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Multiple Settings A Biscuit's Search for a Partner

Stale Biscuit

The OG Bread Boi

A Biscuit's Search Thread!

Hi everyone! I'm your run-of-the-mill biscuit on a quest to stave off the boredom from this quarantine. There's nothing much exciting about me, but I'll just say that I've been roleplaying on and off for about 10 years now. I'm a dark fantasy junkie though I'm open to most things outside of fandom rps at the moment. I am huge on world building and plotting, so if you are too I would love to rp with you! Below will just be a few extra things like what you can expect from me and some rules and then the plots!


What you can expect from me:
1. I tend to post an average of 3-5 paragraphs depending on what I'm given.
2. I try to post within the week of you posting. However, despite quarantine, I still have online classes and so they I won't be available to post for a few days, so please do not rush me to post. Though I am all for OOC chatter! If after a week I am unresponsive and have not given you any notice feel free to shoot me a PM. Metaphorically, not literally. I am very squishy to bullets.
3. I'm a biscuit, I am not the best grammatically. However, I will do my damnest to make sure that my writing is understandable and the fewest possible mistakes.
4. I will always attempt to match my partner's writing so if you write a shit ton then we'll just be to shit ton writing son of a gun.
5. Doubling. I will play multiple characters, so I would like my partner to do the same.
1. No one liners. A minimum of at least a paragraph of five-seven sentences.
2. 18+ only here.
3. I may be a biscuit but I am harmless and lazy af, so don't be afraid to talk to me mate. I ain't gonna bite'cha. I don't even think biscuits have the capability of doing so.
4. I prefer drawn face claims, though I've been leaning more towards descriptions so either works for me.
5. I am open to all pairings (mxm, fxf, mxf).
6. I normally roleplay female characters, but I have found some enjoyment in rping males as well so I'm down to play either. (Then why even add this here you ask? Cause .... I can.)
7. I do like romance, but it does not have to be the center of the rp. I am looking for a good time, with or without romance.
8. If you are interested in rping with me but not any of my plots then let me know. Send me some of your ideas and I'll be happy to work with you on it. I am always open to new ideas.

A World Full of Demons
Everyone thought the rapture was just some crazy nonsense spouted by evangelist on the radio. After the false predictions in 2005 and 2012, people belief in the second coming of Christ has faded. However, who would have guessed it was actually true. God did come, and took away with him the people with pious souls. Adults, children, the elderly, anyone deemed worthy of saving was taken, and in their disappearance destruction. Airplanes crash into cities, unmanned cars smashing into building, and the most damning is the swarms of unidentified creatures swirling around. With the absence of God, a path connecting Hell and Earth has formed allowing for demons to reek havoc on an already distraught society. However, the demons do not come with havoc in their mind, but instead peace. Lucifer Morningstar comes with an offer of peace for both humans and demon to coexist on Earth together. Diplomats agree to this, seeing no other option, and so humans and demon now live together to make a better world. The story will take place a couple years after the rapture. Since this leaves itself open to a bunch of different routes, I would love to plan this out with anyone who's interested.
The Cliche

Muse A is a hero tasked with rescuing some unknown princess from the demon lord. On his search, he stumbles upon Muse B who is on a mission of their own. As the Cliche gods demand, the two decide to journey with one another until their goal is reach. Nothing to outlandish about this one. Just a guilty pleasure of mine.
Witches, women who have dabbled in witchcraft for one reason another. Some made pacts with the devil and are lustful creatures created to sin, to tempt humanity away from the path of God, or so the church says. These women, and even men, were burned at the stake or beheaded for these crimes against humanity. The first to fall was the young hero of France in 1431, the saint Joan of Arc who led the country to victory against England. A god-fearing girl who only wanted what was best for her people had been tied down to a stake and set a blaze by the countrymen that she sought to protect. Soon in the early 1500s, witch trials began sprouting all across southeastern France, beginning in the small town of Valais, and eventually spreading all across Europe. The death toll steadily grew as more women and men were accused of witchcraft daily. The church was in charge of proctoring these trials, following Malleus Maleficarum or the Hammer of Witches, to help to identify and deal with these blasphemous beings.

However, what if I were to tell you that there were no witches, no man or woman capable of controlling magic, all of this a front for something much more sinister? So why did the trials exist in the first place when women and men could not defend themselves nor were they given any formal or fair trial? Was it due to fear? Fear of the unknown? If so, why had the church made it their goal to proctor all these trial when their man power would be spread were they to continuously do so? Earlier I've stated that there is no such thing as witches or sorcerers, so now I ask, what if I were to tell you that witches weren't born, but made? The church, their holy bible and the Hammer of Witches did not tell of how to destroy witches, but how to create them. A terrifying thought, to make what you seek to vanquish. Oh, but there is more to the story than meets the eyes. For though witches are the creation of humans, the devils and angels spoke of in the ancient texts are very much real.
Into another world
Muse A and B are people completely unrelated to one another, and are as different as night and day. However, one circumstance leads to another and the two are held at gun point by men dressed in black, loan sharks after Muse B for the debts of his deceased father. Amidst this, Muse A is accidentally dragged along and now both are facing a life and death situation. None which are their fault yet here they stand. In a last ditch effort to escape, the two run into a busy street only to meet their end at the hands of a 18 wheeler. Presumed dead, a light flashes and their life seemingly flashes through their eyes.

Going unconscious, they awaken to find themselves alive in the middle of nowhere surrounded by trees. They are in no physical pain although their is a slight ringing in their head. They have full memory of what happened to them which makes the situation even more unbelievable. Checking themselves, they find that not only there location is different, but so is there bodies. They are no longer the same people they were before and even more strange, one of both of their bodies don't even appear to be human. Here is basically where they have to figure out what the hell is going on and where in the world they are.

Muse A and B are the lowest ranked monsters in the world they reside. There species are often killed in bulk by adventurers seeking to make a little coin or to practice. Many humans don't realize behind their appearance that they are living creatures who seek to live a long life as any other organism would. However, everyday their kind is killed as exp fodder or eaten by stronger monsters. Not anymore. Two monsters who happen upon one another after escaping with their lives from adventurers seek to change themselves and the world around them. Both have something the other is without and having the same goal they decide to reach the pinnacle of success for monster, becoming the demon king. With that in mind, the two set out on a journey in order to evolve and grow into the most powerful monsters alive.
Who Am i?

The basic premise is a simple body swap. Muse A and Muse B have, for one reason or another, swapped bodies with each other and now they are trying to figure out why this is. This takes place in a modern day setting. Kinda need to flush this out a bit more, so if you're interested in this one, prep for some plotting.

If interested feel free to send me a PM or drop a message here. Thanks!
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