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Realistic or Modern A Broken Relationship.


New Member
June 12th.

Ties coloured grey with white spots.
Blazer straightened and ironed with that deep blue wash overview.
Trousers black to fit with the suit.
Shoes scrubbed and washed.

Davis had fully prepped himself for the next case. He even had his coffee, ready and set on the dining table. He walked downstairs, tying up his tie and buttoning his blazer from the bottom. He had an earpiece that he was constantly talking to.

Mary, his friend, had been waiting for him downstairs.

"Yeah, well tell them that I want my advertisements as shown, not distorted, for the love of God! What are we, in like the 60s?" Davis loudly said to the earpiece. He gave a subtle acknowledgement of his friends existence with the use of a head gesture and went on into the kitchen. Mary didn't seem all that surprised, almost just frustrated.

"Go grab your stuff, I gotta go. I'm not- I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to my friend." Davis said, once again still having his back to Mary.


"God, you are seriously putting up a fight over a reasonable complaint?"


"Its distorted! There's tracking lines! Makes it look ancient. We're in modern day, treat it like modern day!"



Davis had turned around, an annoyed and frustrated look on his face.

"Take off the earpiece. I need to talk to you."

Davis sighed and took it off. "What is it?"

"You do realise that your sister is coming in today?"

"Yeah, so?"

"You should probably not go to work?"

"Why would I skip work for some kid I don't know?"

He put the earpiece back on. Mary frowned. "She's your sister. She's been through alot."

"Boo and hoo, no-no I'm not talking to you." Davis sighed. His briefcase was ready and done. Mary walked in front of him.

"Just this once. Please."

Davis snarled at her, still moving out. He turned the earpiece off.

"You deal with this your way, I deal with it mine. You're not family anyways. Why would I want to care about some girl who my now dead parents somehow birthed? I don't. I won't. Now, I have a case to attend. A client by the name of Serena."

Jimmy chuckled.

"As delicious as it sounds. Phone me when she arrives, I'll make an attempt to come."

Jimmy snapped his fingers and just like that, was off like a lightning bolt. Mary stared at him driving away. She let out a soft, defeated sigh and went to the dinner table to sit down.

She'd be arriving soon. Jimmy's sister.

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