Lurking in the Moonlight
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Hello there! Great of you to stop by! As you can tell from the title this is a search for My Hero Academia/ Boko No Hero Academia roleplay! I'll just go ahead and cut to the chase such as things I'm looking for in a roleplay, what you can expect from me and etc.
The first thing is first, here are some of the things I'm looking for in the roleplay/ things to expect from me.
I think that is it for now! I'm willing to answer any questions and concerns you have! If you are interested in roleplaying with me I would be honored. Don't hesitate to send me a PM if you are interested! Although, I'll answer on here as well. If you decide to PM me please tell me your age, word/paragraph count, triggers/limits, okay with adult themes and who’d you want as a love interest as part as your intro!
The first thing is first, here are some of the things I'm looking for in the roleplay/ things to expect from me.
- I tend to be on the descriptive side and write about 500+ words. I write about 3-5 paragraphs. They tend to be pretty lengthy or short, depending on how I'm feeling. I would say I'm a semi-lit to an advanced lit writer. So, if you are around the same then that's great!
- I'm only interested in doing OC x Canon roleplays right now. I'm also totally down for doubling so both of us have our own sides! Which is what I do on a regular. If you want to do just one side you may be able to convince me, but I prefer to just double.
- As of right now I am all caught up on the anime and have watched the movies. I haven't read the manga yet just because I don't have that kind of time. Although, if I find the time, I may pick it up. I'm open to roleplaying with anyone who just got into the fandom, although I wouldn't want to spoil anything for you! DX
- I prefer to roleplay off-site. I like to write an actual story so I prefer sites like Discord or Google Docs. I will headcannon here too but will do it where the roleplay is taking place mostly.
- As someone over the age of 18+, I would prefer it if my partner is over the age of 18+. I don't mind adding dark themes to the roleplay, I prefer it actually. However, I really love fluff and romance! (Slow burn or not). Drama and Angst is also totally my game too! ^^
- I have many interests that I choose from but I usually go with Katsuki Bakugo to be paired with my OC. I can play just about anyone for you including characters outside of your romantic interest., (Yes Heroes and Villains!) However, there are some characters I do not have experience with (Characters such as Chisaki, Bakugo, Togata, etc.). However, depending on the character, I'm willing to do my absolute best for you! c:
- I'm totally all for LGBTQ characters, but I have to warn you I have 0% experience roleplaying with them. I prefer MxF just because that is my main experience but I am open to trying new things. I figured I'd give a warning in advance. ^^'
- Decent Grammar would be nice so I can understand what I'm reading. As far as OC's please keep them realistic and not overpowered.
- Looking for someone who has tons of ideas and storylines to choose from? I'm your partner then! I have many and I also customize my own to fit certain characters within the fandom! If you decide you want to take a shot with me, I'll show you what I'm talking about!
If you have your own plot that you would like to try out, don't hesitate to come to me with it! I love trying out new plots/scenarios.
- I typically reply every day, I'll communicate with you if I know I'll be busy and would like the same but I also get that life happens! I like long-term roleplays and don't particularly like ghosting, but again, I know life happens.
I think that is it for now! I'm willing to answer any questions and concerns you have! If you are interested in roleplaying with me I would be honored. Don't hesitate to send me a PM if you are interested! Although, I'll answer on here as well. If you decide to PM me please tell me your age, word/paragraph count, triggers/limits, okay with adult themes and who’d you want as a love interest as part as your intro!
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