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Fandom _gravity falls_



a search by em

gravity falls

the redo-






#gravityfalls #rewrite #advanced

ค ๔คгкภєรร คקקг๏คςђєร...

  • Writing Sample.

    7/18/1970, Monday.
    Stanford Pines.

    “Look, it was a mistake! Although, if you think about it, maybe there’s a silver lining, huh?”

    He was seeing red. He couldn’t see past the smoke from his broken perpetual motion machine that had somehow seemed to follow him home-

    “...treasure hunting?”

    Past the stupid bag of Toffee Peanuts that had been lying next to it because of his stupid brother who was standing in front of him with that stupid smile- “Are you kidding me!? Why would I wanna do anything with the person who sabotaged my entire future!?”

    Not even the look of sudden realization setting on Stanley’s face at how horribly he had messed up as Ford shoved him (because Ford wasn’t the one who lashed out when he was angry- that had always been Stanley’s M.O.) could quell the monster roaring inside of him.

    “You did what, you-”

    His eyes shot open to the sound of his alarm. Rolling onto his side, he reached out towards the off button. The blinking green ‘6:00 a.m.’ seemed to be mocking him.

    Six in the morning. Six-fingered freak.


    No. Not today, he decided resolutely as he pushed himself out of bed, forcing the memories that loved to plague his subconscious out of his mind; forcing himself to believe that ‘not today’ didn’t happen more than he would care to admit and that it was more like ‘not ever’. Not ever thinking about Stanley- his brother, his twin, his other half; not ever knowing where he was, or what was he up to, or if he was even okay- not ever. Not ever. Stanley was fine, surely. His twin had always been more resourceful than anyone had ever cared to give him credit for…besides, Stanley had completely derailed hif life. Ford didn’t need to be involved in his recklessness.

    He had a master’s thesis to get a head start on, anyway.

    It was the first day of his second year at Backupsmore. The first day of his sixth semester, really, and it didn’t even seem like the start of a new year considering he hadn’t left campus; he’d been loading up on classes every chance he got, which not only included the regular two semesters, but winter break and both available summer sessions. It wasn’t even that he felt like he had to push himself, even though there was a significant amount of pressure from his father to succeed, it was just nice to feel challenged for once-


    It was already 7:45. His first class was at eight, and he had wanted to get there early as to avoid getting too mixed up with the people coming in from summer vacation and the general mass confusedly swarming around campus on the first day of the semester. Plus, he had garnered a bit of a reputation and knew his teachers would want to pull him aside at some point to talk about the more accelerated work available. It was bad enough when people noticed his extra fingers and oogled (he could always see them out of the corner of his eyes); he certainly didn’t need his teachers calling him out on his achievements in front of his classmates.

    Ford frantically grabbed his backpack, picking up a few extra books and tucking his thesis paper into the most relevant one in the hopes that he would have a minute to look over it at lunch. He rushed out of the dormitory into unfortunately windy weather and an even more unfortunately crowded campus.

    A sea of students sat in front of him and he started pushing through as best he could, trying not to get too distracted by the whirlwind of shouting and laughing surrounding him, although he must have been doing something wrong considering one sneakily placed shoulder-check from a jock in a group of team mates and a perfectly timed gust of wind had his thesis sliding out from the book he had wedged it in; the multiple pages of carefully crafted research scattering across a stretch of campus lawn as the crowd of students started thinning out. The realization that he was going to be late to the first class of the semester was not nearly as strong as the realization that he would have to start his work all over if he lost even one page, so he started going after it- perfect attendance and the people undoubtedly staring at him be damned. What was one more horribly cringey school experience to add to the pile of millions, anyway?




♡coded by uxie♡

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