A Breath Of Life (Chiba Masato X Autumn

Chiba Masato

Resident Enigma
The plot of the rp is that there are two siblings one from each person, one being healthy and the other sick and stuck in the hospital for possibly the rest of their life. This is the story of how both siblings receive a new breath of life in them as they meet someone that turns their world upside down from the normal that they have created.

For this rp to work the siblings will be male female for it to work. My healthy character is a boy and the sick character is my female character. So if the you do the same the roleplay should work out pretty well. I do not want to learn the character's history because it can be revealed throughout the rp as this makes it more interesting.

Character sheet:



Personality: Please have a base for me to go off of but a little development here and there is allowed.



Appearance: Can either have a picture or you can describe your character but if you choose to describe the character then it must be detailed enough that i can picture the character

Other: Anything else that might need to be known

My Characters:

Healthy character

Name: Chiba Masato


Personality: Very quiet individual, loves to listen to others problems and keep quite about his own, Hates sadness, slightly detached from the world, and very kind.

Likes: Gardening, listening to people and classical music, helping others out

Dislikes: hospitals, when his sister has a bad day, his stutter, anything scary, dogs, and pain

Appearance: see first attachment

Sick Character

Name:Emi Masato

Age: 18

Personality: Very caring, dislikes sadness, cheery, a type that never gives in to anything a fighter to the end.

Likes: Sour things, flowers, her younger brother, classical novels especially Shakespeare, and cats

Dislikes: hurting anyone in any way, knowing she may die at any moment, and her own regrets

Appearance<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Akise.Aru.600.1192374.jpg.65e29ec5955e37f0b9a5626e2e534e5a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="174" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Akise.Aru.600.1192374.jpg.65e29ec5955e37f0b9a5626e2e534e5a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Shirakawa.Kobato.full.873029.jpg.2d63fdce4e36985e03b26c0c2a99b586.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="175" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Shirakawa.Kobato.full.873029.jpg.2d63fdce4e36985e03b26c0c2a99b586.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> see second attachment



  • Akise.Aru.600.1192374.jpg
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  • Shirakawa.Kobato.full.873029.jpg
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Name: Madison Delmont

Age: 16

Personality: Stubborn, quiet, down to earth, sensitive

Likes: Reading, writing, animals, tea, singing, dancing

Dislikes: Arguing, needles, loud noises, being annoying, being disappointing

Name: Andrew Delmont

Age: 19

Personality: Tough, friendly, social, outgoing, argumentative, funny

Likes: People, traveling, hiking, making people laugh

Dislikes: Illness, death, hospitals, pain, showing weakness

Appearance (both): here
ok i'm guessing like mine your order is Madison is hospitalized and Andrew is visiting? now how to start this off..?))
Yes c: Sorry, meant to add that. Maybe just start off at the beginning of a day where both the brothers are coming to visit? Maybe the sisters get put in the same room in the hospital or something?
Andrew rolled out of bed at the sound of his alarm. It was Saturday which meant he'd be spending all day in the hospital with his sister, Madison. It was difficult to see her there but he wanted to keep her company. She was in a room all by herself and she needed some social interaction besides that with her doctors and nurses.

They never could quite figure out what was wrong with her. He had been told they suspected she just had a weak immune system so she kept getting sick and she'd get hit a lot worse than anyone else. Ever since, he'd always been careful to avoid her when he suspected he might be ill. Something as simple as a cold might end up killing her and Andrew didn't want to be reponsible for that. He showered and quickly dressed, opting for jeans and a t-shirt as it was fall and there was a nip in the air.

Their parents had died last year and Andy had decided to take care of Madison rather than let her live with their grandparents. He and his sister had been inseparable when they were younger and they were very close these days. It had hit Madi pretty hard, hearing about their parent's car accident. She was shifted from family member to family member for a while before Andy had stepped in. She had started getting sick soon after she moved into his small apartment. It frustrated him that the doctors had no straight answser.

Walking outside, immersed immediately in the crisp fall air, Andy took a deep breath and started to walk the few blocks to the hospital where his sister was now staying. Thankfully, his parents had saved a large sum of money and, after selling their house, Andy could afford to keep Madi there so she could stay semi-healthy. It was sunny and would've been a nice day without the biting wind. He wished he had grabbed a jacket. Madi usually reminded him to do that. He made it to the hospital doors and they opened automatically. He greeted the woman behind the counter. He didn't know her name but he saw her every single day that he came in to visit his sister. She was older with greying hair and spectacles that were always sliding down her bird-like nose. She was a little plump and always wore her hair in a tight bun. She surveyed Andy with deep green eyes.

"I'm here for Madison Delmont," Andy said, as if she wasn't already aware. With a friendly smile, she entered his name into te computer and printed him a visitor badge.

"She was moved to a room just down the hall," the woman said, pointing. "It's room 112," she added, waving as Andy walked off. She had been moved? What for? Was she okay? His anxiety mounted as he walked to the door and entered the room. There were a few beds blocked from his view by curtains. Madi had been put on the far wall near the window. She smiled brightly when she saw her brother approach.

"How's the weather?" she asked, sitting up in her bed.

"Chilly," he responded, sitting in the chair next to her. tubes extended from her arms and machines made subtle noises in the background. He knew she disliked needles but she had to deal with that rather quickly. "Why'd they move you?" he questioned, adjusting his chair so he faced his sister. She looked better today. Her cheeks were pink and her eyes were bright.

"Someone else needed my room more than I did. I like it here, anyway. It's nice to meet more people. Not that you aren't great company, but you're busy and I tend to be lonely a lot," Madi explained with a shrug. "I wish I could go outside. I love fall," she muttered, looking outside at the colorful leaves on the trees.

"I know, I know," Andy sighed. "Oh, here," he said, remembering the book tucked in his backpack. He handed her a beat up copy of Great Expectations and she practically jumped up in bed to take the book from him. "Gentle. That thing is falling apart," he mumbled, unable to really chastize her.

"Thanks, Andy," Madi said, hugging him, with her tube-free arm.

"No problem. You're running out of books to read," he laughed, looking at the stack of books by her bed that the nurses had moved for her.
0w0 i simply love this... <3 love the length of the post ah finally a wonderus rper)) Chiba looked out of the window of his house and shivered, "I hate this cold weather." He shivers as he climbs out of his bed. He was off on a break fro the week as it was fall break. AS he changed he wondered what he would do today. He thought of his sister who he had not been to see in a few days. He hoped that she had not forgot to read her notebook

He dressed and ate a quick breakfast and he began his walk to the hospital as he walked he looked into the sky "I'm sure she would have loved a day like this" He soon arrived at the hospital and he walked over to her room. It was one on the first floor where the doctors kept patients with perplexing conditions. He walked past the rooms counting the out to himself. 110 111, Ah 112. He turns into the room not paying attention to the sign on the front of the door. He carriedd with him a backpack that seemed to be filled with something that was heavy.

He opened the curtain and sat down beside her. She was still asleep, he sat next to her and went to the small stnad beside her bed and picked up a small note book and opened it up to a page and held onto it almost crying. He shook her gently to wake her up and she soon came awake and sat up looking at him curiously. " Who are you?" she asked hima nd he simply handed her the note book on the open page and waited for her to read it. She read it softly to her self and nodded at the details. and when she finshed she smiled at him. " Good to see you brother."

He sighs in relife knwoing that she would know him for a lttile while now. " how have you been big Sis?" She looked at the curtain to her right. " Oh i've been ok someone moved in here recently, she's a nice person..." She seems to strain trying to rememeber. " Ah before i forget i brought you alot of notebooks so you can write some more important things you want to rememeber." He empties his bookbag and sets the small stack of note books on her dresser where she could easily reach them. and he stands up and smiles at her. " what do you want for breakfast? I'm sure they have something you like." He continuedd talking to her for sometime before having to use the bathroom.

He knew what was wrong with her but no one knew what casued it. She had a rare condition that caused her everytime she fell asleep to loose her short term memory. She had to keep a journal so she would be able to know the important events that had happened the previous day. It was hard on him knowing that every day he met his sister for the first time each time he saw her. It hurt to know that she might not ever be able to have a normal life becuase of her condition. He often worried what would happen if she one day forgot to read her journal. It scared him out of his mind. He had parents who hardly cared for them as they were very wealthy and paid to keep her in the hospital where she would be safe.

He had no way to get out it felt like he was dying on the inside as he kept worrying over his sister. what would happen next to him he often wondered.
(Well thank you :3 I try)

Andy glanced up as a boy walked in. He watched him as he pushed a curtain back and seatd himself next to one of the patients. He couldn't quite make out what they were saying and he quickly turned his attaention back to Madi. It was still early and the morning sun was shining on the end of her bed. She had already dove into her book, seeming to enjoy it.

"I like the smell of books," she announced, glancing up and smiling at her older brother. He grinned, feeling better now that she seemed happy. That was one nice thing about her: she always seemed happy even if she was stuck in the hospital.

"Who are they?" Andy asked as the boy walked off.

"Oh, that's Emi. I think she has something messed up with her memory. I think that's what all the notebooks are for," Madi responded softly. "I've never seen the guy before," she commented, glancing up from her book and watching him disappear. "Maybe that's her boyfriend," she suggested with a shrug. Madi wasn't one to pry, but Andy sure was. He stood suddenly and Madi rolled her eyes. He always did this. He always had to meet people and poke his nose where it wasn't wanted. He walked over, running a hand through his red hair and smiling brightly.

"Hello. I'm Andrew Delmont. My sister, Madison, is over there," he introduced, pointing to the end of the row. "I just figured I'd introduce myself to you and you're, uh... boyfriend?" he said, unsure of the boy's identity. Emi was cute and looked to be his age. If she really did have memory problems, though, she might not even remember him introducing himself in a few minutes. It must be hard, he decided, to live like that and to be someone who loved her. At least Madi remembered him. He didn't know what he'd do if he were in that boy's shoes.

Madi watched with mild interest, pushing blonde hair from her face before returning to her book. Her brother had always been more social. Madi tended to have a few close friends while he made friends with everyone he met. She admired him, that was for sure. Her friends had visited rather frequently for a while, but school had gotten busy and their visits had slowed. She didn't blame them. At least they brought sunflowers whenever they visited. She missed being outside and swimming and dancing. Ever since she had gotten sick, things had just gone downhill fast. She had always loved reading but now she was living vicariously through her books.
he smiles" pleased to meet you Andrew I'm Chiba Masato Emi's younger brother." He stands and shakes the other boy's hand firmly. And she was busy writing in her notebook and he tapped her leg lightly. "Hey sis introduce yourself to your new roommate's brother? i'm guessing." he laughs lightly but the laugh seems a bit bitter.

He walks over to Madison " Please take care of my sister and remind her to read her notebooks, It means alot to me. He smiles a strained smile and walks back over to emi. "Shall we three go for a walk? I think the autumn air would be a good change of pace instead of sitting in a hospital." He walks over to his stand and opens the draw and pulls a comb out and he gently combs her hair and she smiles a bit at him as he fixes her hair. " She really like it when i do this, it's about the only thing that gives me comfort knowing i can still fix her hair for her." He gets up and helps her up and holds onto her shoulder. " want to join us Andrew? It's good for her to meet new people the doctors say that it may help in her retention ability."

He Opens the door to the hallway and leads her out and waits for a minute to see if Andrew was following. As they entered the hallway Emi Seems to recoil in shock and panic as she sees all of the faces and how they are friendly to her but after a minute she smiles. " Actually i think i'll stay and keep Madison Company Why don't you and Andrew go on a walk it might be good for you both." She wipes a strand of her hair from her face and walks sort of gracefully back into the room only stumbling once. He watches her walk with sort of the pain of a father just losing his daughter to a different man. He looks to Andrew "Well then how about it shall we go for a stroll?"
Andrew had decided that it wasn't a good idea for Madison to leave the room, given her condition. He was happy to accompany Chiba, though, since Emi was staying with Madison. "Sure, why not," was his simple respones as he headed down the hallway. Staying inside too long tended to give him headaches, so he could use a break for a minute or two.

"So, you're Emi's brother? What's, um... what's wrong with her memory?" he asked, trying to find the best way to phrase the question without sounding insensitive. "Madi's got a immune system problem. She just gets sick really easily. It's dangerous for her to interact with a lot of people. I worry about her a lot," he rambled, thinking of his younger sister. She had always been the bright spot of his day and he was worried about her. What would he do without her? He sighed, ruffling his hair slightly. His young face showed stress beyond his years.

"Hi," Madison said, smiling at Emi as she walked back into the room. "Not going on the walk?" she questioned, curious as to why she would want to stay in the room. Madi would certainly be outside if it were safe for her. "I can't go out," she admitted, biting her lip and thinking about all the weekends she and Andy had walked through the park together. She wasn't well enough to dance any longer, which killed her. That had always been her stress relief. It was a sensitive subject for her. Madi felt weak for having this problem and it was hard for her to talk t people about it, but if anyone would understand, it'd be Emi.
Ever since she was 10 or so she started forgetting small details here and there until every time she has fallen asleep she forgot everything she had done that day, she forgot everything even her name but retained basic necessary memories. It was hard having to meet her everyday and it was the fist time i met her. She was scared out of her mind." He sighs and thinks for a second. " Weak immune system... doesn't sound to terribly bad but i understand it can get really bad over just a small cold even..." He looks at Andrew seeing how he looked well into his 2o at the least and wondered how he looked worrying over his sister who would forget the him of today and not know him in the morning. He tears up a bit but wipes them away and puts a brave face and grins. " What a mess we are in at such a young age huh?"

She looked at her and sat down beside her. " Nah i thought you might get lonely here by yourself so i thought i might stay and give you some company for today." She laughs lightly, "I kind of figured that when they brought you to this room as special conditions come here as not a lot of people come here." She looks back over to her brothers bag and she takes it and looks at it. " I hate it you know that, i hate doing this to my brother... but i can't help it. It Hurts him but he doesn't show it I'm worried about him. I'm sure you know how it feels to be only a burden to those who love you." She looks out the window. " I'm sure you miss a lot of things, i won't pry but if you feel like ranting about it go ahead i willing to listen" She smiles kindly at the other girl open to hear what she might have to say.
"As far as illnesses go, at least Madison remembers me," Andrew sighed. "It can get bad, yes, but it's nice knowing she'll always remember me," he muttered. Everything always seemed worse when you didn't put it in perspective. They both had it bad, of course, and Andy wouldn't ever suggest that what Madi had was horrible, but there were some worse things that could happen, he supposed. "Yeah, we're too young for this. They're too young for this," Andy sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets as they meandered outside. The air was refreshing. Hospitals were so sterile and it was pleasant to have a bit of a break. Andy looked at Chiba, thinking of how great it was that he might have someone to hang out with when he came to the hospital. It was nice spending time with Madison but he needed to see other people as well. It was rather draining, taking care of Madi and all the bills. It was a lot of invested time. "So, how often do you visit Emi?" he asked, walking along the leaf covered sidewalk.

Madison just nodded, listening. "I hate it. I really do. I just wish that Andy could have a normal life. We lost our parents and then I was hospitalized and I know it's draining for him. He deserves better than this. He just doesn't have as much free time and I know it's my fault," she rambled, sighing. "He's constantly worried. It's rare that he sleeps through the night. I wish he wouldn't worry. I get sick easily, but I've been better here. They tell me I might be able to leave eventually. It'd be great," she said, sighing dreamily. She imagined going to school, making friends, and maybe becoming a photographer one day. "Do you think you'll ever get out of here?" Madi asked Emi. Madi had come to see this hospital as a prison. She was trapped here indefinitely and it felt like she was on death row, awaiting the day the men in uniforms would come and collect her.
I can't come often my parents are trying to arrange for me to become the successor to their name and fortune. i have little time even for school." he sighed " It's not often i get a break it's hard work." He smiles sadly. " How twisted this world is, it's cruel. Too Cruel for a single teenager to deal with, doctors say that if Emi keeps up with her reading she should be able to get out of the hospital soon but after a lot of tests. I want to go and spend some time with her want to join me she might enjoy that."

Well that is the funny way that the world works... It is simple for some people and others it is a living hell. My brother doesn't hardly have a life he has to do as our parents command got to school and then he also has me to worry about. It seems to much for a person as young as he is to handle. His eyes sometimes seem blank as they stare at me and smile blankly. He doesn't laugh anymore all he does is live a half life. It hurts to see him like that. I don't know because they say that they want to do more tests always more tests. I don't understand what they say but they always want more tests but they say i could get out in maybe a year or so maybe less probably more though. When do they say you will be able to leave?"
Andrew nodded and headed back towards the sterile hospital, wishing Madi weren't stuck there for the thousandth time that day. Since he had woken up, he had thought of how great it would be if she were free from this place. It was nice to know that she had Emi now, though. At least Madi wouldn't be lonely on the days that he couldn't make it to see her. He always felt terrible on those days but now he wouldn't have to and maybe he could focus on his own life a bit more. Andy didn't hold Madi responsible for the way his life had turned out. It wasn't her fault and he knew she wouldn't choose to be in the hospital. It didn't mean it wasn't difficult. He held the door to their room open, allowing Chiba to enter first before he followed, happy to see the two girls sitting and talking. Madi hadn't always been social and it was difficult for her to make friends. Emi seemed great, though, and Andy was sure them sharing a room would be one of the better things to happen for Madi since she got stuck here. He wandered over and sat in the vacant seat by his sister's bed, listening to the two of them talk.

"They say six months to a year, but it all depends on if I get sick again. It seems like once I'm sick, I go back to the start," Madi explained with a shrug. It had been a little while since she had gotten seriously ill. Those were the worst days. Andy refused to leave her side. It was nice having him there but his constant "you're about to die" expression was seriously depressing. She looked up as the door swung open and the two boys wandered back in, Andy taking his seat by her bed. The light was quickly getting brighter, telling her it was the afternoon. "So, what did you like to do before you got stuck here?" Madi asked, wondering if Emi would even remember.
She grimaces. " fought with my parents almost constantly about the family name until they told me Chiba would inherit it and no more questions would be allowed. that's all that i know happened because i forgot and i didn't write anything down. But i remember writing something down." She reaches for an old notebook and opens it reading for a bit. "Ah here it is" she laughs lightly at what was written in the note book. " How easy things were back when we were younger right Chi-kun?"

He had taken a seat on the other side of Madison's bed on the window sil. He looks at his sister a bit like i know you just didn't do that to me. " Yes i guess those were the days." He sounds slightly aggravated at his old nickname. He looks at Madison. " Sounds like you two had a nice conversation." He smiles a smile that seems void of any emotion. Emi shudders and leans a bit closer to Madison. " See? that's what i mean." He looks at her perplexed " What are you talking about?" Even some of the simplest things seemed to fly right over his head.
Madison smiled, listening to Emi laugh. She was right: things were easier for everyone when they were young. Madi could dance and enjoy being outside and Andy didn't have to worry. He looked so much older than he was. She knew he didn't sleep well and he was always stressed. It bothered Madi that she was the reason. She noticed the smile that Emi had talked about and wondered when it had happened. When had he lost the warmth, she wanted to ask. It wasn't her place, though. Madi wondered if it'd ever come back. She glanced at Andy, hoping that the same thing wouldn't happen to him. She didn't know if she could deal with that. Of course, she didn't have the same issues that Emi did. It didn't hurt Andy as much emotionally as it did Chiba. He had to deal with his sister seeing him as a stranger each morning. Madi wondered if she'd be able to help her at all. Maybe they could get out of here together. She leadned on Emi gently, happy to have found a new friend amongst the chaos. "Yes, we had a nice talk," Madi responded, her small smile bright.

Andy could see that his sister was worrying about something. That always bothered him. He could see her emotions so plainly on her face but she hated to tell him what was wrong. It seemed Madi was always stressing out about something, though, and it was never her own health. He checked his watch, noticing it was about lunch time. "Are you two hungry? Want something to eat?" he asked, glancing between the girls. Madi tended not to eat a lot. They said it was the medicine she was on: it repressed her appetite. That was something Andy definitely didn't like. It was frustrating to see her barely eating but if it kept her from dying he supposed there wasn't much room for him to complain. It didn't stop him from constantly asking Madi if she was hungry, much to her displeasure.
he covers his mouth and turns to the window as he erupts in a coughing fit a mere tickle in his throat but flecks of blood spatter his hand and he grimaces at that and he wipes it off on his pant's leg discretely and he turns back with his false smile on his face. " I'm not really hungry and my father has me meeting some business partners of his today so i can learn about relationships of the family..." his eyes seem to go blank and he almost collapses backwards his face extremely pale and his eyes clear up again and he falls to his knees as he comes around again. "Whoa...." he stays there for a second or two before standing up again and walking off to the door.

Seeing him collapse almost she takes a worried breath. " That's the other thing, he might end up getting hospitalized if he keeps this up. It's to much for him to take school, me, and then father every day. He takes the stress of an adult and makes it look like nothing. He doesn't express himself. He can explode any minute with no notice. He'll end up killing himself if he keeps this up anymore. It's went to far already. Look at his pants leg." She points to his pants where there were small flecks of red on the jeans. " He won't last much more. I wish i could do something about it but i can't i don't want to make it worse for him." she leans over madi's bed ready to cry at her own frustrations, and her own helplessness.
Madison's eyes widened as she watched Chiba. She listened to Emi for a moment before shifting to the edge of the bed and carefully standing, grabbing the IV drip stand and pulling it along with her. Madi shuffled after Chiba, partially supporting herself with the stand. She bumped into him, tripping a bit as she caught up to him. "Sorry," she said, stepping back and looking up at him. "I was just going to say it was nice to meet you. You should take it easy. You're lucky to not be stuck here and as much fun as it'd be to have another friend here, I think I'd like it more if you stayed healthy and just visited," Madi said quickly, taking a breath at the end finally and smiling brightly. She bit her lip and stood for a moment before turning and stumbling back to her bed. She was a bit lightheaded as she sat on the edge of her bed but she managed to sit safely in her bed once more.

As Madi walked over to Chiba, Andy placed a hand on Emi's shoulder. Smiling, his eyes met hers. "Your brother needs to stress a bit less. He'll be alright, though. Don't blame yourself," he said, recognizing the look in her eyes. He often blamed himself for his parent's death or for Madi being stuck here. He always felt terrible but he didn't think she deserved to feel that way. "C'mon, let's get food," Andy said, standing and holding a had out for her. Madi returned, sitting on her bed carefully. "Want something?" he asked her. "Soup, please," she replied. He nodded, smiling again. He didn't have to ask what flavor. He was used to this rodeo and knew his sister's favorite food. She had lived with him for a while before she ended up here, after all.
his eyes were glazed over almost like a dead man's eyes he looked about to cry or explode in anger but he turned around as she bumped into him and his eyes seemed to clear for a heart beat before clouding over again and he held her firmly. " Try not to push yourself to much you don't need to die before you can get back out into the world again. And i don't know if i will have the time to even visit again before you two will be let out. father has me on a business trip to America for a few months and then he will have me working to take the family on my shoulders as we get back. The old man is about to retire and will pass the business and family onto me. So Emi i won't be back for a while but i will still love you. And Andrew can you keep her company for me? I might be able to visit a time or two more before i leave. I.... never mind..." He turns and exits the door and rounds the corner not returning but he goes to the lobby and exits heading to the door where he goes outside on the bench and cries heavily. the bench could be easily seen from the window in their room.

She smiles back slightly. " I know i can't blame myself but how can i help not when he can't even help himself." She watches Madi get up and how chiba looked at her for a second it was almost the old him as she had written in her diary. " there might be a way to help him though. I'll talk to you and madi about it in a bit. Sure sounds good to me. I'll walk with you it's a good thing to stretch every once in a while." She stands stiffly up and smiles down at him. " alright shall we go and get some food?"
Madi frowned, not really believing what she was hearing. How could he just leave his sister? It was obvious that he needed her. Madi bit her lip in an attempt to keep herself from saying what was on her mind. She couldn't contain it, though. "Emi, how could he just leave like that?" she demanded, her anger evident in her eyes. Madi couldn't imagine how she would feel if Andy left her. Of course, he was really all she had. Still, Chiba was her brother and he was supposed to take care of her. Madi understood that his parent's company was important, but so was his sister. She stood again, legs a bit less shaky this time, and walked to the window, gazing out. It looked like a beautiful day and she dearly wished she could go out and explore. Her gaze lowered to find a figure Madi discerned to be Chiba sitting on a bench. She frowned and bit her lip. "Hey, Emi. Is this Chiba?" she asked, looking over her shoulder to Emi.

Andrew was certainly shocked to hear Chiba say he was leaving. Andy couldn't imagine leaving Madi alone in the hospital for a few days, let alone a few months. Andy sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He was happy to oblige and keep Emi company. He glanced out the window at Madi's inquiry before walking to the door. "C'mon, Emi. Let's go get some food. Maybe you can go talk to Chiba," he suggested, holding the door open for her.
once father decides something nothing can be done to go against his word. Chiba probably took a risk of even coming out to see me. Knowing father he'll probably beat Chiba when he gets back and then they will leave. I can't do anything to help him anymore. So please don't be angry with him instead if anything hope he doesn't get hurt to much." she seems to break down crying all of a sudden leaning heavily on Andrew. " I can't take it anymore. I wish he would let someone help him or someone would help him. Andrew you saw how he responded when Madi tripped and bumped into him and he grabbed her. His eyes cleared... She might be able to help him... I don't know how i know but i see it he needs some one to help him come to terms with everything... I don't want to hurt him anymore..." She looks out the window and his hunched state. " He doesn't need to go he needs to rest. Maybe we can get a doctor to look at him and find a reason to make him stay. His condition is bad and if he pushes it anymore... Let's go find a doctor and get him to look at Chiba. Maybe we can get him some rest..." She begins to walk out the door and she picks up her shawl and drapes it over her shoulders and walks towards the exit and back to the front desk asking for a doctor who comes and stands next to her and the two talk quietly and the doctor nods with a worried look on his face. She waits for Andrew at the door looking worried.
Andy, after making sure Madi was safe in bed, shuffled out the door after Emi. They really did need to do something. Chiba was obviously not well and he shouldn't be going anywhere. "What'd they say, Emi?" he asked, walking over to her and putting a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. Andy knew she was upset and he wished there was something he could do to help. Maybe she would feel better once Chiba was healthy. He really did hope that they could make him stay. Chiba was lucky not to be confined to a hospital for an undisclosed amount of time like the girls were. Andy just hoped he would take his health more seriously. "C'mon, let's get food while they're looking at him," Andy said, gently linking arms with her and walking to the food court. He scooped some soup into a bowl for his sister, grabbing a salad for himself, and patiently waited for Emi to get her own plate. Andy was always pushy when it came to food. It wouldn't help Madi to avoid eating. She needed all the energy she could get.
she frowned " they said it could be something pretty bad like an ulcer or even cancer at the worst and they will be admitting him shortly." She smiles at Andy and holds onto him tightly. The doctors seem to scramble as they push a gurney in the hospital past them. On it was Chiba very pale and eyes closed. she doesn't even look as he was wheeled past as she was looking at him smiling. She got a very small portion of food and sat it on the tray and then put some potatoes and that was the largest helping. She smiled as she does that and hums as she slides the tray to the register. she scanned her bracelet and handed Andy the tray and began walking back to the room.
Andy followed her, hoping that Chiba's illness really was something as simple as a stomach ulcer. He pushed the door open, allowing Emi to go through, before he followed, walking to Madi's bed where she was waiting impatiently. "Is Chiba alright?" she asked, worry obvious in her voice. She had seen the doctors go and collect him from the window and it had frightened her. Andy set the tray of food on the table beside her bed, handing Emi her food before he sat in the chair with his salad. Madi reluctantly reached over, grabbed her bowl of soup, and sat it in her lap, tentatively tasting it. After a few moments of silence, Andy finally spoke.

"The doctors are going to help him. Hopefully it isn't anything too serious," Andy said, stabbing a leaf of lettuce and avoiding Made's eyes as he spoke. He didn't want to see what he knew was in her eyes: worry. She was constantly concerned for Andy and this just made it so real for her. Andy could easily be in Chiba's place, the way that he pushed himself. Andy definitely wasn't in the mood to have the same argument they had been having for months. He looked up, his gaze a warning for Madi not to start arguing. She met his eyes before glacing down to her soup bowl. She wasn't really hungry, but she knew he'd give her a hard time if she didn't eat. Madi tended to carry her stress in her stomach, which definitely didn't help her appetite. Forcing herself to eat some more, she looked at Emi, wondering how she was feeling.
she looked out the window and huffed heavily. " Well all i can honestly say is that he got what was coming to him for doing what he did." She eats her mashed potatoes happily eating everything else like an normal person would and she stifled a burp. " Want to hear some music? I composed it my self. Chiba got a conductor to get his orchestra to play it for me. It sounds really pretty. That is if you don't mind listening to classical music. I really love how the music sounds. It can touch a person's soul if they listen to the right composition.

A doctor walks and and whispers that they would have to do surgery on Chiba and walks back out. She gives nothing for them to go off of. " Well even if you don't like listening to music i guess it is too bad because you're going to hear it anyway. Whether you two like it or not you will listen to it." She puts her tray on the stand next to her and looks through her stand until she finds a simple music player and a small speaker and she sets the speaker on the bed beside Madii and powers the music player on and flips to the song and plugs it into the speaker and she sits back as the music fills the tiny room with the emotion conveyed by the music.

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