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Raptorgoat Raptorgoat

MOOD: very tense

OUTFIT: sweater + maxi skirt + sneakers

LOCATION: platform nine and three-quarters

TL;DR Otto is tense but is happy to see his boyfriend
slytherin prefect

Usually Otto would be so excited for a new year at Hogwarts. He would be a bouncy, hyperactive mess every September 1st and be ready to sit in a train compartment for nine hours and indulge in lots of sweets. Usually, he’ll be so talkative and rambling and super excited. But now? Not at all. Nope. Yeah, he should be excited for his final year at Hogwarts. But the prefect is on edge. It’s been a year since Voldemort had been defeated. But the atmosphere is still tense and unsure. Otto might be overreacting — it might just be the anxiety telling him this. That it’s not over.

Otto cannot have otters guard down, you know? Otter does that a lot which is why otter’s so easy to spook. Like, Otto is extremely easy to spook; like you could just say otters name and Otto will jump onto the ceiling. Yeah, not very Slytherin of Otto. Speaking of Slytherin, the Slytherin house got so much shit after the… second wizarding war. Just because a bunch of Death Eaters or something were in that house. Or something like that, you know. Otto’s not like that. Not at all. Nope.

Otto’s the best prefect ever . He’s chill, relaxed, lets people wander the castle after curfew, that sort of thing. See? Best prefect ever! Even if it is a mystery as to how he got chosen as prefect of Slytherin.

It’s a gloomy day today. Raining and the sky is absolutely covered with dark, gray clouds. No sun shining today. Perfect day today isn’t it? It’s a downpour and Otto wonders what it’s going to be like at Hogwarts. Is otter the only one that’s tense? Probably not. But this year isn’t going to be so bad, is it? Yeah, it’ll be fun! Otto just has to cheer up and look on the bright side. What’s the worst that could happen this year? A repeat of last year? Well… maybe not. Maybe this year will be better! Just look on the bright side.

What’s the likelihood of a repeat of last year happening? Little to none right? But Otto cannot relax. Nope. Otto is tense and paranoid and otter can feel the tension in the atmosphere.
Listen, Otto is just a ball of hyperactive energy and anxiety. Leave otter alone. It’s okay. Because it’s just one more year at Hogwarts. Just one more year and Otto will be out of Hogwarts. And the pine marten animagus will surely make the most of the year! Yeah, otter’ll do great! Absolutely.

Birdie and Otto had been making their way to King’s Cross Station with mama for the final time. Otto wanted to finish up his years at Hogwarts. “Alright you two, I’m sure you will do just fine. Everything’s going to be alright.” Mama assured the twins. Otto had packed otters things the night before, it’s easier that way even if Otto had just stuffed a whole bunch of things in there. And then there’s Cookie in her pet carrier.

Otto is ready to settle down in a train compartment for nine hours and relax. Otter’s running on very, very little sleep right now and lots of caffeine. Like a lot of caffeine. Well, Otto does thrive on affection, attention, little sleep, and caffeine!

The trio had gone through the brick wall. Mama had always done that to see the two off. Which is great because Otto’s first year was full of sobbing and crying and not wanting to get on the train.

Farewell hugs and last exchanges of goodbye before mama left.

Birdie and Otto had split up by now. Birdie’s going to go find faer friends while Otto is going to be searching for otters boyfriend. Yeah! Otto’s absolute himbo werewolf boyfriend will surely cheer otter up! It’ll be alright, Otto just has to find otters boyfriend in the crowd.

Where is his boyfriend? Otto’s short and he has to strain his neck to be able to look through the crowd. Sad.

There’s Arsène!

Everything is better now. Yep, everything is better.

A small smile was pulling at Otto’s lips as the Slytherin prefect was starting to make his way over to the werewolf. He had to set his things down to hug Arsène.

Tackle hug for Arsène!

Well, more of an attempt at a tackle hug. Still, it is a hug! A hug for the best boyfriend in the world! His himbo werewolf boyfriend. Otto just loves Arsène very much! It’s so amazing and good to see Arsène again; Otto’s smiling more now. Listen, he’s so happy to see his boyfriend again. Very happy. Ecstatic, even.

“Arsène,” Otto spoke sweetly, “the bestest boyfriend in the whole world that I could ask for,” yes bestest is in fact a word, “I missed you so much.” He sure did! Plus, Arsène owes Otto lots and lots of cuddles and affection! A big hug for the Hufflepuff!

It was time to get out of the rain now. Otto picked up otters luggage and Cookie’s pet carrier. The rain is nice but Otto wanted to be in a warm, dry train compartment now. Yep! Let’s get out of the rain.

“Come on Arsène, let’s get out of the rain and find an empty compartment to sit in.”
code by valen t.

Arsène Dubois

September 1st, A new year! A long train ride and another year at Hogwarts. Although would it be the same after that war……The werewolf hadn’t a clue. He honestly never had a clue. But with the wizarding war last year- everyone was still a bit nervous and concerned. Expect for maybe Arsène…….He was a bit of an idiot at times and kinda had mostly forgotten about those events from last year by now. He’s just a fun loving guy who can be a bit of a himbo werewolf! It’s fine really! Arsène is totally fine! Okay!

Arsène was a werewolf and pretty open about the fact. Well, cause it was better to be open about it and He always managed to take the potion so unlikely a himbo werewolf would cause too much trouble. Besides , they had quite a few werewolves at Hogwarts now! Arsène is more than just a werewolf thought! He’s a Hufflepuff and quite proud of it. Hufflepuff’s still had a little bit of a reptutation of being soft but that wizarding war showed them! Yeah! But enough about that!

Arsène had lots to look forward to this year! Graduating, Good Food!, Oh fun places to try and do chaotic things that He wanted to try. He’s a little chaotic but most of the time people could stop Arsène from the wreckless or stupid things He wanted to try.

Once Arsène had arrived inside the station, it may have taken him a couple of tries but He finally made it too the platform. With a happy humm. He was always in a happy goofy mood! He could get upset but it was very rare. Just himbo things here! His parents were away on business per usual but He had gone to the station so many times even He couldn’t get lost! His lips just curled into a smile. But once He dragged his luggage with him onto the platform. He found a good spot to wait. Yes! Patiently waiting to find Otto, his Slytherin boyfriend so they could board the train together.

Arsène was just standing around happily just waiting. He got distracted by the rain a bit and was running around attempting to eat it and Just getting rain drops on his face instead. “ Oh drat!” He whined pouting a bit. Ugh it was frustrating when He couldn’t eat the rain. Before attempting to stick out his tongue instead which caught a few droplets. “ Salty” He shuddered before closing his mouth. Ah. Yeah, Not doing that again. This werewolf was not the biggest fan of salty things. Eh nope! But He really liked beef jerky. Beef was his favorite! Probably due to being a werewolf, But I digress! He was in his own world thinking of jerky in that moment. Finding his boyfriend forgotten for the moment.

Arsène was just lost in his own little world, per usual as He stood nearby his trunk. Before being tackle hugged before blinking for a moment. “ Huh?!” He squeaked out in surprise before Looking to see whomst was the hugger. Before noticing it was just his amazingly sweet boyfriend, Otto. His smile only got bigger as He hugged the small Slytherin tightly with a happy humm. The werewolf was oh so happy and giddy to see his boyfriend. “ Hellllloooooooooooo “ He couldn’t help but practically howl out in laughter. Yeah! He was a very happy himbo werewolf in that moment. It was always so amazing and lovely to see Otto! It was!

Such a happy sunshine himbo werewolf, Arsène was!!

“ Hello Otto!” Arsène spoke happily leaning to nuzzle noses for a moment. Happily to show affection to the other. He was just a happy guy in that moment. So happy. Seeing Otto made his day! It did! “ I missed you oh so much too! Mhm!” He replied with a nod. A proud gleam in his eyes. Yes! He knew that He missed the Slytherin. Slytherpuff relationships are howling amazing after all! Hehe puns! All the puns! “ Nooo you are the bestest boyfriend ever” He whispered. Before finally getting up from being thrown off balance with a happy smile. “ Yeah okay!” He nodded. “ Can I help with the luggage?” He asked politely. He should be able to manage yeah! Before looking up at the sky with a happy hum. “ Bye bye salty rain” He mused before once again attempting to eat the rain.

hims happy



º º code by ditto º º
Last edited:
MOOD: kinda anxious, but mostly hyper

OUTFIT: shark

LOCATION: platform nine and three-quarters

TL;DR Cypress is excited for a new year but also anxious because a wizarding war had happened a year earlier

September 1st — the official start of a new year at Hogwarts. And for Hufflepuff Cypress Petrova, it’s their sixth year. Usually there was excitement in the air for a new year at Hogwarts but this year is different. Instead of excitement, there’s nervousness and paranoia hanging in the air. You could feel it after getting through the brick wall and onto the platform. Like, Cypress is excited for a new year, but they could still feel the tension from some of the other students.

Who could forget the war last year? It’s on a lot of people’s minds still. It still has a lot of people shaken up and nervous about this year; including Cypress. How could they not be nervous? Like, yeah it seems like everything is over and everyone can breathe a sigh of relief and start anew but still. There’s always a chance. But Cypress shouldn’t be focusing on that! Nope! Not today!

Of course, Cypress isn’t going to let this ruin their first day back to Hogwarts, let alone the whole year. It’s a time to be excited and Cypress sure is excited! Yep, they sure are! Anxious but also excited. Cypress enjoyed going to Hogwarts! And the fact that a wizarding war had happened the year before is not going to dampen the mood. Not at all. This is going to be a great year!

Cypress’ parents hadn’t joined them on the platform; they had parted ways before Cypress had run through the brick wall. And that’s okay! Because Cypress has Beanie and Snowy. Snowy is Cypress’ snowy owl. Very creative name!

“Come on Beanie!” Cypress told their tiger shark plushie which they were holding close to them. Listen, Cypress can talk about sharks all day. And dinosaurs too! And that is not a joke. Cypress can and will go on for six hours talking about sharks and dinosaurs to anyone who will listen to them. Yep! Cypress loves sharks and dinosaurs!


It was quite crowded on the platform with students and parents. Friends reuniting, sobbing and anxious first years, the usual things you’d expect on the first day back. Cypress was balancing holding their luggage and owl cage for Snowy in one hand while holding onto Beanie with the other. It is a struggle, really. Too many people here. Like, Cypress is all for making new friends but this crowd is too much! It’ll be a nightmare trying to board the train!

Cypress was going to wait to board the train; just waiting for the crowd to disperse. It would be better to board the train when there isn’t much of a crowd to push through. The Hufflepuff stood off to the side, standing away from the crowd of parents and students. They’ve got plenty of time before the train leaves, right? Yeah! When the crowd thins out, Cypress will board the train. Easy!

“We’ll just wait here until the crowd thins out and then we’ll board the train and find an empty compartment.” Cypress spoke to both the snowy owl and the tiger shark plushie. Yeah, don’t mind Cypress at all. Cypress is just a bubbly Hufflepuff! Yep! A very bubbly Hufflepuff who loves sharks and dinosaurs.
code by valen t.
MOOD- Trash funnnnnnnnn
location- Garbage can
Interactions: Cypress

Moss Miller - The Trash Panda ✦​
While everyone was arriving at the Platform, the hustle and bustle of students and their families arriving at the school. A trash can was rustling in the corner before falling over. A loud crashing sound emanating from it before a racoon was slowly climblings it way out. Whomst let a racoon onto the platform? How did it get in here? Why was it in the trash can? All absolutely valid questions. Very valid! The racoon stood up on it’s hind legs for a brief moment just looking around the platform. Beedy eyes just watching the troves of students. Almost looking like it was waiting….watching……Hmm odd………..Before running out of the garbage can area and scurry past Cypress’ feet as it was headed towards the corner.

But then it scurried off behind a corner and probably about 15 minutes had passed before Moss walked out, with their luggage and a happy humm. It was a well known fact that Moss was a racoon animagus. So yes, that racoon was Moss. No need to question the shenagains. How did Moss get their you ask? Hmm now that was a mystery. Don’t need to think much into it okay! Not necessary! None. Moss was here now with luggage in tow. The trash gremlin has arrived. Letting go of their luggage quickly to put up the garbage can and went to go sit on top of it. Protective of the garbage can and it’s contents. Hehe…..Yeah Moss was a little odd. But that is alright.

Swinging their feet as they perched on top of the garbage can. Brown eyes watching all of the other students. Moss was content where Moss was at for sure! Moss was always excited to be going back to Hogwarts. The trash and trash cans at Hogwarts are always so delightful and homey! Moss loved to hide in trash cans and pop out at people. Hehe. So far no one had learned which trashcans were Moss hiding spots. But hehe that is cause Moss changed them weekly. Moss loved all the trash cans.

He did!

No questions needed!

The 6th year Slytherin non-binary racoon animagus just knew it was going to be another amazing year! Moss had wrote a poem about racoons and trash that Moss wanted to share. But they would have to find someone willing to listen. Yup! Now that would be hard but Moss was always up for a challenge! Now time to get onto the train as soon as ! Moss wanted to get on the train and find a place to hide so Moss can sleep most of said train ride.

Moss blinked slowly and glanced over at the person nearest to them. “ Hey! You! Sorry if I spooked you! Didn’t know anyone was around”

code by valen t.
MOOD: doing alright

OUTFIT: very cute

LOCATION: train compartment

TL;DR tapioca settles into a train compartment
ravenclaw seeker

The last year for Tapioca starts today. What’s she going to do when she officially leaves Hogwarts? It’s her last year here and she’s honestly going to miss Hogwarts when she leaves unless she manages to land a job at Hogwarts. Hmmm, Professor Tapioca Karter! Well, that certainly has a nice ring to it! Well, she can certainly be a professor at Hogwarts if she can get a job there! But what will she teach? She’s got a whole year to think about it! Because she’s got to get through her seventh year smoothly. Tapioca remembered when she was a wee little sobbing first year. Yep.

Sonata, Tapioca’s snowy owl, was comfortably perched on her shoulder, occasionally ruffling her feathers to shake rainwater off. It’s really sad that Tapioca doesn’t have a mini umbrella for Sonata. It seems that they both hate the rain. Tapioca isn’t a rainy weather kind of girl. Nope. She’s more of a sunshine girl. Also, definitely not a fan of the cold. Not at all! Tapioca is more of a warm weather kind of girl. The rain and cold are so awful and dreadful for the Ravenclaw. But you know, you gotta absolutely love Britain’s weather here!

Tapioca and her dad were making their way through Kings Cross Station to reach the platform between nine and ten. Her mother, Amelia, couldn’t go since she was feeling ill that morning. Must be the rain and the chill. But even though it’s the first day back to Hogwarts, there’s a tension hanging in the air. One that usually isn’t there on the first day.

Who could forget about the wizarding war last year? Tapioca sure didn’t forget about it. It seems like it still has a lot of people shaken up and worried. And Tapioca will be lying if she said she’s not worried. Because she is, in fact, worried. Because like, it could happen again! Maybe not likely, but that’s always a chance that it could.

Tapioca shouldn’t be worrying herself. It’s not like another war is going to happen and absolutely ruin any chance of having a Quidditch match.

Nothing will ruin Quidditch. Except for rainy weather; that’s about the only thing that could possibly ruin Quidditch. As the Ravenclaw seeker, it is up to Tapioca to ensure that Ravenclaw will win quidditch matches! And be the best at quidditch practice too! Yeah. You can tell that Tapioca is passionate about Quidditch. Yep.


“Alright kiddo,” Tapioca’s dad said which brought Tapioca out of her thoughts, “this is your last year so do your best and don’t get into trouble.” Tapioca’s dad told her. Tapi cannot promise him that she’ll not get into trouble. Where’s the fun in that? There is no fun in that! “Yes dad, I won’t get into too much trouble.” The Ravenclaw spoke up. What’s so fun about following the rules? Well like, yeah Tap is going to follow the rules but only to an extent. Dad laughed a little, “alright if you do cause trouble just don’t get caught.” He told her. Of course. Tapioca will do her best not to get caught!

It’s best she be off now if she wants to get a good train compartment. And to not miss the train. But it’s not like she’s going to miss the train. Of course not. t. And to not miss the train. “Alright dad,” Tapioca began, and she cleared her throat, “I’ll see you and mom during Christmas break.” Tapioca gave her dad a smile. Just three months and she’ll see her parents during Christmas break. “Goodbye dad! And tell mom I hope she gets better soon!”

With a steadying breath and one last look at Hermes who waved goodbye to her once more, Tapioca ran through the brick wall and entered the platform. The Ravenclaw grinned at the sight of the Hogwarts Express and she was hoping she could maybe sit with some friends in a compartment. It's good to be back! Now, Tapioca can relax for nine hours and indulge in a couple of sweets. She doesn't have that big of a sweet tooth, but she'll indulge on occasion.

“Come on Sonata, let’s find a dry compartment.” Tapioca told her owl who blinked in response. That seems like a reasonable answer. Tapioca rolled her luggage behind her as she began to weave her way through the growing crowd of students and parents to get to the train. The Ravenclaw stepped aboard the train.

Tapioca had to weave her way through a bunch of hyperactive first years who were running through the train corridors. Yikes. Tapioca made her way through the train corridors, sticking close to the wall to avoid bumping into anyone. She headed towards the end of the corridor and found an empty compartment.

Well, this compartment seems nice. Nice and cozy. Now, Tapioca is a social butterfly so obvious she won't mind sharing the compartment with other people of course. Tapioca slid the door shut and reached to put her luggage up on the rack. Nine hours of relaxation is ahead. With her luggage put away, Tapioca took a seat closest to the window.

Now, she just has to wait for the familiar jolt of the train moving.
code by valen t.

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