A babysitter's ticklish ordeal.

Character sign-up sheet

Name//Age (17-18)//Sexuality

Traits: +_____, ______, _____ ; -_____, _____, _____


(most preferably, a still photograph)


(Quotes, quips, and anything else about who you are)


(What is your story?)
Name: Angel Quinn

Age: 17

Sexuality: Bisexual

Traits: + Funny, Smart, Flirty ; - Caring, Fun, Musical





Backstory: Angel was left on the front door of somebody, and they didn't take her. Instead, a women took her to her home and raised her like her own. When Angel's birthdays would come they would dance across the yard to her favorite songs, play hide the presents and lots of other fun stuff. Until, the woman she called 'mom' died of breast cancer. Once again, Angel was left alone at the age of 13. She found a foster home one day and they took her in. So, she lived out her life with them.

"Air is $.50 now. It's about time you got filled up."


Quinn Davis//17//Straight



+knowledgeable -lazy

+innovative -introverted

+sincere -sarcastic

What makes Quinn...well, Quinn

Get off my case, Bro-seph."

Quinn is...well...she's weird. She enjoys Peanut butter & Pickle sandwiches and could still make you wish she was your girlfriend. She's not afraid of pink, she just doesn't like it. Honestly, if you ever wanted the a goofy and spontaneous friend, she'd be it.. Not that she'll ever let you know it.

She has this weird idea that if you bother a person enough, they'll eventually start to like you. And by bother, she means pry, snoop, and just get 'straight all up in your grill.', if that makes any sense. Takes pleasure in knocking other people out for undermining the under dogs of the world. She has a pet kitten named Captain Meow-Luc Picard--and yes, she is an avid TNG fan.

Backstory, Smackstory

Give it to me straight, Papa-Bear."

Quinn gets her moodiness from her aunt. With her parents abandoning her as a child, she has grown into some authoritative issues. It suits her, since she is practically well learned enough to be an adult...with a business. But all in all, there is one thing she hates.


The one thing on the planet Quinn cant stand to save her life.

One More Thing...

Quinn usually wears skirts and heeled Doc Martins. Cause she's cool like that.

Likes: kittens, PB&P, prank phone calls

Hates: secrets, long walks on the beach, sunburn

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RedInkKid said:

"Air is $.50 now. It's about time you got filled up."


Quinn Davis//18//Straight



+knowledgeable -lazy

+innovative -introverted

+sincere -sarcastic

What makes Quinn...well, Quinn

Get off my case, Bro-seph."

Quinn is...well...she's weird. She enjoys Peanut butter & Pickle sandwiches and could still make you wish she was your girlfriend. She's not afraid of pink, she just doesn't like it. Honestly, if you ever wanted the a goofy and spontaneous friend, she'd be it.. Not that she'll ever let you know it.

She has this weird idea that if you bother a person enough, they'll eventually start to like you. And by bother, she means pry, snoop, and just get 'straight all up in your grill.', if that makes any sense. Takes pleasure in knocking other people out for undermining the under dogs of the world. She has a pet kitten named Captain Meow-Luc Picard--and yes, she is an avid TNG fan.

She has no idea why her aunt is making her attend school at the same place she works. It doesn't bother Quinn much, but she feels she deserves an explanation. There are too many things she doesn't know.

Backstory, Smackstory

Give it to me straight, Papa-Bear."

Quinn doesn't know much about her parents. Aunt Cheryl wont tell her a d*mned thing. Quinn doesn't remember much of anything about her past....not one bit. She knows that she was hospitalized many times, but she can't quite remember why. Her aunt says her memories are repressed and there is a good reason why.


The one thing on the planet Quinn cant stand to save her life.

One More Thing...

Quinn usually wears skirts and heeled Doc Martins. Cause she's cool like that.

Likes: kittens, PB&P, prank phone calls

Hates: secrets, long walks on the beach, sunburn

Why is her name Quinn?! Thats my characters last name! 
[QUOTE="Oreo Panda]Why is her name Quinn?! Thats my characters last name!

Yeah watever

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