I don't even know anymore, honestly. Who does?
Well, in any case, I'm back again after doing another fucking hiatus and I want you to partner with me, a literal pile of human garbage.
I have simple guidelines. If you can't follow them, don't post here. I'm sick of people overlooking this shit and then asking me about it when they could have easily read it or at least skimmed it. Don't be that person.
My ideas are weird and I don't understand why people are so disinterested in them. People don't like trying new, weird things and it sucks pretty badly.
There are a couple of grossly cliche ones and a couple of really unorthodox ones to keep you readers up on your toes. The weird star thing (*) means that's the role I want. Deal with it.
And that's it. That's all.
Okay, I don't think I can make this any clearer.
Just post below.
I hope you can lower your standards enough to partner with me.
Well, in any case, I'm back again after doing another fucking hiatus and I want you to partner with me, a literal pile of human garbage.
I have simple guidelines. If you can't follow them, don't post here. I'm sick of people overlooking this shit and then asking me about it when they could have easily read it or at least skimmed it. Don't be that person.
- Grammar. Nobody can be perfect, but Christ, you're a writer. I expect some decent grammatical skill seeing as you're a writer. If English isn't your first language or you're dyslexic or something, I'm happy to make an exception because those things are valid excuses, but don't write your posts in some shitty format if you're capable of nice English. It pisses me off.
- Post length. I will never accept one-liners. Ever. Ever, ever. One beefy paragraph is the bare minimum. You can give me one-liners when you want to drop the role-play and drop me as a partner, because that's what'll happen.
- Patience. I have a shitty life right now. I have responsibilities and stress exploding out of my ass and I require a lot, a lot of patience on your part. I suck at deadlines and getting things done fast. Please just fucking wait up for me and I will wait up for you when you're at your limit. I sometimes lose motivation to do anything and that crushes my ability to write (and eat, and sleep), so don't expect a post a day. Don't do it. You'll only hate me when I don't provide it.
My ideas are weird and I don't understand why people are so disinterested in them. People don't like trying new, weird things and it sucks pretty badly.
There are a couple of grossly cliche ones and a couple of really unorthodox ones to keep you readers up on your toes. The weird star thing (*) means that's the role I want. Deal with it.
- Giant [M] / Human [F] - Yep. One of these. Some fantasy world, basically just a human and a giant happening upon each other and having some type of aggressive exchange. They basically decide that two heads are better than one after some interaction and they team up to go on stupid quests and do fun shit.
- Really Outgoing [M] / Really Subdued* [F] - This is an odd-looking one but it's real simple. A really outgoing and happy person falls for a really calm/subdued/tired person. The outgoing person has friends that they go to for advice on how to appeal to the subdued person and it'll be cute. Modern realistic, probably high school setting.
- Experiment* [M] / Scientist [F] - Yeah, shoot me for doing such an overdone idea. Shape-shifting creature is captured and tested on, and there's a job assigned for medically trained professionals to go into the experiments' habitat once a day to do a physical exam on the subject. New medical person is hired, meets the experiment, and is really nice and civil with them (which is a big change for the experiment). A weird bond starts to form. I have a full idea for this, so let me know if you want to read it.
- Traveling Human [M] / Fae [F] - Another fantasy setting. Human travels the world, with their own paths and belongings and independence, and they stumble across a lone fae. The fae seems to have a broken wing or something that cripples their ability to fly, and the human feels sorry for the fae and takes the fae back to their camp to help heal it. Character development and stuff. (Fae in this case is the whole four to five inch tall kind, affiliated with nature, etc. There seems to be different kinds of fae, so I wanted to clarify.)
And that's it. That's all.
Okay, I don't think I can make this any clearer.
Just post below.
I hope you can lower your standards enough to partner with me.