Replies that are relevant and move the story along

Third person, past tense writing

Help in plotting and planning the story- don’t make me carry the whole RP

A decent amount of material for me to work with- I can‘t deal with one liners (Unless it’s dialogue)

A decent range of vocabulary- it gets boring to read the same words over and over...

Please spell check- I understand that typos happen, but at least make it readable

Tell me when you’re going away, or if you want to ditch- don’t leave me hanging


Eesh- that’s about it folks, I hope something here has grabbed your interest.. heres to hoping that at least a few of your brain cells found something spicy in my spew of words, and will contact me? Have a lovely day everyone, happy writing! ^^

Oh- I almost forgot! My discord is
✰ 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚊𝚣𝚎𝚛 ✰#6699, and I’m more active there than I am here.

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