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Fandom A Baldur's Gate Search


Mentally and chronically ill
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hello! My name is Riliane! I am a 23 year old nursing student currently on break for the summer and I am looking for some more roleplays to occupy my time. Currently, my craving is Baldur's Gate 3. I recently started playing the game again after not playing it for over a year and now I am craving a roleplay with the characters! This will be a little barebones, as I'm not looking to make my search pretty and super detailed, just enough to get out what I'm looking for in a partner.

A little about what I'm searching for:
  • Someone who is relatively active. I understand we have lives outside of roleplaying, so I will not bug you for replies, but I will send a small reminder if you haven't replied within a week. Feel free to do the same!
  • Do not ghost me. If you really aren't feeling the roleplay anymore, please tell me. I promise I won't get upset
  • OOC chatter! I love talking about our OCs outside of the roleplay, headcanoning, and making plans for what they will encounter in the future in the roleplay. I love making friends with my roleplay partners, so if this sounds like you, please hop in my DMs!
  • Be at least 18
  • Be willing to double and do OC x CC or OC x OC if that drives your fancy
As for love interests, because I've yet to beat the game, I sadly will not be able to play characters that show up in the later sections of Act 2 and entirety of Act 3, however for the characters that show up from the Last Light Inn and back to the beginning of the game, I will be able to play them for you! As for me, I am looking for Astarion (original, I know) or Wyll.

If you are interested in a BG3 roleplay with me, please leave a comment below or PM me and we can discuss things further! I hope to hear back from you all! Have a lovely day!
Hey there! I'm interested in potentially roleplaying and being friends with a fellow BG3 fan! I'm 25 and love to doodle my OCs and write little drabbles about them in my free time! PM me if you're still interested in another rp partner :)

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